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New Oolite user here Saying Thanks!

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 6:44 pm
by JazzyTech

Wasn't sure where to drop this, so I figured off-topic would be decent. That said, I just wanted to convey my appreciation to those of you who have contributed to Oolite! I'd never heard of Oolite until a few weeks ago thanks to the folks over at Frontier. :) I'm a long time fan of the original Elite and Frontier which I played on the Commodore Amiga. My guess is your BBS is heating up due to the renewed interest in Elite: Dangerous?

Thanks to Oolite, I've been able to help some of my younger friends (and a few much older) understand just how good a game can be, regardless of it's age. Thanks to all the "OXPers" this game has lot's of modification possibilities.

Again, thanks to all of you for your time and contribution to a great game! I look forward to seeing what's next :)


Re: New Oolite user here Saying Thanks!

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 6:49 pm
by Diziet Sma
Welcome aboard, JazzyTech! 8)

Yes, there have been quite a few new members on account of the E:D kickstarter. It's also brought a lot of the old Oolite crew out of hiding. People we hadn't seen posting in a long time have returned.

And news of new converts is always welcome! Many thanks for spreading the word!

Re: New Oolite user here Saying Thanks!

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 6:54 pm
by Cody
From what I read on the Elite: Dangerous forum, quite a few people are downloading various Elite clones in order to get some practice in - brushing-up on their docking, that sort of thing. It's rather amusing, hearing tales about the old supposed difficulty of docking. <chortles merrily>

Welcome aboard, JazzyTech!

Re: New Oolite user here Saying Thanks!

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 7:11 pm
by JazzyTech
LOL! Yes, I smashed into the walls a few times until I got my "space legs" back :) Now I dont' even thiink about it. I found it particularly amusing that my father who is in his late 60s became very interested on hearing about Elite Dangerous and asking me if I new anything about it. Man, did he get an earful :) I'm sure he's smashed quite a few ship into the docking stations in Oolite, much to the dismay of my mother who has to listen to him cursing every time he does... :lol:

Re: New Oolite user here Saying Thanks!

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 7:14 pm
by CommRLock78
Welcome JazzyTech :D.
El Viejo wrote:
From what I read on the Elite: Dangerous forum, quite a few people are downloading various Elite clones in order to get some practice in - brushing-up on their docking, that sort of thing. It's rather amusing, hearing tales about the old supposed difficulty of docking. <chortles merrily>

Welcome aboard, JazzyTech!
Well, in defense of those fresh Jamesons, it is a little intimidating when you first try docking :P.

Re: New Oolite user here Saying Thanks!

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 7:32 pm
by Geraldine
Well, well , well fancy meeting you here JazzyTech :lol:
Welcome to the Oolite forum :wink:

Re: New Oolite user here Saying Thanks!

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 9:18 pm
by psuamier
I'm also very grateful for this wonderful game. It's like playing the old Elite revamped with nice graphics, sound and so many fan-made additions but still the feeling of the good ol' times.

Also though I use the latest unstable so far with many (really many :) addons I've so far not even detected any minor problem.

Starting a new commander some time ago I realize that the old Elite originally is still quite challenging compared to the more recent (Frontier) variants. Maybe it's just my computer that is too fast (>50FPS ;)

So now I have a game to play.

Re: New Oolite user here Saying Thanks!

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 4:33 am
by Diziet Sma
G'day, psuamier, and welcome aboard! 8)

Re: New Oolite user here Saying Thanks!

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 6:30 am
by JazzyTech
Geraldine wrote:
Well, well , well fancy meeting you here JazzyTech :lol:
Welcome to the Oolite forum :wink:
OMG... She found or followed me!
She *REALLY* is everywhere!!!

It's Genetically Engineered Robotic Artificial Life-form, Deployed In Natural Environments
RUN! will explain!

Re: New Oolite user here Saying Thanks!

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 11:24 am
by Diziet Sma
It's worse than you think, JazzyTech..

Yes, Geraldine followed you here.. but if you check the joining date, she arrived before you! You see, Geraldine can also time-travel. There's no escape.. :lol:

Re: New Oolite user here Saying Thanks!

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 6:52 pm
by JazzyTech
:) Humour (or not) aside, Hi Geraldine! I'm an Oolite Noob.. I'd heard of it once a few years back, but was too involved in other projects to look into it in more detail. I had already discovered VegaStrike which I found of to be fun as well; although not as finished as Oolite. I'd say it's more Frontier-like though. I really like the OXP expandability. I might bring my 3D soft/hardware out of retirement and see about some modeling.. (not the runway type, mind you) :)

Thanks for the warm welcome! Friendly board you have here! :)

Re: New Oolite user here Saying Thanks!

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 7:51 pm
by Cody
Geraldine was enticed onto this forum by a dashing Naval Attaché (he was just dashing out the door).

Re: New Oolite user here Saying Thanks!

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 5:18 am
by Diziet Sma
The Naval Attaché is just being modest.. in reality he's quite the swave and deboner astro-aviator! :P :lol: