Best way to store a list of visited systems?

General discussion for players of Oolite.

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Best way to store a list of visited systems?

Post by Wildeblood »

What is the most efficient way to store a long list of systems the player has visited in mission variables? Is comparing two such lists (systems required to visit versus systems already visited) a trivial or difficult scripting task? Are there examples of mission OXPs that require the player to visit either (a) sequence of systems in particular order, or (b) a list of systems in any order?

Is there any interest in (or prior example of) a Customs Control OXP, that allows the player to carry controlled commodities without becoming an offender provided they stay on an approved route, but makes them a super-fugitive if they deviate from the correct route?
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Eric Walch
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Re: Best way to store a list of visited systems?

Post by Eric Walch »

Ahruman posted such a method years ago. I could not find his post, but stored his code on my disk. It comes down to create a missionvariable for each galaxy and store the visited systems as bits within that variable.

Code: Select all

this.clearAllBits = function() 
	this.bitmap = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 

this.clearAllBits()	// Initialize bitmap at startup 

this.isBitSet = function(bit) 
	var index = Math.floor(bit / 30) 
	var bitID = bit % 30 
  return (this.bitmap[index] & (1 << bitID)) != 0 

this.setBit = function(bit) 
  var index = Math.floor(bit / 30) 
  var bitID = bit % 30 
  this.bitmap[index] |= (1 << bitID) 

this.clearBit = function(bit) 
  var index = Math.floor(bit / 30) 
  var bitID = bit % 30 
  this.bitmap[index] &= ~(1 << bitID) 

this.saveBits = function() 
  for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) 
    var key = "ups_bitmap_" + galaxyNumber + "_" + i 
    missionVariables[key] = this.bitmap[i] 

this.loadBits = function() 
  for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) 
    var key = "ups_bitmap_" + galaxyNumber + "_" + i 
    this.bitmap[i] = missionVariables[key] 

this.reset = function() 

this.playerEnteredNewGalaxy = function() 

this.didExitWitchSpace = function() 
  if (!this.isBitSet(system.ID)) 
    player.credits += 250 
    player.consoleMessage("Advert shown.") 
Note that this is old code and some handlers are renamed in current Oolite. However, current Oolite support JSON variables for storage. That might be even more efficient, but I have no experience with that. More about it you can find here
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