came across another quirk - light/emission was fine but one of my decals was mysteriously partly obscured;

had me puzzled as there's no alpha bits anywhere there - i'm stumbling through some image tests and have some grime in the alpha channel of the SPEC map, but not there - and all the images were fin in the folders.
By chance i wondered if it was not size-mapping correctly, and that cured it: in order to save memory etc, i had the skin as 2048x2048 for beauty details, the LITES as 1024 cos there's nothing much to it, but i'd saved the SPEC as 4096. i resaved the SPEC as 2048 and now the texture is fine. oddly though, although LITES are smaller, they seem to map correctly, so that's a bit weird. they all use the same UVs so i wouldn't have thought resolution size would be an issue.