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Too many pirates...

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 9:57 am
by Mikkail
I played Elite back in the 80's on the Apple //e (and attained Elite status), but am having problems with Oolite. I'm playing without any expansion packs so as to be close to the original. However, I keep getting swarmed by pirates - they seem to swarm 5 at a time. My memory is that they used to swarm 3 at a time, and I think I could handle that, but 5 at once! :(
Is there a way to cut down the number that spawn? Without altering the gameplay too much?

Re: Too many pirates...

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 6:21 pm
by Grindalf
I agree.
I have recently been playing the original BBC version and when Pirates attack its a group of 1 to 3 pirates. In Oolite I often get jumped by up to 8 pirates and sometimes I get more than 1 group after me, Ive had more pirates on the scanner than I can count.

I actually played Oolite before Elite so I just thought thats the way it is but when I played a version of the original I was suprised at how much easier combat was and how much smaller the pirate groups are.

You should check out Elite The New Kind. I believe its very close to the original

Re: Too many pirates...

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 7:48 am
by Disembodied
Discussion of phkb's PopulationControl.oxz moved to a new thread.