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Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 4:18 pm
by Simon B
Wow... well I had a trunk build from karmic, upgraded instead of installed lucid, without even thinking about it and it just works.

I'll have to keep notes for the next build though.

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 4:24 pm
by DaddyHoggy
That's good to know - currently on Karmic - keep ignoring the upgrade reminder in the update manager! 8) :wink:

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 5:17 pm
by TheOsh
Ok, question. I'm on Lucid (a new install, not an upgrade). libgnustep-base is version 1.19.3 and I've added the test package source lines for Lucid to my sources.list file. After installing using apt-get, Oolite is still 1.65-6build2.

Is GNUstep still an issue? or is the Ubuntu repository not up to date with the preferred version of Oolite?

If it's Ubuntu's repository, is there an easy way to get from 1.65 to 1.74?

If it's still a GNUstep issue, is there any idea on when things will be ready?

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 8:15 pm
by Micha
Ubuntu (and Debian) still ship Oolite 1.65 because that is the last stable version of Oolite that was released. They won't officially package 'test' releases as part of their distro.

Silly question, I know, but did you 'apt-get update' before 'apt-get install oolite' after you modified your sources.list?

Also, yes, the GNUstep issue is still an issue. You can add the ppa which is referenced to your sources.list as well, in which case you will get a version of GNUstep which fixes that particular bug. However there may be other bugs we haven't found yet.
There's no ETA for getting a fixed version of GNUstep into the official Ubuntu repositories. These things take time to ensure the fix doesn't introduce even worse regressions.

If you just want to play Oolite, it's recommended you use the autopackage version of Oolite for now.

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 9:40 pm
by TheOsh
Yup, I did do the apt-get update and still got the 1.65 version.

I would be willing to try putting 1.74 on this box, (and don't feel like compiling from scratch). What do you think my chances are of adding one of the older Ubuntu repositories to my sources.list and going from there?

Or, like you said, best to just stick with 1.65 until things are fixed?

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 9:57 pm
by DaddyHoggy
TheOsh wrote:
Yup, I did do the apt-get update and still got the 1.65 version.

I would be willing to try putting 1.74 on this box, (and don't feel like compiling from scratch). What do you think my chances are of adding one of the older Ubuntu repositories to my sources.list and going from there?

Or, like you said, best to just stick with 1.65 until things are fixed?
No point in sticking with 1.65 - almost none of the OXPs you might want to play will work with 1.65, 1.73.4 is the way to go, which you should get with the auto-package. Not sure why you're not - I know I'm not on Lucid, but I've been using the autopackage for a long time now, Fiesty, Gutsy and Karmic...

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 12:50 am
by TheOsh
I was on Jaunty and you're right, all the oxp's that I use need 1.73.4.

Going to the Oolite home page, the 1.73.4 download is for Jaunty and Karmic. There are also a few notes about it not working under Lucid due to some bugs in GNUstep. But there is an additional note that the GNUstep bug is fixed, but maybe that's just to allow 1.65? Maybe 1.73.4 is still not working correctly under the fixed GNUstep and Jaunty?

Any clarification out there?

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 5:04 am
by Kaks
Clarification: the GNUStep library used in Lucid is a bit broken. The Oolite devs found the breakage and reported it to the GNUStep developers.

The fix is there, but won't be added to Lucid for a while, as Micha has told you already.

If anything, 1.73.4 has got more of a chance of running without problems in Lucid than 1.65.

If you download and use the .package, instead of the .deb download, you won't be affected by the bug. The .package includes a non-broken version of GNUStep that Oolite will be using.

Loading and running an autopackage .package just installs the program, doesn't compile anything. The first time you install an autopackage it can be a bit daunting, but if you read up about autopackage, you'll know what to expect!

Hope things are a bit more clear now.

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:32 am
by Micha
Unfortunately I just found another GNUstep1.19.3 issue. This issue revolves around the reported problem with 'corrupted' savegames (in fact, the savegames are fine, unless you count unicode characters as corruption!)

I'll see if I can isolate & backport the fix (this particular issue is already fixed in gnustep-base1.20) and forward it to Ubuntu.

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:33 am
by Getafix
Kaks wrote:
...The first time you install an autopackage it can be a bit daunting...
Read this post for instructions on how to install oolite autopackage package.

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:14 am
by Micha
TheOsh wrote:
Yup, I did do the apt-get update and still got the 1.65 version.

You're right, there appears to be something wrong with the debian package server and 1.73.4 packages aren't being served for some reason.

Many apologies for this. This will hopefully be fixed in the next few days.

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 2:06 pm
by TheOsh
I think I can wait for the Ubuntu repositories to be updated. That's probably the best option, since updates will be automagic and I wouldn't have to worry about compiling when there's a newer version...

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 2:19 pm
by Micha
Right now I would strongly urge to use the autopackage version for Lucid.

As I posted on Monday, there's more issues with gnustep1.19.3, which I haven't managed to isolate yet. Until I do, all Lucid packages will be taken offline again anyway. Sorry - but there's no point in giving people access to a known problematic version.

Failed to run for me

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 8:26 pm
by Samoth

I've tried the test-releases und the nightly built trunc even in 32 bit and 64 bit on my notebook with kubuntu 10.04 64-bit and a gforce 7600 go gpu (1440x900). None of these versions start correctly to run.

they all have the same strange behavior:

I see a very small window with a small piece of graphics, but the window doesn't react on any input. Closing is only possible by killing the process !

The log doesn't tell me any error. So what's wrong ?

Is it possible to start it in a safe-mode or with additional error-checkings ?

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 8:37 pm
by Micha
Try starting from a command prompt (Accessories -> Terminal) with the -nosplash flag:

Code: Select all

$ oolite -nosplash
This has helped people in the past..

Also, can you resize the window?