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Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:20 pm
by JensAyton
That looks a lot like the error described elsewhere when multiple OXPs are defining the same equipment item.

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:44 pm
by JensAyton
Griff, I’m getting errors because redflasher is defined twice in griff_viper-pursuit.fragment.

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:37 pm
by Griff
oops, i've fixed that and re-uploaded the oxp, i've no idea how i managed to re-introduce that faulty shader back into the oxp, i fixed it on the last page of the thread! aw, I was hoping to get a gold star award for updating all the oxp's with a requires.plist too!

Anyway whilst i'm here, how would people feel if i put some extra bits of code into these oxp to suppress the appearance of the built-in low poly version of the ship in-game? eg. install the griff_adder oxp and you won't see the native adder in game or in the shipyard for as long as you keep the griff adder oxp installed *

Lestrade's method of using the shipdata-overrides.plist to change the roles of the low poly ships to something that's unlikely to ever be called by the game seems to work really well, Eric's been helping me to get the concept into my brain and has come up with some code snippets for me to add into the oxp. The one big problem will be that it will break any oxp that replaces the native version of a ship with it's own copy by giving the oxp ship the same name as the native ship it replaces, eg Simons neo-Oolite.

* oxp's that use like_shipped versions of the built in ships will still work as normal, there won't be any erasing or replacing of the built in models or texture files, it's just that the chances of them spawning in-game will be nill.

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:40 pm
by JensAyton
Griff wrote:
Anyway whilst i'm here, how would people feel if i put some extra bits of code into these oxp to suppress the appearance of the built-in low poly version of the ship in-game?
I’d like that. Feel free to roll them all into one OXP while you’re at it. ;-)

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:44 pm
by Griff
I'm too tight (mean, cheap) to pay to host my files so i can't upload anything bigger than 10Mb, which is probably about the size of a cobra III and half a fer-de-lance :)

i wasn't paying proper attention to the previous page, so is El Viejo's crash when buying a griff krait something i've got wrong in the oxp or a bug in oolite?

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 7:13 pm
by JensAyton
Griff wrote:
i wasn't paying proper attention to the previous page, so is El Viejo's crash when buying a griff krait something i've got wrong in the oxp or a bug in oolite?
Don’t even ask that question. A crash is always a bug in Oolite. In this case, it may be one that’s already solved; it would be helpful if El Viejo could try to work out if it’s the same bug seen here, where two OXPs define the same equipment. (Removing OSE, if installed, is likely to fix it – not because it’s a problem with OSE but because OSE duplicates other OXPs’ equipment.) If so, it’s already fixed for the next release.

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 7:14 pm
by Cody
Griff wrote:
how would people feel if i put some extra bits of code into these oxp to suppress the appearance of the built-in low poly version of the ship in-game? eg. install the griff_adder oxp and you won't see the native adder in game or in the shipyard for as long as you keep the griff adder oxp installed *
I like that idea a lot! Yes please.

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 7:23 pm
by Cody

If it helps, I only have these OXP's installed:

Fighter HUD
System Redux
Target Autolock
Target Reticle

and Griff’s ship set.

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 7:38 pm
by Cody
Griff wrote:
so is El Viejo's crash when buying a griff krait something i've got wrong in the oxp or a bug in oolite?
Griff, it was the Cobra Mk III (less scuffed) that caused the problem. The Krait was fine.

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:37 pm
by DaddyHoggy
But I want a 50/50 chance of either a Simon B ship or a Griff ship in the game :cry: Since both are gorgeous in their own special ways... :(

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 11:25 pm
by Captain Tylor
call me greedy but i want to see griff's, simon b's the original ships and any others that become available. I just wish i knew how to make this possible. as i keep taking simon b's in and out as nostalgia demands i see the originals every now and then :D

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 6:29 am
by Killer Wolf
stonking ships, those. i love the Thargoid, but the red one got me thinking : it looks more like a weapon than a ship : wonder if there's any mileage in an OXP about a Thargoid megaweapon like a suicide ship - it flies close to the navy battleships and overloads itself and explodes, taking them all out.

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 6:47 am
by Thargoid
You mean a bit like a Second Wave damaged Thargoid warship, or the mine, kamikaze and damaged Thargons?


Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:07 am
by Lestradae
Captain Tylor wrote:
call me greedy but i want to see griff's, simon b's the original ships and any others that become available. I just wish i knew how to make this possible. as i keep taking simon b's in and out as nostalgia demands i see the originals every now and then :D
Already at it: It's called OSE, atm still in beta WiP state.

(To be clear about this: In the latest OSE test version published the original ships with Sung's textures, Griff's ships and Simon's ships happily exist side by side already)

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:29 am
by Griff
DaddyHoggy wrote:
But I want a 50/50 chance of either a Simon B ship or a Griff ship in the game :cry: Since both are gorgeous in their own special ways... :(
This can be done, Simon will need to re-name the ships in the neo-oolite oxp's first though, he's using the method of replacing the default ships set with neo-oolite versions by giving the neo-oolite ships the same name as the native ones to overwrite their settings.
If neo-oolite adopts this method to stop the native ships appearing in-game both oxp's will work together.
edit: Lestrade seems to be on the case already!
Killer Wolf wrote:
the red [thargoid] got me thinking : it looks more like a weapon than a ship
it reminds me of some sort of radioactive space-gateaux :D That's a great idea. If anyone wants to oxp the ships please feel free to do so, i only really like the arty side of oxp-ing so i won't be doing anything exciting with these ships apart from some basic shader fiddling