Feature request: Galaxy Jump with multiple shifts

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Feature request: Galaxy Jump with multiple shifts

Post by Wildeblood »

I'd like a way to be able to script galaxy jumps with more than one shift, specifically, with a parameter defining the number of shifts from either 0-7 or 1-8 so that the player can be jumped straight from galaxy 1 to galaxy 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or back to a point in galaxy 1.

For people who like the eight galaxies in a ring scenario, seven shifts would allow the creation of a "reverse direction" galactic hyperdrive. For those of us who think the eight galaxies and one-shot galactic hyperdrive look suspiciously like "finish level 1 being proceeding to level 2", scripting that varied the number of shifts depending on the departure system would allow the eight galactic sectors to be arranged in any apparent relationship.

When returning the player to his starting galaxy, the process should proceed normally including that the playerEnteredNewGalaxy event should still fire, rather than create any special "jump failed" alternative. That would allow time travel/alternative universe/twilight zone scenarios to be created. "Unexpectedly, you arrive back where you departed from, everything is the same, yet somehow subtly different." [Cue spooky music.]
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