I'm fairly certain your GF3 doesn't support shaders under Oolite (OpenGL v2+ - and you're Nvidia driver is v1.5) - Ahruman's new tweaks going into the trunk will mean you will get some lighting effects even in the basic non-shader version of the game - but things like decals and engine glows - nope - you're not going to see them.Jiawen wrote:I'm having same problem as DaddyHoggy; the Shaders option line is greyed out. I'm using Ubuntu 8.04 and Oolite 1.73.4-0. Here's the relevant output:Does this mean I won't be able to get full shaders? It's still prettier than 1.65, but I'd love to be able to get all those lovely lighting effects.rachel@rachel-desktop:/usr/lib$ glxinfo | grep OpenGL
OpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL renderer string: GeForce3/AGP/SSE2
OpenGL version string: 1.5.8 NVIDIA 96.43.05
OpenGL extensions:
rachel@rachel-desktop:/usr/lib$ glxinfo | grep direct
direct rendering: Yes
Hope this kind of thread necromancy is okay here.
Go to this thread: https://bb.oolite.space/viewtopic.php?t=6612 and follow the instructions there and post your results - this way Ahruman can find it more easily than here