I just double-checked, and can confirm that cargo stopper doesn't activate for escape capsules. Maybe I
should make my own
I did manage to match speed and scoop it this time.
Side issue: I find that on Linux, one cannot change speed (w,s) at all while fine-control (ctrl) is depressed. I've added ctrl-(w,s) as extra speed keys on my setup now. Should have done that years ago!! Edit... adding ctrl-e
Finding the escape pod by normal means is super tricky when it can go at speed near 3000k and only 'drops' static waypoints. At that speed, between one waypoint going off, and the next one being dropped, the distance delta can be vast, and aiming at the waypoint gets frustrating. Using "Range Finder" is absolutely essential, and even then it's very hit-and-miss getting it into scanner range.
I've done quite a few of the Galcop Runaway Escape Pod missions in the past, though not for maybe a month or two. I don't remember *needing* to use range finder for them, or it being anywhere near as difficult. I aimed at the waypoint, flew as fast as I could, paused when I thought I was near, waited for waypoint again, repeated, and after a couple of iterations, would have the escape pod on scanner. I do remember it moving faster than other escape pods, but not at the ragged edge of my ship speed capability.
Maybe I just got worse at it, so if it's right that it's this hard, tell me it's right, and I'll wind my neck back in 
Edit: I just flew this a few more times. I got lucky with going in the right direction that I 'happened upon it' while chasing the waypoints twice out of about ten runs in all, the rest of the time I needed the range finder. Needed a good few goes to (re?-)get the hang of it. Maybe I'd just been regularly lucky with it in the past.
Lessons learned:
- Range finder is a more than just handy on this mission type.
- The waypoints are not attached to the escape pod (I'd really not noticed that until today).
- I suspect the difficulty rises with PS max speed. (?)
- On Linux at least, add ctrl-(e,w,s) as extra keys.
- Remember to add that 'ctrl-e' before enjoying the other two keys in combat

- I should spend half a day re-testing before I make an fool of myself on the bb.
- This mission type is WAY more fun than I remembered it to be.
Hopefully anyone else who finds this mission type near impossible, will happen upon this and try again.