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Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:16 pm
by Switeck
Smivs wrote:
If it adds ships, missions etc it adds to the core game and therefore goes under Feature Expansions, surely? This example illustrates one of the problems we currently have, in that the same OXP shows up in several categories because it does several things. The list therefore becomes unwieldy. This is why I very deliberately did not suggest a 'Dockable Objects' category, because half the OXPs would appear there as well as everywhere else!
The ones that don't 'fit anywhere' go into Miscellaneous. Simple.
Still, where would you file Pirate Coves OXP? It's not a standard mission -- it adds fake Rock Hermits stuffed full of pirate badness. Feature Expansions then?

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:40 pm
by mcarans
JazHaz wrote:
We had a single table before. The problem was the amount of OXPs on it, it was too unwieldy to edit and keep updated. In fact it got to the point where it was causing problems with my computer. Wiki pages don't work well when a table is bigger than 64k, and it was!

Thats why it was split into at first two pages, and then ADCK split into alphabetical. Much easier to maintain and edit.
Ok fair point. Maybe the descriptions were too verbose, but assuming that wasn't the problem, how about splitting by category instead of alphabet?

I think somehow you have to get category in there somewhere otherwise it makes it hard to find OXPs.

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:48 pm
by Smivs
Switeck wrote:
Smivs wrote:
If it adds ships, missions etc it adds to the core game and therefore goes under Feature Expansions, surely? This example illustrates one of the problems we currently have, in that the same OXP shows up in several categories because it does several things. The list therefore becomes unwieldy. This is why I very deliberately did not suggest a 'Dockable Objects' category, because half the OXPs would appear there as well as everywhere else!
The ones that don't 'fit anywhere' go into Miscellaneous. Simple.
Still, where would you file Pirate Coves OXP? It's not a standard mission -- it adds fake Rock Hermits stuffed full of pirate badness. Feature Expansions then?
Yes. :)
I'm thinking the catagory titles could be simpler and more explicit than those I suggested.

Oolite Enhancements for OXPs that just enhance the visuals of the core game eg System Redux, retextured ship sets etc. These OXPs would have no impact on gameplay.
Having thought about this a bit more now, HUDS and Sound Sets probably fall into this catagory as well.

Oolite Expansions for OXPs that add anything to the core game, and therefore affect gameplay in some way, either with a new ship, a mission, extra features (such as Pirate Coves), extra equipment or weaponry, new characters and/or organisations, or any combination of the above.

Miscellaneous A catch-all header for the things which don't fit anywhere else. Perhaps this header could also include Debug.OXP and other developer aids, although personally I would favour keeping them separate.

Edit:- Just noticed JazHaz and Mcarans posts above. Yes the page could end up too big...I see that. Perhaps the answer is to link to four main index pages:-
Miscellaneous and development

Edit:- Something like this...


Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 2:32 pm
by Thargoid
So you have ships and ship sets seperately? And it's still not so clear cut, for example is SR/SR2 a core expansion (as it adds planets/moons) or an enhancement (as it retextures the main planet and sun)? And your list completely misses out equipment (and missions, but I presume you're including them in expansions) whereby again you get straddling OXPs like Aquatics which would appear in probably all four of your categories.

I repeat again that we're also getting multiple lists, which are too much work to maintain, either for OXP authors doing just their own OXPs (especially when there are lists that people don't even know exist), or people who only maintain the lists and don't write OXPs.

I'm probably the extreme case given the number of OXPs I have (although Eric can't be too far behind), and I know I'm not going to spend what would probably take several hours to find every single list and update every single entry for every single OXP I have every time Oolite is updated to a new version and they all have to update (not to mention updating their own wiki pages etc).

Hence why the idea of using tags to automatically do it is so appealing. What may be better is to ditch the whole idea of "maintained tables" (like we have now, where someone has to write the individual entries), but use the tags idea but expand them if possible to include the information that's in the maintained tables (last update date, synopsis etc). Hence the tags can be embedded as now in the OXP page, and then wiki code underneath can make the table.

That may or may not be possible, but if not then the whole concept of such lists becomes very difficult to work with and we need to go find Dizzy and get OXP Central back on the drawing board...

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:46 pm
by Smivs
Thargoid wrote:
So you have ships and ship sets seperately? And it's still not so clear cut, for example is SR/SR2 a core expansion (as it adds planets/moons) or an enhancement (as it retextures the main planet and sun)? And your list completely misses out equipment (and missions, but I presume you're including them in expansions) whereby again you get straddling OXPs like Aquatics which would appear in probably all four of your categories.
I think you're missing the whole point...simplicity!
Enhancement OXPs add eye-candy but do not introduce anything that will affect gameplay in any way. Expansions DO add features that will affect gameplay eg new ships, missions, stations, weapons, equipment, interactive characters etc.
Ship sets that re-texture (eg Deepspace ships) or replace the core ships (eg Griffs) are Enhancements. OXP ships (ie NEW ships that are not core) are Expansions.
Equipment, weapons etc ADD to the game, so they are Expansions.
SR and SR2 don't add anything which will have an influence on gameplay, so they are enhancements. Likewise for OXPs like YAH. They enhance the look of the game without having any effect on gameplay or adding anything which alters the game. They are eye-candy.
As for your Aquatics example, this is a great example of where we've gone wrong in the past. As things stand it would appear in almost every catagory. Multiple entries lead to over-long lists which is one problem we have now and need to address. In this system I'm suggesting it appears only once, in Expansions, as it adds tons of stuff to the game.
This is the whole point of what I'm suggesting...Each OXP appears ONLY ONCE (in the appropriate catagory).
Thargoid wrote:

