Now in collaboration with spara, here's what became of that simple idea...Hi folks,
I expect this may have been done before but I've been working on combining the textures of System Demux and System Redux for use in conjunction with Povray Planets. Explicitly: PP provides the 'main' planet textures whilst the SR & SD textures are used for additional planets and moons.
Those of you who are familiar with SR & SD will know that there were seperate textures for the 'home' or 'main' planets and the additional planets, well I've been tinkering it so that all such textures are now available as additional planets, therefore: much more variable additional planets.
I've also cubemapped the gas giant textues (thanks to the very useful 'PlanetTool') to avoid the polygon effects that could occur at the poles. It needs some tidying up and I expect there are some errors but, in it's current state, it appears to be functional.
SR & SD textures are of somewhat different styles of course (e.g. clouds present on SR but not SD) but, to me at least, this isn't a big problem. If their respective creators were agreeable, I might be able to release it as an oxp (with due credit given) that would work in tandem with either PP or Oolites native planet textures.
Any interest?
Additional Planets SR 0.6

The SR was added both in recognition of the original System Redux, which paved the way for this oxp, and also as a nod to some of the oxp config opitons that this oxp can now take advantage of.
Spara has done much to improve this oxp whilst respecting it's original vision, and it's now his oxp as much as it is mine.
Some of the main features of this new version include:
- - Over 200 textures are made available for planets and moons, hopefully with more to come.
- None of these textures are provided for the main planet, instead all of them contribute to the variety of extra planets which this oxp will generate.
- Textures sets can be combined as wished by the user,with Oolite's native textures taking the place of any 'missing' setsand Oolite will only draw from the textures that you have installed, with no need for native textures to appear.
- Gas Giants are given a seperate planetary class, and are significantly larger than other planets.
- Planets placed further apart than the original System Redux to avoid crowding of planets.
- Checks to ensure that the same texture doesn't appear twice within the same system.
- 'Cinematic' placement of bodies. You can now see all of the main planet's moons from the witchpoint and planets are kept away from the sun so as not to highlight how small it is.
- Much easier to customise. Besides the texture packs themselves, you can also set max planets and moons within a system (with no strict limits). Other elements, such as rarity of gas giants, can also be adjusted.
How it works:
You'll need to install the base oxp (link below) and at least one of the texture packs into your AddOns folder for Oolite.
The base oxp will then draw from the pool of textures to create extra planets, moons and/or gas giants.
Some texture packs contain just one type of body (e.g. moons) whilst others contain more. If an approriate pack is not installed then some types of bodies may not appear.
Changes to the texture packs:
- - Extensive use of optipng to reduce download sizes.
- Some textures 'improved' (hopefully) by modifications such as adding cloud layers, adjusting the colour balance and employing layering effects to disguise low-res origins.
- Reordering of some packs so that it is more likely that like will appear with like.
- Simpler method for textures to appear as multiple planetary types (e.g. as both planets and moons).
- Easier to create your own texture packs. No need to re-write the planetinfo.plist... because there isn't one
Thanks for the interest and support provided on these boards and to all of the great artists and contributers to this work.
In particular, thanks to spara for taking on board my many suggestions, having some great ones of his own and for seeing the potential in my humble oxp

The Downloads:
So, if you'd like to give it a try then you'll need the main folder from here:

Then it's probably a good idea to download some of the texture packs
Please Note: NONE OF THE ORIGINAL TEXTURE PACKS WILL WORK WITH 0.6, you will need to download them in their new format (apologies for the inconvenience).
System Redux 1.1 (12.2 MB) 16 planet textures and 8 moons

System Demux Originals (56.7 MB) 128 mostly low res textures, some now cube mapped.
Coming soon...
These can also be downloaded in smaller packs (see below).
Free Bitmaps 1.2 (242.2 MB) 36 high-res textures used for both planets and moons

Others Gas Giants 1.1 (19.5 MB) 6 cube-mapped gas giants

Others Planets 1.1 (13.4 MB) 10 planet textures
Pictures coming soon...

Others Moons 1.1 (9.5 MB) 10 moon textures
Pictures coming soon...

System Demux Mini-Packs
Because System Demux contains so many textures and is perhaps in a more 'fantastical' style than some of the other packs, users might wish to pick and chose which planets they want to use from it. Whilst this can be done by downloading the whole set and simply deleting the ones you don't want to appear, I thought it might be preferable for them to be available as 'mini-packs', grouping textures of similar style together.
For example, you might find that the earthlike worlds to be strangely lacking in detail and so look odd next to system redux planets; however you might wish to use the demux gas giants to complement redux's lack of them. In some cases the boundaries between one set and another may be blurred but I'll post some sample pics to illustrate.
Total of 9 Mini-Packs to come.
Currently available:
Demux Gas Giants 1.1 (16.6MB) 13 textures, now cube-mapped

Demux Earthlike (with added clouds) (56.9MB) 20 textures, slightly altered from the originals

Demux Alien (with added clouds and colouring effects) (54.5MB) 17 textures, in some cases heavily altered from the originals

Demux Ocean Worlds (with added clouds and effects) (26.1MB) 8 textures only, all modified from the originals

Demux Volcanic (with added effects) (7.6MB) 10 textures, nearly all modified from the originals

NEW: Demux Cratered (1.2MB) 9 planet textures
Pictures coming soon

Hope you like it...
25/01/14 Updated to 0.5.5 to fix bug that was stopping some textures froom appearing.
12/02/14 Updated to 0.5.6 to address issue found by Duggan (thanks!)
16/03/14 Updated to 0.6 thanks to spara's coming on board to address multiple issues (many thanks