Plist problem

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Plist problem

Post by Draco_Caeles »

In my stderr.txt file, I keep getting this, over and over again:

Code: Select all

2006-06-27 16:11:05.000 oolite.exe[1136] don't know how to load entity '' id '-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN'
.:3: validity error : Validation failed: no DTD found !
<plist version="1.0">
2006-06-27 16:11:05.000 oolite.exe[1136] don't know how to load entity '' id '-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN'
.:3: validity error : Validation failed: no DTD found !
<plist version="1.0">
Given that the OXPs seem to load perfectly fine, I was wondering what this was all about.

I'm using the latest beta version ported to the PC (1.65b3?).
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Post by Selezen »

Ignore it. Giles says it's not important.

Something about out of date DTD information on Apple's site seems to ring true. But anyway, it doesn't affect anything in game, so until Giles tidies it up don't worry about it.
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Post by winston »

Well, it won't be Giles. It only affects the Windows version (and used to affect the Linux version). The problem is that GNUstep can't find the DTD (Document Type Definition), which can be used to check the validity of an XML document (which is what a plist is).

I modified GNUstep Base for the Linux version to stop trying to check the validity of the document which it can't do anyway, so you don't get that warning any more.
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Post by Selezen »

Jeez, I'm not doing too well today.

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