oolite-equipment-control.js startUp event handler

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oolite-equipment-control.js startUp event handler

Post by dybal »

The OXPs startUpComplete event handlers are being called before the startUp event handler from in oolite-equipment-control.js

Is that expected?

I'm trying to get the worldScripts["Oolite Equipment Control"].$baseline values for shieldRechargeRate in a function called in an OXP startUpComplete but $baseline is still empty...

EDIT: it's not the OXP startUpComplete that's being called, but equipmentAdded event handler - in my code both call the same auxiliar function that tried to get the worldScripts["Oolite Equipment Control"].$baseline values, so I thought if was done in startUpComplete. I will put check conditions to deal with it. Sorry for another false alarm... :roll:
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