Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld & Black Markets

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Re: (BETA) Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld

Post by Balisongdalo »

I noticed after buying phase scanner frequencies, the target system name is not listed only the tech level and no system name. Any fix for this?
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Re: (BETA) Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld

Post by phkb »

Sounds like a bug. I'll investigate and report back.
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Re: (BETA) Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld

Post by phkb »

Ah, got it. This isn't actually a bug. Phase scans apply to government/tech level combinations, not to individual systems. So if you purchase a phase scan for Lave (dictatorship TL5), the scan setting will also work for Geisgeza, Aerater, and Diquer.

I did find some other bugs, though, so a new version is on the way.
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Re: (BETA) Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld

Post by Balisongdalo »

so if you buy a freq that's tech TL5, it will work on all TL5 systems or is it limited only to all TL5 dicatorships?
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Re: (BETA) Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld

Post by phkb »

TL5 Dictatorships
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Re: (BETA) Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld

Post by phkb »

Version 0.9.0 of Smugglers has just been released, download via the manager or from links in the first post.
In this version:
  • Added new Black Market option, enabling the sale of rare or expensive equipment items (eg naval-sourced equipment)
  • Added ability for 3rd party OXP's to add items for sale to the Black Market.
  • Fixed incorrect label in descriptions.plist.
  • Fixed issue where a smuggling compartment repair item was being displayed when the unit wasn't damaged.
  • Add ability for sting ship to respond to cloaked attacks.
  • Better handling of interstellar space conditions.
  • Some values were not being reset correctly after a galactic jump.
  • Police ship model used on all police-related screens displayed at that station will now be the same model.
  • Sound effects added for mode/activate functions of phase scanner.
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Re: (BETA) Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld

Post by Ross154 »

With Illegal Goods Tweak it happens that the F7 screen shows slaves as illegal to import, but they are labeled as illegal to export in the F8 market screen. If I buy them and I leave the station I'm immediately labeled as offender. I can release them when docking, but I'm still an offender and I have to pay a fine. I guess they become illegal both for import (handled by IGT) and export (handled by Smugglers)? Shouldn't export be legal with IGT installed?
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Re: (BETA) Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld

Post by phkb »

Ross154 wrote:
Shouldn't export be legal with IGT installed?
IGT doesn't make anything officially legal or illegal. It operates one level above if you like, monitoring what you bring in to the station (GalCop stations only) and penalising or rewarding you based on your choices. When it comes to the import/export restrictions IGT doesn't really come into play. It hands that job over to the core game, and in the core game Slaves are illegal to export.

Smugglers doesn't change the legality of Slaves either. If IGT is installed it will interface with it and together they effectively make slaves illegal to import and export. If IGT isn't installed, slaves are just illegal to export.

From the core game's perspective, in both cases Slaves are only illegal to export. The "illegal to import" function is controlled through the OXP's. This is because, if slaves were made illegal to import at the core-game level, you'd be dinged every time you picked up an escape pod.

Hopefully all that makes sense!
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Re: (BETA) Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld

Post by Balisongdalo »

thanks for the update phkb, this is my favorite of the OXP's along with Random Hits, was wondering if the smuggling contracts stay at a fixed pay or successful runs increase future contracts? Have you considered some type of ranking system like RH or towbar oxp for successful smuggling runs with increased pay?
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Re: (BETA) Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld

Post by Balisongdalo »

Is the smuggler's cargo hold capped at 20t or is it possible to increase the size for more profits? I fly a DTT War Lance with 20t capped smuggler's hold. Is the limitation due to a small amounts of illegal cargo sold at stations? If normal items like food or computers can be illegal in this oxp, additional smuggler cargo space can help increase profits.
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Re: (BETA) Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld

Post by phkb »

I'm glad you're enjoying the OXP!
Balisongdalo wrote:
was wondering if the smuggling contracts stay at a fixed pay or successful runs increase future contracts?
I've essentially copied the same process that the parcel and passenger contracts use, so yes, you should get better payouts as your smuggling reputation increases.
Balisongdalo wrote:
Is the smuggler's cargo hold capped at 20t
I put a limit on the size because I didn't want to unbalance the game too much (ie. buy an Anaconda, put a 750t smuggling compartment in, pay a relatively tiny bribe amount, and bingo! instant massive profits). Also, I always imagined the smuggling compartment to be, well, a compartment, something kind of smallish, not the entire cargo hold of a Boa or Anaconda. Upping the size limit isn't difficult, but it's probably worth discussing the broader implications first.
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Re: (BETA) Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld

Post by Ross154 »

phkb wrote:
From the core game's perspective, in both cases Slaves are only illegal to export. The "illegal to import" function is controlled through the OXP's. This is because, if slaves were made illegal to import at the core-game level, you'd be dinged every time you picked up an escape pod.

Hopefully all that makes sense!
Thanks, I was confused by the fact that with both IGT&Smugglers slaves appear 'illegal to import' in the F7 screen, while with Smugglers alone are more logically 'illegal to export'.
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Re: (BETA) Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld

Post by Balisongdalo »

-Added new Black Market option, enabling the sale of rare or expensive equipment items (eg naval-sourced equipment). I haven't seen any black market option for this only purchasable items were the phase scan settings and rock hermit permits. I checked space bars and rock hermits at the black market, no such option is available. Added ability for 3rd party OXP's to add items for sale to the Black Market, what OXP's take advantage of this feature? I'm running the latest version.
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Re: (BETA) Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld

Post by phkb »

Balisongdalo wrote:
I haven't seen any black market option for this
By default the only items that will display in here are the cloaking device, the military shield enhancement, the naval energy unit, and (if you ever manage to get them) the military jammer and the military scan filtering device. If you don't have any of those items, you won't see the option. If you do have any of those items and you're not seeing the option, there's a bug. Just let me know which of the equipment items you have and I should be able to recreate the bug at my end, and squash it.
Balisongdalo wrote:
what OXP's take advantage of this feature?
Well, none so far. I'm working on a mission OXP that will add items to the list, but it's not ready yet!
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Re: (BETA) Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld

Post by Balisongdalo »

By default the only items that will display in here are the cloaking device, the military shield enhancement, the naval energy unit, and (if you ever manage to get them) the military jammer and the military scan filtering device. If you don't have any of those items, you won't see the option. If you do have any of those items and you're not seeing the option, there's a bug. Just let me know which of the equipment items you have and I should be able to recreate the bug at my end, and squash it.
I recall seeing the military shield enhancement on the equipment sale screen but not the other items you mentioned, so if I buy the military shields the other items will be available on the equipment screen F3 or on the black market on F4?
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