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Adder start: No kidding it's hard!

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 5:26 pm
by mossfoot
Aside from the obvious (ie do NOT get in a fight while flying an adder... 1 energy bank? eep!) there is the matter of it being so ungoddamnbelievably SLOOOOOOOW. Wow. By the time I can afford witchfuel injectors to speed things up I'll be an old man.

But one question: How is anyone supposed to even get started with Harder (no money Adder start). With no fuel you can't even leave the system to even do a courier job for initial money, and there is no Black Monk to get a loan from around Lave (that I could find).

Re: Adder start: No kidding it's hard!

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 5:36 pm
by Smivs
Ha, nobody said it was supposed to be easy! Seriously, the broke ironman start is the start of a looong haul.
You can trawl around the home system for the odd cargo pod or two, rinse and repeat endlessly.
Go bounty hunting. No, seriously, even an Adder with a pulse laser stands half a chance against the weaker bandits out there, or you could be cheaky and find a combat situation, wait till the offender is almost dead and swoop in to claim the kill. NB The other combatant may not approve of you hijacking their kill :wink:
If you want to go for inter-system trade (is it worth it with 2TC?) assuming you've got that far (or found some cargo), hitch a lift through sombody elses wormhole.
So, the options are limitless and you'll be rich before you know it. :D

Re: Adder start: No kidding it's hard!

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 5:43 pm
by Cody
You gotta have scoops to grab stray cargo pods, and they cost money (assuming they ain't fitted by the OXP, that is).
You get a small bounty for every asteroid you frag though - this can soon become enough to buy a tank-full of fuel.

Re: Adder start: No kidding it's hard!

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 6:01 pm
by mossfoot
Cody wrote:
You gotta have scoops to grab stray cargo pods, and they cost money (assuming they ain't fitted by the OXP, that is).
You get a small bounty for every asteroid you frag though - this can soon become enough to buy a tank-full of fuel.
Really? I didn't see a bounty when I fragged some asteroids... hmmm.

As for inter-system trade. It's not worth it for 2CT, but remember gold, platinum, and gemstones! (Also it seems you can expand the cargo bay on an Adder, though by how much I don't know. I'm assuming very little ;) )

But honestly there isn't much of a difference between starting with 100 credits and 10. There's a certain J curve of productivity when it comes to cargo between the right systems, so once I had enough for a tank of fuel and some food, it wouldn't take long to move up to liquor and then computers ;) (especially with the convenience stores around... someone should really fix the price lists on those)

Re: Adder start: No kidding it's hard!

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 6:18 pm
by The Griffin GT
If you have scoops and the wildships.oxp, I quite often find free cargo containers floating around the kiota manufacturing stations, if that helps.
Whether its due to police which are usually around the area or pilot error I'm not sure :) No guarantees though!

Re: Adder start: No kidding it's hard!

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 7:50 pm
by Norby
mossfoot wrote:
to speed things up
If you decided to build up yourself in an Adder then I think you can enable the usage of Time Acceleration at least until you can buy an Injector. You can set max. 16x TAF in the non-deployment builds (test 1.77.1 or nightly 1.79): press p for pause, shift+F for TAF display and right-left arrow keys to change.

Re: Adder start: No kidding it's hard!

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 1:28 am
by mossfoot
Nice option, thanks :) But I see myself abusing the heck out of that if I use it ;)

Re: Adder start: No kidding it's hard!

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 1:39 am
by Cody
<nods> TAF is a dev/test tool anyway - it ain't meant for ordinary game-play.

Re: Adder start: No kidding it's hard!

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 3:31 am
by mossfoot
I'm doing well enough now. Got the fuel injector and extra cargo space, just need to find a milk run that's close enough for me to exploit it and speed things up more ;)

Honestly, while I love the idea of space convenience stores from Your Ad Here!, I do think the prices there are a bit broken. Granted you can't get MUCH from them at those prices, but it certainly has provided me the cash boost I needed. I figure this is just the Wall-mart and Amazons of the universe trying to kill the mom-and-pop stations with their low-low prices ;)

Still don't want to fight a pirate in this hunk of junk, like, EVER.

