- since I was forcing the miss-jumps myself, I selected a very close system so to ensure I had extra fuel to use with my witch fuel injectors and still jump back to some nearby system afterwards
- also, I have installed the military laser both in front and on the back of my ship
- as soon as the battle starts I apply full throttle and use the fuel injectors to get quite far from those ships (more than 20 km) and then using my back lasers I start to snipe them one by one (since they are quite large, this isn't too difficult)
- when those lasers overheat, I stop the ship, turn backwards and use my front lasers. This also will give time to my back shields to restore a bit
- as soon as the Thargoids get too close to comfort, I turn back, use fuel injectors to get away while snipping them with the back laser
- repeat the process until you are done!
Shameless, but effective