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Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 1:50 pm
by matthewfarmery
I only uploaded scripts folder to test it out, after that pmw57 has done all the work so far, I need your gmail email, a none gmail email doesn't work, you need to create a gmail or google account, then I can add you, as the one you gave me is rejected

as for using SVN, you need a SVN client, depending on what OS you are using, once you have commit access, click on source, it will give you the commit access url to access the SVN


Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 2:00 pm
by Lestradae
I want to stress again - whoever uploaded the rest of the stuff - as for now ...

Please exclusively upload the Scripts and AI folders onto that platform!!!

OSE is now V0.70.18 on my harddrive and if other people work on stuff of V0.70.12 that would be a big problem!!!

pmw57, Screet, matthewfarmery - I want to avoid double and triple efforts here! :(

Will get myself a google email now


Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 2:40 pm
by Sendraks
pmw57 wrote:
In looking through the models now, I see for example, the Mamba and the Mamba escort looks all white.
Yes, thats similar to the problem I'm having and I think the mamba escort was one of the offending ships last night. Although the ship does not appear as entirely white, more mostly white with some monochromatic shading.

Definitely not the problem Lestradae linked to.


Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 3:05 pm
by Lestradae
I am currently uploading OSE WiP V0.70.18 onto my box-account.

It contains the as of one hour back newest scripts from Screet and pmw57.

This should be the newest reference version.

And, again, please let's only SVN the AIs and Scripts for now (I might repeat myself slightly there :wink: )

Cheers everyone


Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 3:08 pm
by matthewfarmery
well I have deleted the scripts folder that I uploaded from SVN, as I uploaded it to test things out

once we all get the latest version, we can carry on from there,

PS you can make multiple folders so old revisions could still remain while updated versions are in another directory, that is part of how SVN works,


Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 3:41 pm
by Lestradae
Here is the newest OSE WiP version, V0.70.18, for the scripters.

Everything in there can be considered the new start-off point.

It is at the state-of-art of about two hours ago.

Download here:



Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 4:04 pm
by matthewfarmery
downloading but very slow, when I have fully downloaded, I will create the scripts and AI folders, on the SVN, unless someone else does that before me, then use those folders to help update the scripts and AI,


Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 4:05 pm
by Lestradae
Thanks, matthewfarmery! :D

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 4:07 pm
by matthewfarmery
not had an PM from you yet, if you haven't got a gmail account, please create one, then PM me it and I can give you commit access

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 4:23 pm
by Screet
matthewfarmery wrote:
not had an PM from you yet, if you haven't got a gmail account, please create one, then PM me it and I can give you commit access
Yes, will require one (might even once have created and never used...not entirely sure, need to search old mails) - it's just that I'm VERY tired the whole day and had barely enough power to keep up-to-date on the board. Might take till tomorrow. Remind you: I've got burnout...


Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 4:27 pm
by matthewfarmery
np take it easy, at least then the needed people have SVN access, there are different programs for the different OSs to use on whatever OS you are using, you have to do a google search for the best ones, after that you connect and update or commit,

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 4:55 pm
by matthewfarmery
I have deleted the folders made by pmw57 and uploaded the scripts and AI folders, the SVN can allow a project size up to 1gig, so maybe at some point the whole project can be uploaded? but anyway, its just the scripts and AI folder in SVN for now, as L instructed

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 7:13 am
by Commander McLane
pmw57 wrote:
So what is needed as far as the timers go, is to conceptually divide the scripts into world scripts and ships scripts.
Well, don't you always need to conceptually divide the scripts into world scripts and ship scripts? I mean, these are exactly the two distinct classes of scripts that exist for Oolite. So how could you ever not have distinguished between them?
pmw57 wrote:
Commander McLane wrote:
For this very reason a special event was defined for ship scripts: playerWillEnterWitchspace. This event informs all ship scripts of all ships in system A that the player is no longer there, and after a split second all of them will cease to exist. So it is the task of each ship script to react to this event by taking certain actions.
Do you think that the Ship class should be updated with that information? ... ence:_Ship
No. It has nothing to do with the Ship class. The explanation belongs exactly in the place where it is already (and has been since playerWillEnterWitchspace exists as an event): On the event handler page. Please allow me to quote verbatim:
Wiki wrote:
The playerWillEnterWitchspace handler is called just before a witchspace jump starts and after the shipWillEnterWitchspace handler fires. It is send to all ships in the system to signal that the player is about to leave the system. (By jump or by wormhole) (*** This handler is intended for use in shipscripts only. ***)
Which part of "is sent to all ships in the system" and "(*** This handler is intended for use in shipscripts only. ***)" didn't you understand?

(addendum: in my original post I misquoted the handler as playerWillExitSystem instead of the correct playerWillEnterWitchspace. I apologize. It was obviously a glitch while typing (corrected now), and the name is correctly given in the following paragraph (as it was in the previous post of mine, even with direct link). But that's what the documentation (in this case the Wiki) is for: You can always look it up and check what the correct spelling, method name, or event handler name is. I think it was clear enough which handler I meant.)

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 7:44 am
by pmw57
Commander McLane wrote:
Well, don't you always need to conceptually divide the scripts into world scripts and ship scripts? I mean, these are exactly the two distinct classes of scripts that exist for Oolite. So how could you ever not have distinguished between them?
By ever, we mean over the past two weeks since I discovered Oolite. It can take some while to absorb the body of knowledge that long-time veterans have acquired.

Thanks for your paitence.

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 8:14 am
by Screet
I yesterday did update to OSE V0.70.18, replaced AMS (have additional functionality) and CC scripts...however, I did get a crash during a fight and there's no hint at what happened :(

Guess I'll have to compare the .18 scripts against my old versions now or did anyone already fix something in there? If so, where?
