Darkspace.oxp does pretty much the same as clearskies.oxp did, using the same method, but the script is written in openstep rather than XML and should be easy for the player to adjust to his or her liking.
Oolite 1.65 or later.
Download: Darkspace_0.9.1_2011-12-07.zip
Version 0.9: Initial release using pretty much the same properties and values as johnsmith's clearskies.oxp
Version 0.9.1: Tidied up the tiny bit of code and now use some different properties to achieve same thing after having been kindly told off by Wildblood and Switech for my mistakes.
Version 1.0 will come when someone tells me what else I have done wrong. There is bound to be something. (Even in something as simple as this.)
Known conflicts with other OXP’s:
This OXP will not work if you have System_Redux.oxp or System_Demux_2_oxp installed, as these set some of the same universal values and the one loaded last is most likely to win. Same goes for any other oxp that sets the same values universally.
Darkspace.oxp by Gimi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
If you use all or any part of this work, attributions should be made to johnsmith and Gimi, in that order.