Yes, Sir!Maybe L could help there - in OSE he does exactly that: override the original hud.
Instructions for a working installation of a new default hud with Oolite oxp-less or Realistic Shipyards or OSE (if you don't want the DeepSpaceHud as default) or any other HUD oxp:
1. Take out any other HUD oxps you might have (except RS/OSE, obviously!)
2. Create an oxp folder termed "ZZZZZ-MyNewHud.oxp" or somesuch. NOTE: The five (not one, not two, not three, not four

3. Put the Config folder and the Images folder of the HUD you want to use into your "ZZZZZ-MyNewHud.oxp" folder.
4. If the plist in the Config folder has any other name, rename it to: hud.plist
5. Check: The "ZZZZZ-MyNewHud.oxp" has to reside in your AddOns folder!
6. Don't forget to hold SHIFT down when you start your game next time so that Oolite recognises and implements your changes.
7. Have fun with your new hud!
Hope that helps