I admire your penchant for thread necromancy, Chompers, but you're either brave or foolhardy re-awakening this one. But since you asked...Cholmondely wrote: ↑Mon Feb 05, 2024 9:54 amFor those of us who experiment with v.1.77.1 etc.Wildeblood wrote: ↑Sun Dec 20, 2015 5:14 pmI've said quite clearly I've no intention of updating this OXP for Oolite 1.82
what exactly are the various different members of this horde?
We currently have:
AI Trading Assistant 2.15.1
AI Trading Autotrade Report 0.5.3
AI Trading Backup Datalogger 2.12.3
AI Trading Legality Reminder 1.0
AI Trading Purchase Book 2.12
AI Trading Turbotrader 1.0
AI Trading with Yoda 1.0
Are they just all retitled versions of the same thing?
1.77.1 won't do, you'll need either Oolite 1.80 or (maybe) 1.79.
All of those you listed are plug-ins I was using to test new features, before deciding to include them into Trading Assistant or drop them in the "yeah, nah" bin. They all worked, and they were all different. If you want to give it a try, you'll need either AI Trading Assistant 2.15.1 (the last version) or AI Trading Assistant 2.13 (the last "stable" version) - 2.14 was buggy.
AI Trading Backup Datalogger 2.12.3
Does what it says - quietly logs data, while being invisible in-game. You install this alongside the main OXP, then forget about it. When you want to try out Market Observer OXP, you remove AI Trading Assistant OXP, but leave the backup logger. When you realize you've made a horrible mistake, you put AI Trading Assistant OXP back, remove Market Observer OXP, and (like magic!) there's no gap in your data. Everything carries on as though you had never strayed. ("It's alright, Pam, it was just a dream.")
AI Trading Turbotrader 1.0
Doubled the speed of Autotrade - instead of starting after 22 seconds and trading every 9 seconds, it started after 11 seconds, and traded every four seconds. You could edit it to one second if you enjoyed the bell sound - ding-ding-ding-ding-ding!
AI Trading Legality Reminder 1.0
Added tut-tut messages if you bought one of the three illegal commodities. Unnecessary, as that feature got incorporated into the main OXP.
AI Trading Purchase Book 2.12
This one changed the display of the prices you had paid for goods, from an average price to the actual specific prices, and sold them dearest one first. This feature got incorporated into Market Observer OXP, and (I think, don't quote me) into AI Trading Assistant 2.15.1... I'm honestly unsure whether it was in the main OXP, or still required the plug-in.
AI Trading with Yoda 1.0
Changed the grammar of the messages, it did. (See also: AI Trading, Your Majesty.)
AI Trading Autotrade Report 0.5.3
I don't know, but its version number is zero, not one. Possibly, either it printed the current state of the pricing registers to Latest.log, or it displayed a list of recently visited systems, the same as Thargoid's Flight Log OXP. That feature was in there somewhere. Thargoid hadn't updated Flight Log to use the F4 screen yet - you still invoked his mission screen with a specific sequence of screen changes (manifest screen to system data screen, possibly) and I got tired of waiting for him to fix it, so I added that feature into AI Trading Assistant.
Other things it did:-
Autotrade could stop short of filling the hold and leave some space, if you anticipated scooping asteroids along the way.
AI Trading Assistant 2.15.1 monitored cargo contracts, and warned you if you inadvertently sold some goods you were contracted to deliver elsewhere. That's floating around as a separate OXP somewhere, too.
Also, at start up Autotrade compiled a list of other OXPs that were listening for playerBoughtCargo or playerSoldCargo, and politely notified them of the trades it made, so it didn't disrupt whatever they were doing. (If you knew how, you could run Autotrade with Market Observer instead of AI Trading Assistant.)
Is there anything else you'd like to know?