Superstitious Behaviour?

General discussion for players of Oolite.

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Damocles Edge
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Superstitious Behaviour?

Post by Damocles Edge »

At the risk of being laughed at (never stopped me in the better part of 50 yrs)....

I like to think of myself as a very rational person not superstitious at all I believe what the evidence is and so not attach events to outcomes where there is no link...

At least I would like to think that is how I think and in general life I would say that is very true, but then I think of things that I do in oolite and well.....

The words unbelievably massive hypocrite spring to mind..
I realised this when using ILS to dock, whereby you can inject all the way into the station, I am unable to do this and have to slow to a crawl for the last section immediately entering the dock.


when processing mineral ore after mining asteroids

I have convinced myself that
slowing to just a tad under half full speed yields much better results in terms of gems, gold, platinum etc

Is there anything similar in oolite that people care to share?

Or am I the only basket case here?

O.C.T.D (Oolite Crash Test Dummy) Hmm Hmm Hmm Hmm......
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Re: Superstitious Behaviour?

Post by another_commander »


I have convinced myself that, during combat (and after the first enemy shot has been fired), if I manage to perform three full anti-clockwise rolls followed by three full clockwise rolls without getting hit, I am guaranteed to win and walk alive no matter how many the opposition are.

At the end I don't know if it's luck or just a bad-ass top-gun manoeuver, but I guess it's now two of us.
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Re: Superstitious Behaviour?

Post by rom »

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