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is it possible to...(or how to)

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:38 pm
by commanderxairon
make a subentity that holds a turret?

make a player multiple front lasered ship?

get ANIMATIONS into oolite?

subentityes that holds exhausts?

make LASER turrets instead of FLAK like ones?

sorry for dont being arround this time... my ISP is messed up, in fact im posting this because is critical and im using a mobile to do so XD

i want to make a more impressive expansion to my shipset if all of that would be possible id like to add gatling like lasers, GINORMOUS Bizmark-Iowa-Yamato-Nelson like ships <not for players, for use with the factions mod as npc's you know... to give a ww2ish sence to it> o.o as many of you know im more the kind of modeller / artist i learn fast how to program but thats it im leeeaaarning and im currently not in the capability of making complicated scripts (i just figured how to effectively make .plists ((using the shipdata schemata in the oolite data :P))) so please forgive my noobness

also im asking all this because id like to make side ship's like equipement if any of you played a little epic megagames game called tyrian, id like to bring much of that game to oolite, sideships, equipement refining and so in future expansions of my shipset... so this is kinda a help wanted post o.o XD

Re: is it possible to...(or how to)

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 11:25 pm
by RyanHoots
A gun with multiple rotating barrels might be possible... I'm going to try it... :D

Re: is it possible to...(or how to)

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:34 am
by commanderxairon
aditionally can someone give me an idea of how to use the weapon_range tab on .plists?? (xml please) values and things would be nice it is a positive intergeer? a real value or what?

Re: is it possible to...(or how to)

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:36 am
by Cmdr Wyvern
commanderxairon wrote:
make a subentity that holds a turret?
Directly, no. The turret itself is a subent. However, you can sort of kludge it by placing the turret on the subent, though it would look weird when the subent is shot away and the turret isn't, ie a turret hanging around in space close to it's parent.
make a player multiple front lasered ship?
get ANIMATIONS into oolite?
It's been done via shaders and other tricks, so... sorta, yes.
subentityes that holds exhausts?
Not directly, but can be kludged to appear so. I think Oolite treats exhaust flames as special subents; but like the turrets on subents, when your 'engine' subent gets blown off, the flame will hang around unattached and look weird.
make LASER turrets instead of FLAK like ones?
Directly, no. Turrets will always use plasma guns. However, you can give a subent a Thargoid laser, but that would only work for NPCs.

Re: is it possible to...(or how to)

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 5:47 am
by Thargoid
Sub-ents can't themselves have sub-ents. Flashers, turrets and exhausts are all special examples of sub-ents.

For animation, using shaders see YAH and Griff's marvellous con-stores. For doing it by scripting, see my Butterflies demo OXP, or my Stellar Serpents OXP for examples.

Weapon_range if I remember correctly should only apply to turrets and will give their range. I'm not sure if it's fully working, and it's not currently documented in the wiki. It doesn't apply to lasers - their range and damage are hard-coded into the trunk code.

Re: is it possible to...(or how to)

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:14 am
by Cmdr. Maegil
So, if I make a five-member EVA marines squad, each behaving like a frangible turret, I'd still get exausts for the killed squaddies?

And, if all are killed, the inexistant main entity could then still be flying around with five tiny flames; or maybe I could destroy it if the squad gets wiped out, but until then the flames would still be there?

Re: is it possible to...(or how to)

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 11:27 am
by Eric Walch
Thargoid wrote:
Weapon_range if I remember correctly should only apply to turrets and will give their range. I'm not sure if it's fully working, and it's not currently documented in the wiki. It doesn't apply to lasers - their range and damage are hard-coded into the trunk code.
weapon_range is not* documented at all as you say. As far as I see it, it must be part of the new subentity directory, and defined like fire_rate. Also weapon_energy must be defined in this subentity directory. At least when I read the code correct.

(*: it is documented now)