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Lister Hill, Schools of Thought Control, and Other Things

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 8:22 pm
by CommRLock78
Former Senator Lister Hill is a highly questionable character to say the least. He sponsored the National Defense Education Act in 1958. Within Title X, Section 1001(f) of this bill is a mandate that all beneficiaries of the act complete an affidavit disclaiming the belief in the overthrow of the U.S. government. (See National Defense Education Act on Wikipedia).

Here are five letters. One of them is addressed to Harry S. Truman (from Ethel Birch, of the JBS), but all the others are addressed to Lister Hill - from very important people indeed. I now believe these letters were given to me for a reason from a friend of mine six years ago - unfortunately I did not give them a look until recently. ... tter1A.png ... tter1B.png ... etter2.png ... etter3.png ... tter4A.png ... tter4B.png ... etter5.png

Re: Lister Hill

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 7:51 am
by Diziet Sma
An interesting look at an important time in history.. thanks!

Re: Lister Hill

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 8:33 am
by CommRLock78
Diziet Sma wrote:
An interesting look at an important time in history.. thanks!
You're quite welcome brother. I thought it was fascinating myself. I am not sure how important these letters are, but they seem like they are, and I think Lister Hill should be more thoroughly investigated for the world we now live in.

Re: Lister Hill

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 5:20 pm
by CommRLock78
So fellas, I've got a question. I'm sure many of you have been off to University and now have jobs. In America, I am beginning to realize that if you want a 'good' job after graduation you have to play by certain rules. One of those rules is to be a member of some sort of church. My sister, who has worked for such organizations as Lockheed Martin, and has no spirituality whatsoever, joined a church when she went to school at Denver University, which I always thought was odd. I didn't realize that that was part of the rules to the game. So, is there anything like this going on internationally?

Incidentally, I was forced out of school not long after calling out my thermodynamics teacher for upholding the official WTC 7 myth. I think that most American schools no longer have freedom of thought.

Re: Lister Hill

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 5:38 pm
by Cody
CommRLock78 wrote:
I am beginning to realize that if you want a 'good' job after graduation you have to play by certain rules. One of those rules is to be a member of some sort of church.
I find that quite extraordinary - has it really become that crazy over there?

Re: Lister Hill

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 5:59 pm
by CommRLock78
Cody wrote:
CommRLock78 wrote:
I am beginning to realize that if you want a 'good' job after graduation you have to play by certain rules. One of those rules is to be a member of some sort of church.
I find that quite extraordinary - has it really become that crazy over there?
I'm pretty sure - I could be wrong, but looking back, I could see no reason why my sister would be interested in going to church.

Edit - I know, it's disgusting :evil:. There has never been a separation of church and state.

Re: Lister Hill

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 7:06 pm
by Cody
CommRLock78 wrote:
There has never been a separation of church and state.
No - nor in England (unfortunately)!

Re: Lister Hill

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 7:33 pm
by CommRLock78
Cody wrote:
CommRLock78 wrote:
There has never been a separation of church and state.
No - nor in England (unfortunately)!
Ain't that the truth! The USA and UK have been intimately tied since the close of the War of 1812 - at least as I've always seen it, at any rate.

Re: Lister Hill

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 7:35 pm
by CommRLock78
I was born into an elite family, but I had had the silver spoon yanked out the day I left for college (which was about 2 weeks after I graduated high school). I think that's what gives me a bit of an advatage - I've seen the 'inner sanctum' - and all I ever wanted to do was to get as far away from it as possible.

Re: Lister Hill

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 7:45 pm
by Cody
CommRLock78 wrote:
I was born into an elite family...
<grins> I was born with a whole load of nothing... and I've still got most of it left!

Re: Lister Hill

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 8:31 pm
by CommRLock78
Cody wrote:
CommRLock78 wrote:
I was born into an elite family...
<grins> I was born with a whole load of nothing... and I've still got most of it left!
I know - too many have. Too few have had too much while so many have had such little.

Edit: I may have gotten kicked around by the state, in and out of court, moving around, but I always kept what was important. It's all about the middle road.

Re: Lister Hill

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 8:34 pm
by CommRLock78
I've been watching Pink Floyd's The Wall a lot the past few days. Looking back on it, it always made sense to me from the time I first saw it (I saw part of it around ten and the entire movie for the first time in high school - ah the days of skipping school and smoking weed :D )

Re: Lister Hill

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 2:39 am
by CommRLock78
I'm not sure if you all have seen/read this. It is one of the most frightening things I've ever witnessed. These are the puppet masters Hillary is addressing - at least some of them, at any rate. ... nton05.htm

Re: Lister Hill

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 3:17 am
by Diziet Sma
Cody wrote:
CommRLock78 wrote:
There has never been a separation of church and state.
No - nor in England (unfortunately)!
That's one of the nice things about being in Oz.. 'tis not a problem we suffer from here.. nor is that "job requirement" you mentioned earlier. Independent thought is still permitted and encouraged, as well.

Re: Lister Hill

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 4:50 am
by CommRLock78
Diziet Sma wrote:
Cody wrote:
CommRLock78 wrote:
There has never been a separation of church and state.
No - nor in England (unfortunately)!
That's one of the nice things about being in Oz.. 'tis not a problem we suffer from here.. nor is that "job requirement" you mentioned earlier. Independent thought is still permitted and encouraged, as well.
That is really good to hear. I've been beginning to worry these were more wide-spread issues. Independent thought is definitely NOT acceptable in the US. I remember in school refusing to pledge allegence, and many teachers did not like that.