'Another Great Deal(tm)...'
...from your
friendly Benulobiweed.inc.
. ____________________________
. //| Updates - Updates - Updates |\\
'Again?' I hear you cry?
'Oh - yes!'
All the current B.inc ships you have come to know & love have had a ( possibly ) final lick of paint:
-All have their own new+shiny AI.
-All are a bit more 'chatty'.
-Long-standing typo ( from when the Falcon-S was introduced ) has been fixed - You can once again buy one! Oops!
-Update to the ship itself. ( Serves you right for not looking @ the ReadMe!
-AI substantially changed in line with it being my #1 escort / interceptor ship.
-Trick new AI's. ( seem to work )
-NavyCondor was a 'bit broken', but we had the technology...
-New Kestrel variants for this .oxp. ( But should be substituted for boaring ones if there is something wrong with you & you don't have all my .oxp's installed! )
-New AI's
-Photon Torpedo's Captain!!!
-There be bent crewmen aboard some of these ships so if ( you can ) dock with one you may find some rather good deals... But watch out for the rozzers!
-It's my intention to update this .oxp form time-to-time as new Navy starships spill over into GalCop space in the on-going & escalating spat with the Thargoids...
( Big new Thargoid battle-ships in my pipeline
Well you wouldn't want them to get a pasting from all these new capital ships all the time.
So, go on, download those updates.
'You know it makes sence'.(tm)
And Finally...
A big Thank you to Captain H.
Here's the full-sized AD you asked for...
Too big?
Well I thought resizing down works better than up.
By the way...
B.inc's currently hospitalised lead test-pilot met an unfortunate accident recently.
Something to do with Q. thinking he would make fewer negative comments about prototype ships if he was slipped a little 'weed from time to time.
Q. 'To help get that bug out of his but!'
Captain B.'s doctor would like to point out that he has never indulged in such activities...
B.inc is believed to be looking for a suitable replacement.
Any ideas?