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Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 4:25 pm
by another_commander
In my very humble opinion, I don't think this is a good idea. I would prefer not stirring any water or drawing this kind of attention to the project, especially if this is done through means of anonymous emails or similar. Plus, with Christmas being already long gone, the entire idea about a Christmas present is now a bit moot, isn't it?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 4:50 pm
by Chrisfs
To avoid any misunderstanding, my previous post was supposed to be sarcastic. I love cats, appreciate face-painting and very much agree about being civil. I wasn't sure in what vein the other posts were amde and it sparked my response.
Cmdr James wrote:
Worth considering that although there is no Commander_bell or DBraben who posts here, we dont know for sure that they dont read these forums (nor people who work at Frontier), so we should probably try to be fairly civil.

Also, these guys are, for many of us at least, something of heros.

I know most or all of this thread is taken in light spirit, but please do be considerate.

This isnt an attack on Chrisfs (he posted immediately above) or anyone else, its just a gentle reminder :)

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 1:44 am
Selezen wrote:
ADCK wrote:
Ahruman wrote:
Oh wow, never noticed that before, surprised the creators of knight rider didn't take the makers of bsg to court over stealing their "red bouning light thingy" eh i guess not actually... couldn't see anyone making a case over it :P
Both series were actually created by the same people - KITT's Anamorphic Equaliser (scanner) is actually a modified version of the same prop:
Wikipedia wrote:
KITT's scanner is similar to that of Cylons from the science fiction series Battlestar Galactica. Glen A. Larson, the creator of both Knight Rider and Battlestar Galactica has stated that the two shows have nothing else in common and to remove any fan speculation, he stated in the Season One Knight Rider DVD audio-comments, that he simply reused the scanning light for KITT because he liked the effect. In an episode of the original incarnation of Battlestar Galactica, the character Starbuck pilots a new type of Viper that has an A.I. installed into it named CORA, which was able to pilot the craft and verbally interact with a human pilot (similar to KITT).
Well i'll be darned, learn something new everyday. Wait OMG KITT is a cylon!!! Run David Hasselhoff! RUN!!!

BTW, noticed the poll choices seem a bit biased, there's a "Yes, but only for Ian" but no "Yes, but only for David" choice...
Can't blame the OP though, scientific studies have proven that David:
is the Devil, cross dresses, is a Nazi, is a communist, is an anarchist, shot JFK, invented cancer, steals candy from babies, shot Lincoln, formed the pop-group ABBA, is Osama Bin Laden, is the Loch-Ness Monster, clubs baby seals, burns witches, is a witch, and he gave birth to the Anti-Christ.

Plus my fav of the two is Ian, even if he is crazy-coocoo-bananas :P

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 12:08 pm
by ClymAngus
well in defense of the poll. With the lack of first hand information we have to go on past form. Mr B rightly or wrongly does have history for wealding the legal stick hard and heavy.

With this knowledge to all intent and purposes a "just send to David" option carries the same relative danger as the "send to both".

I'm going to spend a bit of time mooching round the Fronteer forum (not as me of course) see if I can gather some intel without endangering the whole operation.

Of course the other option of removing all the route stuff and the region stuff and JUST making it look like a fan work. That could be done. That said people might have to sacrifice their credits for the sake of anonymity. Swings and round abouts eh?

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 12:39 pm
by Cmdr James
I dont think there is really a need for covert operations here. Neither of them have expressed an interest in getting fanmail or anything related to elite.

Why do you want to send anything to them, when one has no interest other than a history of legal action, and the other explicitly tells you how to thank him, and that doesnt include mailing maps?

EDIT: I am utterly certain that they are both aware of oolite, and if they arent that says all we need to know about how interested they are in the legacy of elite. I am pretty sure that they are more than able to find and read this forum, and our weird blend of paranoia, hatred (even if jokingly), Frontier incursions and so on are extremely unlikely to be winning us any friends.

I for one think sending them anything is a bad idea, and I think this ongoing discussion is likewise pretty silly. I doubt if sending it will get anyone any praise, but I also doubt if it will cause the sky to fall in.

EDIT again: As I read it sending the stuff *at all* is voted against 14:11. There clearly isnt significant support for the idea, and none of the key figures here have endorsed it. Decision made, right?