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Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 3:34 pm
by cactuar
So what is the quickest way to rack up the kills? It seems to me that miss-jumping into witchspace is the best(and riskiest) way. Am I right?

I have also noticed that if an enemy ejects in his escape pod then I don't get the kill, so surely I should be allowed to shoot the pod? I rate the extra kill over any price I can get for slaves.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 3:50 pm
by Evil Juice
Hanging around in anarchic systems is pretti good, completing some mission will give you a reward in kills (e.g. 250), shooting at everything that moves except cops but including worms, rickshaws, etc works.
If you feel safe enough find a place with a nice collection of anarchy systems, enter, kill, fuelscoop, jump and repeat until you want to save or you're dead or out of WMD.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 4:27 pm
by Commander Gralen
Or, either stay malfunctioning with the warps to stay clean, or do it the cheaters way, edit the savegame file.

of course just killing ppl is the most fun :wink:

Re: Killing

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 4:38 pm
cactuar wrote:
So what is the quickest way to rack up the kills? It seems to me that miss-jumping into witchspace is the best(and riskiest) way. Am I right?
That's quite a good way, you get kills and credits for all the docile tharglets once mummy is out of the way, but you are right it is risky.

Re: Killing

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 11:05 am
by pirx
cactuar wrote:
I have also noticed that if an enemy ejects in his escape pod then I don't get the kill, so surely I should be allowed to shoot the pod? I rate the extra kill over any price I can get for slaves.
I agree with that!
Seems unfair to put all the effort into busting some difficult pirate's ass only to be left with some measly money.
With some ships you can be as skillfull as you like, they always take some time to destroy and use the escape pod in any case. The only sure way then to get the kills credited would be to use the energy bomb all the time, and that is rather clumsy. I think any destruction of a ship should count as a kill regardless. Reaching Elite is difficult enough anyway with a count of 6400.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 4:00 pm
by cactuar
I was in an anarchic system last night, trying to build up my kill count, I was was severely hampered by the fact that almost evryone was getting away in their poxy pods!

Alright, I can't shoot the pod, so I rammed it instead! Still no kill count.