Should this really have been refunded?

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Should this really have been refunded?

Post by CWolf »

Can anyone explain why this has happened?

My opinion:

1. The dad's card details saved to console?
2. The dad's card company didn't alert him about the sudden extreme spending?
3. The son is a teenager, fully capable of understanding that he was spending real money... if he does have a learning issue then why does he have access to the funds at all?

I do not see why there should have been any refund. ... 6624.phtml
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Re: Should this really have been refunded?

Post by ffutures »

There may be reasons - if the amount being charged wasn't made clear, or if it exceeded some limit where the charge should have been queried, for example. This appears to be a Canadian incident, it's possible that their consumer law gives the card holder more protection.
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Re: Should this really have been refunded?

Post by NigelJK »

I must be behind the times but what 'microtransactions' can tot up to over $7K for one game?
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Re: Should this really have been refunded?

Post by ClymAngus »

He probably bought a really expensive player.
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Re: Should this really have been refunded?

Post by NigelJK »

He probably bought a really expensive player.
Sorry, I really am being particularly dim on this one (the computer Games I play are limited to Oolite and Elite: Dang). So in this 'game' its possible to buy stuff (I get that, cheats etc etc have been around for a while and my missus likes to add extra levels to her 'escape' games (at £1.50 a go I thought a tad over the top but a programmers has got to make a living right? :))), say an 'expensive player' to give him an advantage in the game (and probably ruin the whole point)? And this costs $1,000's? Bonkers. Bring back Pong I say.
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Re: Should this really have been refunded?

Post by Cody »

You should see what some people are prepared to pay for ships in Star Citizen - a game which ain't even released yet.
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
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Re: Should this really have been refunded?

Post by NigelJK »

Yes I did see mention of that game and had to look it up, if off-line-mode-gate was a 'scam' that lot look like Nigerian bankers.
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