Newbie - Replacement hud

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Newbie - Replacement hud

Post by CaptKev »

First of all I would like to say hello to everyone on the Oolite bulletin board and a big thanks to everyone that has worked on Oolite and the OXP's for giving me the chance to relive the Elite experience.

I've created a new hud based on a screen grab on another thread.


It has been tested on 1024x768 and 800x640, if anyone was interested in it, how would I make it available as a replacement hud?
Last edited by CaptKev on Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by LittleBear »

Wow! Looks really nice.

Put it in an OXP with the Image in the Images folder and the .plist in the Config folder and zip it. If you create an account on Oosat2, you can then upload it together with a short description. It'll then come up on Oosat2 then next time Winston updates it, probabley a few days.
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Post by CaptKev »

Thanks LittleBear, I'll do that. BTW love the OXP's you've created *two thumbs up*
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Post by Wolfwood »

Not Found
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Post by Uncle Reno »

Wolfwood wrote:
Not Found
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What Wolfwood is saying here is that the link brings the above message up and I get the same result. :(
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Post by CaptKev »

Wolfwood and Uncle Reno could you try again when you get the chance, hopefully you'll be able to view it now.
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Post by Uncle Reno »

Yep, works for me now and it looks great! 8)

And I forgot, welcome to the board. :)
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Post by DaddyHoggy »

Welcome CaptKev - that's a fantastic looking HUD - bravo.

Quick question - where does the "S" for station come up when you dock?

Love the impression the flip up HUD for the sight gives - have you considered tweeking the transparency (like other's (sorry can't rember who - the Mil Spec HUD I think) have done) to give a crosshair that gives you a central point (to make aiming "slightly" easier)?

The other thing I like is that it instantly gives the impression of sitting to the right hand side of the ship's cockpit rather than centrally - which suits the UK driving position nicely (not so familiar for our US and Continental Europe counterparts)

BTW, how much of it disappears when you dock? i.e. can you see the flip up HUD "glass" when docked?
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

Welcome to the BB!
Rocking HUD, chap. Does the power indicator work okay with lots of energy banks (8+)?

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Post by CaptKev »

Thanks for the welcome everyone, DaddyHoggy the "S" shows just above the energy banks, I'll look into adding a small dot or cross to the sight (want to keep the trading screen as clear as possible).

Captain Hesperus I haven't tried it with more than 4 energy banks at the moment, how would I be able to test this easily (I'm still Harmless and 'strapped for credits', lol)
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Post by DaddyHoggy »

@Cap'nK - yup I think I can see the very spot. Cheers.
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

CaptKev wrote:
Captain Hesperus I haven't tried it with more than 4 energy banks at the moment, how would I be able to test this easily (I'm still Harmless and 'strapped for credits', lol)
Aaaaaaaasssss long as it's simply to see the capacity of your energy banks display, you can alter a copy of the save file thus:

Use a good text editor like Notepad++ (free download found here and find this bit of code in the save file:-

Code: Select all

change it to:

Code: Select all

and save. (make sure you have Azzameen's Star Wars Ship OXP installed, otherwise it won't work!)

When you open your altered COPY save file, you should be in a TIE Interceptor, which has <8 (can't remember exactly how many) energy banks.

Easy, see.


All the best,

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Post by CaptKev »

After flying the Tie Interceptor, I'm very reluctant to go back to the Cobra Mk III, better start saving my credits! :)

It appears to work okay, but the bars look very thin.

Last edited by CaptKev on Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

CaptKev wrote:
After flying the Tie Interceptor, I'm very reluctant to go back to the Cobra Mk III, better start saving my credits! :)
Yeah! :)
But I gotta admit, the Kestrel makes me all warm and fuzzy :wink:

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Post by Wolfwood »

Can see the image now! Looks pretty good! (although the right-side drivers of UK only manage to confuse me)
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