CommonSense 'Outside-the-Box' Design Studios Ltd. is happy to announce the latest design in software upgrades for use in all ranges of space vessels. SniperLock software allows for more accurate targetting by enabling longer dwell times on targets. The new control system will be in effect when the software upgrade known as "SniperLockv1.oxp" is placed in the space vessels' computer's AddOns folder. We hope you will find the 500 credit price to be a real bargain. Available at all shipyards tech level 12+. Thank you for your patronage.
Author: CommonSenseOTB
Special thanks to Okti for a good example of ship.orientation code in his Target Tracker oxp.
Take an idea from one person and twist or modify it in a different way as a return suggestion so another person can see a part of it that can apply to the oxp they are working on.
I took a peek under the hood and enjoyed what I saw - I'm a tweak-a-holic and love being pampered with multiple options.
Who knows... ??? Maybe I might even start to really use the REAR laser gun soon !!!
Which brings to my mind a suggestion for its NEXT version (hope it won't be too hard to implement):
Separate and independent tweakable parms for FRONT and REAR laser weapons. Reasoning: aiming and firing the rear laser (and actually hitting something while navigating) requires a finer set of skills than those needed for the front weapons.
It's an aimbot for Oolite. I knew it had to happen eventually.
Well... since the gods of 'game balance' wouldn't allow us an auto-aiming laser turret, now we've got a fallback alternative by turning the whole ship in order to aim a fixed weapon.
Coming to think of it in pure and theoretical technological terms (and NOT in the terms of the sacred game balance), it looks like an excellent way of wasting resources... (which of course this bad-aimer here will applause and welcome).
It's an aimbot for Oolite. I knew it had to happen eventually.
Well... since the gods of 'game balance' wouldn't allow us an auto-aiming laser turret, now we've got a fallback alternative by turning the whole ship in order to aim a fixed weapon.
Coming to think of it in pure and theoretical technological terms (and NOT in the terms of the sacred game balance), it looks like an excellent way of wasting resources... (which of course this bad-aimer here will applause and welcome).
OK, so we've got uber-ships that can out-run anything else, auto-targetting weapons with telescopic sights, plasma turrets in case they miss. All we need now is self-firing weapons and we can all go home
Commander Smivs, the friendliest Gourd this side of Riedquat.
Don't be so sarcastic - FYI, automation and remote operation are nothing new... Nowadays you take an actual sailboat from point A to B (hoist anchor, set and trim sails and/or engine, steer it to the destination and anchor firmly) by the internet, without leaving your sofa - enjoy the "thrill" of riding the sea and winds without seasickness or discomfort!...
You know those who, having been mugged and stabbed, fired, dog run over, house burned down, wife eloped with best friend, daughters becoming prostitutes and their countries invaded - still say that "all is well"?
I'm obviously not one of them.
Those that consider slightly impoved lock-on times to be unbalancing will have no need to use this oxp. Those that like the idea but find the settings too uber because they are expert marksmen can detune it down to a bare minimum. Those that have hand-eye motor co-ordination difficulties for whatever reason or even just desire total uberness to keep the weapons locked on the target at all times can tune it up to those points as well. You might even just be struggling with a bad interface(drifting joysticks, poorly designed hud sights, big fingers on small keys, etc). You can adjust for that as well. It's all about balance for you and your gaming needs. The current default settings are just that: default settings. They might work well for half the people out there. Everyone else may customize it to their heart's content and be happy.
Everyone wins.
Take an idea from one person and twist or modify it in a different way as a return suggestion so another person can see a part of it that can apply to the oxp they are working on.
Haha, it's been already put in my testing queue - 4 days ago...
Smivs wrote:
OK, so we've got uber-ships that can out-run anything else, auto-targetting weapons with telescopic sights, plasma turrets in case they miss. All we need now is self-firing weapons and we can all go home
Thx Smivs... I've finally found out WHY it is so that I have found so little time to play in the last 40 days or so... Oolite is playing by itself and without me...
CommonSenseOTB wrote:
Those that consider slightly impoved lock-on times to be unbalancing will have no need to use this oxp. Those that like the idea but find the settings too uber because they are expert marksmen can detune it down to a bare minimum. Those that have hand-eye motor co-ordination difficulties for whatever reason or even just desire total uberness to keep the weapons locked on the target at all times can tune it up to those points as well. You might even just be struggling with a bad interface(drifting joysticks, poorly designed hud sights, big fingers on small keys, etc). You can adjust for that as well. It's all about balance for you and your gaming needs. The current default settings are just that: default settings. They might work well for half the people out there. Everyone else may customize it to their heart's content and be happy.
And it's for all of these same reasons that I hope you might consider my previous suggestion for an independent REAR laser setting. I bet that many players, that are otherwise proud of their fighting skills and wouldn't originally want to touch this OXP with a barge pole, would otherwise be willing to get a go with "only" the rear-end aiming this fellow below:
No, really, I use it only rarely, on those desperate situations where I'm badly damaged, can't shake those 3 remaining pirates from my tail and need to get'em quickly off my behind...
Yup! And the buzz around the office is that the auto-firing lasers are on the drawing board already......
Hold the commtab! I'd rather pull my own trigger, thanx muchly.
Besides, the top item on every Jameson's wish list isn't autoshooting lasers, but laser coolers. Surely you know that by now.
But back on topic: SniperLock is an ideal gadget for turning a nippy and otherwise difficult to aim fighter into a decent sniping platform. In that application, it's existence is justified. I don't see where it would be needed on a heavy and slow turning ship, though.
Running Oolite buttery smooth & rock stable w/ tons of eyecandy oxps on:
ASUS Prime X370-A
Ryzen 5 1500X
16GB DDR4 3200MHZ
128GB NVMe M.2 SSD (Boot drive)
1TB Hybrid HDD (For software and games)
1080P Samsung large screen monitor
Meh, its no sillier than a lot of the things that have been added. In principle its just an autopilot, and while it makes the game easier, and in my humble opinion takes some of the fun from it, I dont see this is half as bad as maybe 50% of the ships people have built