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Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:27 am
Cows wrote:
Along with behemoths.oxp, so far it hasn't gone well for me with the neolite-megaships oxp.


However, it worked fine when I removed neolite-megaships.
Am I just being stupid? :|
Hmm, looks like some sort of weird conflict, does it happen everytime? Or was it a once-only thing?

Also, do you have a link for neolites-megaships? so I can check for conflicts?

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:38 am
by JazHaz
ADCK wrote:
Cows wrote:
Along with behemoths.oxp, so far it hasn't gone well for me with the neolite-megaships oxp.

However, it worked fine when I removed neolite-megaships.
Am I just being stupid? :|
Hmm, looks like some sort of weird conflict, does it happen everytime? Or was it a once-only thing?

Also, do you have a link for neolites-megaships? so I can check for conflicts?
Its mentioned here: as a beta. Not got it myself.

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:47 am
Ah, it's a beta. Sort of explains why I can't fins a link for it anywhere.

Simon B seems to be pretty busy lately, but I wonder if he still plans of finishing that OXP.

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:00 am
by JazHaz
ADCK wrote:
Ah, it's a beta. Sort of explains why I can't fins a link for it anywhere.
Not sure but it might be on the wiki. Will check the Google cache.... (did a Google search "cache:") ... but "neolite-megaships" is not there (or on the OXP page).

EDIT: tried Simon's website also, but its not on there either. Probably is one of the files on his inaccessible hard drive....

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:07 am
Damn, hope they're not lost, just skimmed through that RFC topic, there are some nice-looking GalNavy ships in there that I'd like to get my hands on.

I'd love to combine that OXP with my behemoths OXP, especially since my behemoths OXP uses a fair few retextured neolites ships already.

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:10 am
by JazHaz
ADCK wrote:
Damn, hope they're not lost, just skimmed through that RFC topic, there are some nice-looking GalNavy ships in there that I'd like to get my hands on.

I expect someone will be able to provide a copy. Have you tried looking on Oosat?

EDIT: just looked on Oosat myself but no sign of neolite megaships.

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:19 am
JazHaz wrote:
ADCK wrote:
Damn, hope they're not lost, just skimmed through that RFC topic, there are some nice-looking GalNavy ships in there that I'd like to get my hands on.

I expect someone will be able to provide a copy. Have you tried looking on Oosat?
Nah, I'll have a better look around later.

About the conflict a few posts above this one, I just realised the only way that should happen is if megaships has a ship entry called "behemoth-enceladus" What are the odds of both of us picking such an obscure name :lol: See later post

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:25 am
by JazHaz
ADCK wrote:
I just realised the only way that should happen is if megaships has a ship entry called "behemoth-enceladus" What are the odds of both of us picking such an obscure name :lol:
I dunno, its a major moon of Saturn!

Enceladus, discovered in 1789 by William Herschel.

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:33 am
JazHaz wrote:
ADCK wrote:
I just realised the only way that should happen is if megaships has a ship entry called "behemoth-enceladus" What are the odds of both of us picking such an obscure name :lol:
I dunno, its a major moon of Saturn!
I got the name from the Greek Giant actually, in keeping with the theme of behemoths being named after big ancient greek things. Funny thing was, after about naming 80 behemoths I ran out of big ancient greek things to name them after, so went with planet/moon names from our universe and the elite universe, if i had of kept going with planets/moons I might of ended up with two ships named enceladus, coincidentally, i also ended up with a ship named "geryon" and another named "geryones" but couldnt be bothered fixing it and I didnt think anyone would notice, theres also a "titan" and a "titanic" :P

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 1:11 am
by Cows
EDIT: tried Simon's website also, but its not on there either. Probably is one of the files on his inaccessible hard drive....
What are you talking about? It's right here! (it's like the 14th one down).

Oh, and by the ways, that conflict happens all the time using neolite-megaships.

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 6:07 am
Cows wrote:
EDIT: tried Simon's website also, but its not on there either. Probably is one of the files on his inaccessible hard drive....
What are you talking about? It's right here! (it's like the 14th one down).

Oh, and by the ways, that conflict happens all the time using neolite-megaships.
Thanks for the link, I now see what the problem is, the neolites one changes the base entries of the behemoth ships to use a new model. Similar to what his neolites core package does to standard ships.

It seems that the link provided shows a really old version of megaships, as there are alot of ships he posted in his thread that aren't in that package.

I thinking of getting in contact with him and seeing if he'd be willing to let me combine the two oxps into one. And adding his Custom behemoths as types 5, 6 and 7.

I'll send Simon B a PM directing him to this thread to get his thoughts on the matter and the state of megaships, etc.

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 7:50 am
by Simon B
Megaships is not compatible with behemoths. You cannot run them both.
There is an oxp in development to totally redo the behemoth/navy set and all new thargxxx ships too.

It is supposed to be something of the last oxp in the neolite series.
I would advise against combining the megaships with behemoths - they don't really belong together. You should seek permission from the behemoth author anyway.

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 8:50 am
Simon B wrote:
Megaships is not compatible with behemoths. You cannot run them both.
Ya, Well I guess I can rename all my entries to make them compatible in the next update.
Simon B wrote:
There is an oxp in development to totally redo the behemoth/navy set and all new thargxxx ships too.
It is supposed to be something of the last oxp in the neolite series.
Good to hear. Always like seeing more neolites stuff. Does this mean you're not going to continue developing megaships but instead will focus on a new OXP? From what I can tell, your megaships is basically what you were just descriping, the link (by cows) that was given a few posts backs only ads 3 new behemoth variations and a new asp.
Or am I missing something?
Simon B wrote:
I would advise against combining the megaships with behemoths - they don't really belong together.
I guess same reply as above, am I missing something? From what I can tell they would only complement each other, I even use a few neolites retextures (with credit given and following the licencing of those ships of course) in my Behemoths package. (I keep forgetting to upload some pics of them)
Simon B wrote:
You should seek permission from the behemoth author anyway.
That would be Aegidian, I followed the licencing as outlined in the original behemoths to the letter.

<EDIT> Added more pics to forst page,
and I just noticed one of the things I forgot to check on: the destroyers missiles aren't textured properly, and although they are firing correctly, they only got a few meters and then stop moving :oops: and they don;t reload either.

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 12:38 pm
by Simon B
The navy stuff includes the megaships and will replace the megaships oxp. Most of the craft were done, including the station.

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 2:49 pm
by JazHaz
Not having a good session!

Firstly found a bug with Wyvern's new ACS OXP, which he has just fixed! :wink:

Went back to my paused session and hyperspaced to the next planet on my route, and found one of the new ADCK Destroyers. Unfortunately, it doesn't look right! Yes, I don't run shaders, but it should look a bit better than this:

(click on the image to view in Flickr, and to view larger - click on All Sizes button)

EDIT: here's a side view of the same ship (turned the HUD off):
