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Re: Target Autolock OXP

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 8:33 am
by Digital86
I found a bug.
The equipment (Target Autolock Plus 1.12.oxp) is bought infinitely. And though actually it is bought, in the list of purchases it isn't visible.
My version 1.77.1
Well as a whole the device works.

Re: Target Autolock OXP

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 9:56 am
by Thargoid
It is a software upgrade for the scanner targeting enhancement, so will not show on the equipment list separately (by design). When bought it sets a variable in your save file which should block its repurchase.

When first bought it should set a variable to prevent repurchase. I'll check later if that has somehow broken.

Also can you look in your save game file and search for <key>mission_targetAutolock</key>. If it is there, tell me whether below it the value between the <string></string> tags.

Re: Target Autolock OXP

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 11:41 am
by Digital86
It is Sorry, unclear that it was.
Now everything is bought correctly. Repeated purchases aren't present more.

Re: Target Autolock OXP

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 8:26 pm
by Lone_Wolf
During playing i noticed that when "Scanner Targeting Enhancement" is damaged, autolock is removed also.

There is no message this happens, you will only notice in your next fight the autolock functionality is no longer present.
When the STE is repaired / re-bought the autolock functionality doesn't come back.

You will need to visit a tech 14+ planet to buy it again.

some ways to deal with this :
A. keep current behaviour, but add a console & log message about the removal.
A1. same as A, but lower tech level (f.e. TL 12 like the STE) for autolock device so it's easier to get it back.
B. make autolock indestructible, but non-functional without STE.

All of those require code changes.
However, Thargoid has indicated he is no longer maintaining his oxps ( , so someone else needs to step up.

I could takeover this oxp (it has never left my oolite installation since i found it), but would like to have opinions of others which path to take before i take over.

Re: Target Autolock OXP

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 8:33 pm
by Cody
TAP has been in my AddOns folder for over five years - one of the first OXPs I installed...
Lone_Wolf wrote:
A. keep current behaviour, but add a console & log message about the removal.
... and I'd go with this (if it has to be changed at all, that is).

Re: Target Autolock OXP

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 8:42 pm
by Fatleaf
I would also put a note in the description that warns the player that it can be destroyed so they know what's going on and that it's a feature and not a bug.

Re: Target Autolock OXP

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 1:33 am
by Diziet Sma
I'd vote option B, I think.. I kind of see the TAP as a software upgrade for the STE.

Re: Target Autolock OXP

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 2:43 pm
by Lone_Wolf
Cody, i've had the sudden disappearance of TAP happen several times before, but never looked into it and just bought a new one asap.

The current removal of TAP when STE gets damaged is not mentioned anywhere in the oxp description / readme, so it's confusing and players will wonder why they suddenly have no more TAP functionality.

Also if you read the entire thread, Thargoid indicated there were 2 things he was considering to add to TAP :
- on/off switch
- allowing the user to choose which colors to use for the lollipop.

So i'd say there are good reasons for a new TAP version.

Re: Target Autolock OXP

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 3:10 pm
by Cody
Yes, the on/off switch is something I wanted (but had forgotten) - it would be a handy addition.

Re: Target Autolock OXP

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 2:08 pm
by Lone_Wolf
Plans for next version

- make autolock indestructible, but non-functional without STE (option B in my earlier post).

- allowing user to choose display colors : postponed

- on/off switch
there are 2 places in game where this can be implemend :
Docked - can be done through oxpConfig

In Flight
can do this by making TAP primable, but there are many oxps using that already
an alternative would be to introduce a "missile" item that changes TAP status

The missile item could be one-shot, or take up a missile slot permanently.

Both inflight options have advantages & disadvantages, but i don't know other options to achieve this.

Thoughts ?

Re: Target Autolock OXP

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 7:04 pm
by Cody
I'd prefer TAP to be primable kit - quick and easy.

Re: Target Autolock OXP

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 9:36 pm
by Lone_Wolf
Primable on/off switch it is then, and it will be persistent between savegames.

While working on TAP i noticed that if a ship attacks player with missile, TAP does nothing.
Should it also autolock such an attacker ?

Re: Target Autolock OXP

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 9:51 pm
by Cody
Lone_Wolf wrote:
Should it also autolock such an attacker ?
My initial thinking is no, it shouldn't - but I'll have to ponder on that.

[RELEASE]Target Autolock Plus OXP v1.13

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2020 12:33 pm
by dybal
[EliteWiki] Target Autolock OXP v1.13 is available on the Expansion Manager and here.

  • Updated license to remove the "Thargoid clauses" after Thargoid allowed modification when retired from maintaining his OXps (viewtopic.php?f=4&t=17085).
  • Discards the use of a mission variable to indicate the equipment installation in the player ship and keeps the purchased equipment.
  • Resets the highlighting of the target in the scanner if Scanner Target Enhancement is damaged.

[RELEASE]Target Autolock Plus OXP v1.13

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 4:43 pm
by dybal
[EliteWiki] Target Autolock OXP v1.14 is available on the Expansion Manager and here.

  • Fixes typo that prevented resetting scanner when target is lost
  • Some optimizations to avoid repeatedly setting up the target scanner display colours.
Thanks to Nite Owl for the heads up on the typo!