Question: when you have the option to sell equipment installed, is the price listed the cost it takes to remove the item and you get full value for it after that (ie 400cr - 10cr = 390cr) or are you only getting 10 credits back? ;) And if you resell a ship, does the resale price you see include all your options being sold as well?

Re: Adder start: No kidding it's hard!

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 3:57 am
by The Griffin GT
When you sell equipment you get more than the 10 credits back, maybe just over half the cost of the original price, not sure as I've never worked it out :) As for the ship, the more equipment you sell, the less your ship is worth, it's not worth selling the equipment separately then selling the ship, I tried that once :) Also it's worth waiting until you have had a maintenance overhaul before you sell your ship. And best to get a maintenance overhaul at the highest TL system you can as they can repair more complex equipment (if you have any) :)
Hope that helps

Edited to add: As far as your though on the con stores trying to put the competition out of business, thats exactly how I thought of it aswell :lol:

Re: Adder start: No kidding it's hard!

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 4:06 am
by mossfoot
I figured out the maintenance overhaul bit, but the higher tech system makes a lot of sense, thanks :)

So from a cash point value you're going to make more selling it whole with all components than selling the parts and then selling the basic ship. Got it. Selling parts is for emergency cash only ;)

Re: Adder start: No kidding it's hard!

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 6:22 am
by mossfoot
Ghah. Got the fuel injectors just in time. On almost the very next jump I encountered the flying dutchman and about five pirates showed up trying to blast me to pieces! With me in an Adder. With a Pulse Laser.


Re: Adder start: No kidding it's hard!

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 8:31 am
by Diziet Sma
mossfoot wrote:
Honestly, while I love the idea of space convenience stores from Your Ad Here!, I do think the prices there are a bit broken. Granted you can't get MUCH from them at those prices, but it certainly has provided me the cash boost I needed. I figure this is just the Wall-mart and Amazons of the universe trying to kill the mom-and-pop stations with their low-low prices ;)

Well, as the Wiki says on the subject (my emphasis):
Thus the Convenience Stores were born: franchise stations, based near the Witchpoint, offering goods and services to passing ships. Exempt from Co-op trade regulations, the Convenience Stores set about making money from every possible source. They are encrusted with advertising, and even the stations' defence craft – cheap ex-Navy Sidewinders – are plastered with logos and corporate sponsorship. Most controversially, controlled commodities – slaves, narcotics and firearms – are offered freely, and legally, for sale.

Within a Convenience Store, commerce moves at a rapid pace, and prices of even the most basic goods can fluctuate wildly. Some merchants, for commercial or ideological reasons, have abandoned the main system stations altogether; but cannier Commanders, balancing the reliable price index of the Co-operative against speculative capitalist bubble-blowing, can often exploit the feverish atmosphere of a Convenience Store to obtain impressive profits on relatively small quantities of goods.
mossfoot wrote:
Still don't want to fight a pirate in this hunk of junk, like, EVER.
Heh heh.. As Cody would be the first to tell you, an Iron-assed Adder is actually a sweet little combat ship, particularly for close-quarters dogfighting.. (the only worthwhile kind of combat, IMO) . :wink:

Re: Adder start: No kidding it's hard!

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 9:29 am
by spara
I've actually flown Adder more than Cobra3 and it's a fine ship for dogfighting once you've got it geared up. It's very agile and it's small size makes is a hard target. I remember flying without injectors from witchspace buyo to the main station while being chased by a pirate. Made it through alive just by dodging.

Re: Adder start: No kidding it's hard!

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 9:34 am
by The Griffin GT
@ mossfoot maybe you should name your ship "Sir Robin" :lol:

I've always loved the idea of using the Adder as a proper combat ship but I think I lack the required skill, even when I take my Caddy Omega out for a spin I sometimes get my aft handed to me :oops: