This OXP aims to broaden the scope and appeal of illegal goods by expanding what goods are illegal, making it far more variable. So food might be declared illegal on one planet, computers on another. These things might change as well, so computers might be illegal for a few months, and then conditions are lifted and they are back to normal again.
To help traders to work around these import restrictions some new equipment is available: smuggling compartments, phase scanners, fake import permits, Rock Hermit waypoints, plus more. Rock Hermits now play a bigger role by hosting a Black Market where some of these things can be purchased, and where special cargo contracts can be undertaken.
You also have the chance to bribe docking officials if your cargo is discovered.
Rather than make this post mega-long, there is more information in the "readme.txt" file within the package. There's more details on this wiki page:
This OXP is in Beta for the time being, so I'm looking for some willing testers to get stuck in and see if everything is working OK. I'm also looking for more illegal goods descriptions for various government types. The more the merrier!
Questions, comments, suggestions, and error reports welcome!
You can download this OXP through the download manager in the game or from the following links:
Download OXZ version 1.4.1 here: Smugglers.oxz.
Download OXP (in zip) version 1.4.1 here:
With thanks to Layne, Stormrider, Norby, cim, Diziet Sma, Cody, and all the people on the BB who offered suggestions and ideas to make this OXP as good as it could be.