I repeat again that we're also getting multiple lists, which are too much work to maintain, either for OXP authors doing just their own OXPs (especially when there are lists that people don't even know exist), or people who only maintain the lists and don't write OXPs.
But we already have, not only multiple lists, but multiple pages and Indices as well. Many try to do the same job, and no-one sems to know where they all are! My suggestion is to have just four lists (pages). Again...simple.
Thargoid wrote:

I'm probably the extreme case given the number of OXPs I have (although Eric can't be too far behind), and I know I'm not going to spend what would probably take several hours to find every single list and update every single entry for every single OXP I have every time Oolite is updated to a new version and they all have to update (not to mention updating their own wiki pages etc).
I understand that this will involve some effort from many OXP Authors. Any overhaul will cause this. However, with each OXP having only ONE entry on just ONE page of the Wiki, it should be a relatively straightforward affair.
Thargoid wrote:

Hence why the idea of using tags to automatically do it is so appealing. What may be better is to ditch the whole idea of "maintained tables" (like we have now, where someone has to write the individual entries), but use the tags idea but expand them if possible to include the information that's in the maintained tables (last update date, synopsis etc). Hence the tags can be embedded as now in the OXP page, and then wiki code underneath can make the table.

That may or may not be possible, but if not then the whole concept of such lists becomes very difficult to work with and we need to go find Dizzy and get OXP Central back on the drawing board...
If this can be done automatically, that would obviously be great :) I'm not trying to make work for people here, and in fact it should massively reduce the work involved in updating OXP entries because each OXP has just one entry on one page.
I'm just trying to come up with a simple system that gives people the information they want, quickly and easily.

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 4:03 pm
by Thargoid
This of course is the joy of wiki (and why I dislike the concept) - your system is fine until someone else decides that they have something better, or is just ignorant of what is proposed or that it even exists. Then yet more lists are bound to pop up, or individuals will do something their own way, or will put things in the wrong place, and we'll be having this discussion again.

But as I'm not going to make any suggestions on how better to do it, I'll let others have their say in turn and other people can maintain as many lists as they wish. And eagerly await Dizzy's return so the whole discussion can be superceded by OXP Central.

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 4:38 pm
by Smivs
Thargoid wrote:
...eagerly await Dizzy's return so the whole discussion can be superceded by OXP Central.
Hear Hear!

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 4:39 pm
by mcarans
If you want to control input on the wiki and make it less freeform, I guess you could use templates:

Also I think Mediawiki supports categories:
"MediaWiki allows you to categorize pages and files by appending one or more Category tags to the content text. Adding these tags creates links at the bottom of the page that take you to the list of all pages in that category, which makes it easy to browse related articles."

So it might be possible to just have pages that OXP authors write. These would have appropriate categories or tags somewhere on them so that index page(s) with more than just the name of the OXP can be generated.

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 4:43 pm
by Thargoid
They both are on the wiki already - those are the concepts I referred to earlier about things being auto-created.

If you look at my OXP pages for example you'll see they already use various templates that I believe Ahruman set up on there for this kind of thing (down at the bottom of the pages). This generates the categories list that I mentioned a few posts back (the one Smivs wanted to delete as not having enough info, a point you concurred to and I agree is valid).

But a more detailed structure OXP page would be difficult to tune, as OXPs are so broad and different in content and concept from one another.

So we've done the complete orbit now ;)

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 9:34 am
by mcarans
Thargoid wrote:
So we've done the complete orbit now ;)[/color]
We have, haven't we?

So it sounds like we are heading towards extending the category tagging so that the auto generated ... sion_packs page is more useful.

1. What does an OXP author need to do to have his/her OXP appear in the "Subcategories" section of the Oolite_expansion_packs page?

2. Can "Subcategories" be added according to Smiv's suggestions?

3. What would be needed such that the Oolite_expansion_packs page contains not just OXP name, but a brief description, version and author?

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:34 pm
by mcarans
I was thinking about this a bit more, in particular Thargoid's view that the wiki is too freeform. I think that to get round this problem, it would be possible to use:

This has a drop down input type which would be great for restricting OXP author's choice to particular categories.

At its simplest, I could imagine an OXP author having a few compulsory input types to set or fill in eg. OXP name, brief description (could be limited to say 150 characters), release date (using date selector), author's name, Oolite version (dropdown). Then the rest would be a free form area for describing their OXP.

The ... sion_packs could be generated from the category field in the form with the other form data being appended on the index page.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 2:44 pm
by Kaks
I might be getting the wrong end of the stick here, but I thought what Thargoid was saying is that all that manual editing needs to be done by someone... :)

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 5:57 pm
by JensAyton
mcarans wrote:
I was thinking about this a bit more, in particular Thargoid's view that the wiki is too freeform. I think that to get round this problem, it would be possible to use:
Winston has ignored all requests for wiki extensions to date, including the most basic ones like Parser Functions.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:22 pm
The page was something I was working on before I fell into a self-induced-hibernation (currently ongoing) :P

Tip for those editing the wiki category page, avoid adding OXP's that only add ships, or it will have the same issue as the original OXP page had with being much too big, as ship OXPs are the majority of OXPs and there's already a section for OXP ships :P

There was alot more I wanted to do for it, but now I don't really have the time.

mentioned earlier in this thread; sortable tables, very messy and can be a pain to edit, I have an example of one on the Sandbox page. but as I mention there they are alot of work to get looking right, and are too much trouble for the effort involved in my opinion.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:40 pm
by Commander McLane
ADCK wrote:
Tip for those editing the wiki category page,
You don't edit a category page. Never ever. It is a automatically generated page. The way to put something on it is to add the appropriate category tag to the page you want to appear in the category.