I use this OXP. It would be nice to add RRS stations to this. [Edit: RRS, not RSS..]
The list of systems with RRS Galactic Headquarters is
published, but as far as I know, there is no public list/map of Waystations.
So publishing those might be considered a spoiler. But then again, anyone who would think that is free to not install it.. Also, there are way more waystations than SecCom stations, so it might make the map look cluttered.
Anyway, just an idea.
Edit to add:
So no longer just an idea. I looked at your script in your OXP and at the script in the RRS OXP,
and pretty much just replicated what you do, with the help of some functions in the RRS script.
I added the following snippet to your FuncGalaxyCheck() function:
Code: Select all
var rrs = worldScripts["Rescue Stations"];
if (rrs)
for (var s = 0;s < 256;s++)
if (rrs.systemHasRescueStation(s))
{system: s, name: "RungholdRRS_WS_g" + galaxyNumber + "s" + s, markerColor: "blueColor", markerScale: 1.25, markerShape: "MARKER_DIAMOND"}
if (rrs.systemHasRescueHQStation(s))
{system: s, name: "RungholdRRS_HQ_g" + galaxyNumber + "s" + s, markerColor: "blueColor", markerScale: 1.25, markerShape: "MARKER_SQUARE"}
It appears to work as intended, and yes, it does make the map look somewhat cluttered:
The one near the center with the diamond and the square, making an 8 point star, has both a waystation and the galactic HQ.