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Flyby View

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 7:18 am
by Wirenut
Pretty sure i know the answer but is there no flyby view?

Re: Flyby View

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 7:37 am
by cim
No, not at the moment. The next version will make it easy for someone to write an OXP that adds one, though.

Re: Flyby View

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 1:05 pm
by ClymAngus
I looked into the possibilities of doing so with existing tech. It was not pretty.
The maths relating to camera control is relatively easy to find, the problem is the method of implementation using Quartonions.

It could be done but if cim has a fix in the wings then I defer to his much better judgement.

Re: Flyby View

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 9:31 am
by Griff
cim wrote:
No, not at the moment. The next version will make it easy for someone to write an OXP that adds one, though.
If anyone makes this OXP can i request some sort of station docking bay viewpoint looking out of the bay towards your ship when it's under docking computer control? some sort of viewpoint like Tichy chose here in the screenshots thread ... 79#p186579 would be awsome :D

Re: Flyby View

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 9:46 am
by Smivs
I've found using the right-rear and left-rear views can give some good docking shots. This is one I took recently of the (slightly beat-up!) Bilbo Maru docking at Xetila.


Also the front view when you are very close gets some of the dock in the image as well.

Re: Flyby View

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 9:56 am
by Griff
that does look good! Do you think it might be possible to 'detach' the camera from the players ship when it's under docking computer control and position it inside the docking bay looking back out at your ship as it glides/scrapes its way into the bay, sort of like a 'port authority office window' viewpoint or something?
Hmm, now i've written it out, it sounds like it would be a scripting nightmare to get the camera to track the ship etc :(

Re: Flyby View

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 10:03 am
by cim
Griff wrote:
that does look good! Do you think it might be possible to 'detach' the camera from the players ship when it's under docking computer control and position it inside the docking bay looking back out at your ship as it glides/scrapes its way into the bay, sort of like a 'port authority office window' viewpoint or something?
Hmm, now i've written it out, it sounds like it would be a scripting nightmare to get the camera to track the ship etc :(
It takes a little bit of work to get your head round all the quaternions, but that only needs doing once. I put this one together a few months ago: Missile Cam (trunk only)

With a little bit of work I can probably turn it into a camera library: specify the camera position and the point in space you want to look at, and it handles the tracking for you.

I did have a go at a docking camera at the time, so I've probably got the code for that to dig out, somewhere.

Re: Flyby View

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 10:21 am
by Griff
That sounds awesome! Don't divert too much of your dev time into it though cim, you've probably got more than enough on your plate - it was just a throwaway wish-list idea i had after seeing Tichy's new screenshots in the thread :D

Re: Flyby View

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 10:33 am
by Diziet Sma
That's a wish-list item lots of people have had for a long time.. :wink:

Re: Flyby View

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 2:16 pm
by Gimbal Locke
Would it be possible to use the mouse (or trackball/trackpad/nipple) to control the viewpoint of the external view (in an OXP for the next Oolite version)?

I play by keyboard, I know many people use joysticks or controllers. I don't know if anybody is using the mouse to steer his/her/its ship, but it would be awesome to have a dynamic outside view and the mouse seems to be the best way to change the viewing angle & the mouse wheel to change the viewing distance.

Re: Flyby View

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 5:40 pm
by Thargoid
I'm planning on having a play with this tonight, or sometime soon although it is one of the Thargon's birthdays tomorrow so most of the weekend is a no-no.

Re: Flyby View

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 5:49 pm
by Smivs
Thargoid wrote: is one of the Thargon's birthdays tomorrow so most of the weekend is a no-no.
<Smivs understands and offers some (totally useless) moral support and sympathy>

Re: Flyby View

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 10:36 pm
by cim
Griff wrote:
That sounds awesome! Don't divert too much of your dev time into it though cim, you've probably got more than enough on your plate - it was just a throwaway wish-list idea i had after seeing Tichy's new screenshots in the thread :D
Ah, it only took an hour with the code I already had, and quite a bit of that was trying out the various cameras.

Camera Drones (trunk only: will not work with 1.76)
- missile camera view
- flyby view
- docking bay view
- target camera view
...and extensible by other OXPs to add extra views.

Re: Flyby View

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 11:41 pm
by Svengali
cim wrote:
Ah, it only took an hour with the code I already had, and quite a bit of that was trying out the various cameras.

Camera Drones (trunk only: will not work with 1.76)
Looks really cool, cim :-)

Re: Flyby View

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 7:30 pm
by Thargoid
A variant on the theme is Tracker Cam (again for 1.77 only).

It's based on Cim's core script code (as quaternions tie my brain in knots too) but comes in the form of a pylon-mounted camera satellite plus ship-to-satellite communications rig (50cr each, from tech 3+). Works in a similar way to Cim's ones - deploy the satellite, activate the link (shift-N/n) and then select the ships custom view (v) to show the view.

Works within scanner range, and is a stationary viewpoint that always focuses on the player ship. The ship is flown in the normal fashion, but as you view it from outside it can take a bit of practice to do so.

Not really designed for general game-play, but should be good for ooTube clips.