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Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 11:12 am
by Griff
D'oh! forgot that without shaders you'd only see the 1 type of station. I've fixed that now and re-uploaded the oxp. I've edited the download link above to the new version, but since this post has started a new page here it is again

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 8:47 pm
by pagroove
mmmm Griff,

Tested it. I'm even more confused now:

The results:

Without shaders I see the Metaforce Corolius everytime. (i did about 8 station runs)

With shaders on I get only the Greenline Corolius.

Looked at the .mdl, plist files and everything looks ok. So is ther something wrong with the textures? or Does Oolite chooses one variant all the time?

Anyone else tried it and got the same results?

BTW the shaders itself on the textures looks great. But I never saw one of my other variants.

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 7:37 pm
by Griff
Hi PAGroove,
I must admit it didn't test the .oxp, i just checked that all the stations were appearing on the demo screen (the one where it cycles through all the ships if you say No to loading in a saved commander). I just had a quick playthrough with shaders enabled and then again with shaders disabled and i saw quite a variety of different textured stations, maybe this is one of those press SHIFT when starting the game things to clear out the old broken .oxp from the cache? (or you could temporarily take the oxp out of your AddOns folder, start then quit oolite, then copy the oxp back into the Addons folder.)

as an aside, in one system just now there was also about 30 police vipers just milling around, never seen that before but tragically i didn't have an energy bomb equipped :(

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 8:06 pm
Griff wrote:
as an aside, in one system just now there was also about 30 police vipers just milling around, never seen that before but tragically i didn't have an energy bomb equipped :(
Naughty naughty :twisted:

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 11:36 pm
by pagroove

You were right. I took the oxp out of the add-ons directory, started Oolite, then quit the game, put the oxp back in. Restarted Oolite (with SHIFT pressed) and it works now!.


So for all. It only works when you clear the cache.

This is a joint OXP with Griff's model and the Textures of P.A. Groove.

Somebody know how to put it on the WIKI? I want to write a bit on the background of some Corolius models. :lol: 8)

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 11:49 pm
by pagroove

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 9:43 pm
by pagroove
GASECblue variant

The GASECblue was first DODEC featuring AutoNANO repair technology. In this way GASEC engineers found a way to autoclean and autorepair the hull without relying on expensive repair bots or GALCLEAN station cleaning ships.


Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 9:44 pm
by pagroove
Sorry double post :oops:

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 6:45 pm
by Leroy Boyce
I'm loving these space stations.

However, I've tried to put them in my Add-on folder (and started playing, holding down [shift], but I'm not seeing any of these beautiful stations...

I'm using 1.69, if that makes any difference...?

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 8:16 pm
by pagroove
or you could temporarily take the oxp out of your AddOns folder, start then quit oolite, then copy the oxp back into the Addons folder.)
Hi Leroy,

I tried the above solution, because I had this problem too with 1.70. Also had this with the Random Hits OXP (also by Griff).

For me taking the 'thing' out the addons folder, restart Oolite, exit Oolite, putting the oxp back in the addons folder and then restart Oolite with the shift key pressed worked. Also checked if the stations displayed in the second loading screen. ( the one in which you see each ship rotating)

Maybe it has something to do with the shaders? But I don't think so because you are trying it on 1.69.

Let me know if it works.
More textures are in the pipeline :wink:

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 10:18 am
by Leroy Boyce
Would all the stations look like this, or only the occational one?

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 11:00 am
by Griff
Hi Leroy
how recently did you download the oxp? when i first uploaded it a few days back i'd made a mistake which meant that the only station that appeared was the green one, if you downloaded it from the post above you should have a working version. Not every station will be a PAGroove one, although chances of finding one should be very high.
The blue Dodo station PAGroove posted a screenshot of above isn't in the oxp yet due to me being a bit lazy but i'll definately get it in there soon!

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:34 pm
by pagroove
Hi all,

Griff has worked hard to bring you his new COROLIUS and DODO models. This in combination with new textures and system- (sun colour) dependent shaders:

If anyone also wants to make a fun texture for these stations just us a message.

Greetings from the 'stationbuilders'

This is in the readme:



An .Oxp for Oolite that adds a new 'Coriolis Station' model with 6 different texture variations
and a new 'Dodo Station' model with 4 different texture variations to the game.


All textures Created by P.A.Groove

Models by Griff

OXP Uploaded 24/03/08.



Copy the "PAGroove_Stations_v1.1.oxp" folder into your Oolite Addons folder, the stations will be available next time you start the game.



Remove the "PAGroove_Stations_v1.1.oxp" folder from your Oolite Addons folder.

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:54 pm
by pagroove
When it's not working as expected check 2 things:

1. is the .oxp dir directly in your add on dir.
2. Take the oxp out of Oolite and Run Oolite
3 leave Oolite
4 Put the OXP back in your add-on folder
5 Run ELITE with SHIFT on.
6 press space
7 release the SHIFT key.

Then it should work as the cache is cleared.

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 7:44 am
by another_commander
Just to clear up a slight misunderstanding with clearing the cache manually, steps 2 and below can be reduced to:

1. Start Oolite and almost simultaneously hold down the Shift key.
2. Release Shift when you see the rotating Cobra MKIII on the screen (actually, you can release it much earlier, but just to be sure and have a common reference point).

The act of modifying paths inside AddOns is caught by Oolite on startup. If you have added, removed or renamed folders in AddOns (or, as the game logs it, you have changed the search paths), then Oolite will rebuild the cache regardless.

However, if you edit a file inside an OXP folder (e.g. a .plist), then you will want to hold down Shift on next startup for the game to get the change and do a cache rebuild.