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1.76 on Ubuntu - package updates needed

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:15 am
by SandJ
The current version of Oolite is 1.76

1. The current LTS (Long Term Support) version of Ubuntu is 10.04 ("Lucid"). The associated version of the Oolite package for 10.04 is still 1.65-6build2. Shouldn't that be updated to point to a v1.76 package since 10.04 is a current version of Ubuntu?

2. The current latest version of Ubuntu is 11.10 ("Oneiric"). The associated version of the Oolite package for 11.10 us 1.75.3-1ubuntu1. Shouldn't that be updated to a v1.76 package?

3. Once upon a time (2009) someone maintained helpful Debian packages / Ubuntu pages on the site which go up to Ubuntu 10.10 It my be worthwhile either updating or deleting those web pages (since they come up in Google searches).

It is a shame that the friendliest of Linuxes (IMHO) is not pointing at the stable Oolite, and I'd fix that if I knew how.

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Re: 1.76 on Ubuntu - package updates needed

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 11:59 am
by ulaidian
It was actually via Ubuntu that I came to discover this.. although I then had to remove it, and download the newest edition.

Re: 1.76 on Ubuntu - package updates needed

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:01 pm
by SandJ
ulaidian wrote:
It was actually via Ubuntu that I came to discover this.. although I then had to remove it, and download the newest edition.
Ditto. I would probably have never known about Oolite had I not found it when I scrolled through the list of all the games that could be installed on Ubuntu.

Re: 1.76 on Ubuntu - package updates needed

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:40 pm
by Micha
Uh, that'd me being lazy and thinking nobody was using the old repository anymore.

Can't do much about the official repositories as I'm not a Debian/Ubuntu maintainer, but I'll see about updating the Oolite repository as it seems there's still interest.

A problem there is that for the older distro's the package also needs to update the distro version of GnuStep, which will then potentially break any other packages which rely on GnuStep.

The generic Oolite Linux Installer installs its own copy of GnuStep which doesn't interfere with the distro packages, so it's the recommended way.