[WIP] GalCop Missions

Discussion and information relevant to creating special missions, new ships, skins etc.

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[WIP] GalCop Missions

Post by phkb »

This is a beta release of a mission pack I'm working on called "GalCop Missions", and I'd really appreciate any feedback on how it's progressing. I'll try to keep this post as brief as possible.

What's in the box:
  • A set of re-playable, optional missions for the local area (ie mostly completable within 1-4 jumps).
  • Broad mix of mission types available: rescue, delivery, piracy, recovery, hunter, covert, and donation missions. Over 50 different types and variations.
  • Mostly short-form (rather than long-play) missions.
  • No new ships or stations, and only a small amount of new equipment. I'm trying to reuse existing game assets in (hopefully) new and interesting ways.
  • Includes concept of mission chaining, where the completion of one mission initiates a second, which will then trigger a third, and so on.
  • Reputation with galactic entities can give player better commodity prices, equipment purchase rebates, even rebates on ship purchases. Achieve awards for higher reputation. A positive or negative change to one entity can automatically produce a positive or negative change to another.

What's not in the box:
  • A meta-mission, or some type of plot-driven story. I've got one planned, but it's not implemented yet.

  • Bulletin Board System, for offering missions to player. You'll need to get the latest version of this (0.27).
  • Broadcast Comms MFD, used for ship-to-ship comms,
  • Email system, additional interface for offering player missions

If you'd like to contribute to this project in any way, either by testing the missions, writing some new mission text, fine-tuning of anything and everything, suggesting new missions, even just batting around ideas, please jump right on in! I could use all the help I can get on this one. Happy to go into more detail on any part of the OXP.

There's a RTF document in the "Resources" sub-folder of the OXP, which goes over some of the basics of how mission detail text is created. If you'd like to write some additional details, this is probably the best place to start. Feel free to PM me with your samples if the thought of editing a JS file makes you break out in a cold sweat.

I've created a wiki page with more information: [EliteWiki] GalCop Missions

The download links for version 0.3.6 is available via the download manager, or you can also download it here: GalCopMissions.oxz, or GalCopMissions.zip, depending on your preference for installation. The oxz version can be put, as-is, into your AddOns folder. The zip version will need the "GalCopMissions.oxp" folder extracted to the AddOns folder. I'll add this to the Download Manager once a few people have given it a bit of a shake-down cruise to find any major glitches/oversights.
Last edited by phkb on Sun May 20, 2018 11:34 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: [WIP] GalCop Missions

Post by Redspear »

This sounds great phkb!

As you are probably aware, I'm busy testing other stuff at the moment but if there's capacity to include a random mission generator (even a simple one) then I might be able to help.

I've got ideas for a randomisation 'formula' by combining various gameplay elements and strictures. Might sound rather grand but (on paper at least) is pretty simple. If you think it might be compatible then let me know.
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Re: [WIP] GalCop Missions

Post by javirodriguez »

it's incompatible with oolite 1.84 version!!!!!
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Re: [WIP] GalCop Missions

Post by phkb »

javirodriguez wrote:
it's incompatible with oolite 1.84 version
v0.0.3 is now compatible with Oolite 1.84.
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Re: [WIP] GalCop Missions

Post by CaptSolo »

Que? Contrabandistas cooperar nunca con el policia! Es la verdad, señor Sombrero?
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Re: [WIP] GalCop Missions

Post by Cody »

If by 'co-operate' you mean grease a few palms in order to ease the wheels of commerce, then such 'co-operation' may occur. Aside from that... nunca!
Mind you, for a contrabandista to 'appear' to co-operate with the Feds can lead to advantage and opportunity... or trouble, of course. <grins>
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Re: [WIP] GalCop Missions

Post by javirodriguez »

After some troubles I was able to complete this mission: “deliver 3t of radioactives to a ship at a waypoint……………”
I had to dump cargo one at a time because the Ship is a little clumsy when it comes to scooping cargo, it is not capable of pick up all the cargo, then it happens that the ship leaves and I couldn`t complete the mission.
It takes long to complete the mission as I have to wait for the ship to collect it all.
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Re: [WIP] GalCop Missions

Post by phkb »

What type of ship was the target?
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Re: [WIP] GalCop Missions

Post by javirodriguez »

it was a "mussurana".
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Re: [WIP] GalCop Missions

Post by phkb »

Did you come to a complete stop before ejecting the cargo? Did you eject the cargo in the direction of the ship? Did you eject the cargo in one direction or in multiple? I just need to recreate the conditions so I can track down the problem.
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Re: [WIP] GalCop Missions

Post by javirodriguez »

I can’t remember exactly how it was done. I´ll try to play the mission again and I will dump the cargo all together.
I did another “delivery mission” and it did not matter where it stopped my ship.
I did the same, I dumped the cargo (5t) one at a time, I was close to the target, firstly it was in front of me, later behind me…...
I was able to complete the mission.
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Re: [WIP] GalCop Missions

Post by phkb »

javirodriguez wrote:
I was able to complete the mission.
Well, that's good news!

V0.0.4 now available, which has a few bug fixes for some missions.
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Re: [WIP] GalCop Missions

Post by javirodriguez »

I think i got the handle of it.
it's essential to stop the ship or slow down to minimum speed.
The target was behind my ship, i dumped all of the cargo at once, and was able to pick it all up.
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Re: [WIP] GalCop Missions

Post by pagroove »

These missions look like fun. But I assume they are dependent on the emailsystem? Because I receive an email but I cannot open my emailsystem. So I assume that I can't finish the mission then?

I am pm'ing with phkb about the not working emailsystem on my system at the moment.
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Re: [WIP] GalCop Missions

Post by javirodriguez »

I installed 0.0.4 and it is working worse than 0.0.3.
I'm playing "special delivery missions" and this is what is now happening:
1) i'm not receiving information about "the meeting point" on my advanced compass.
2) When i get to the "meeting point" ( i used a saved game where 0.0.3 was installed), the target should send a message to me asking for the cargo but it does not do it ( 0.0.3 does it), then the target doesn't pick up the cargo and stay immobile.
Sorry!!!! my english is not good!!!!
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