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Re: Elite: Dangerous - first impressions

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 1:53 pm
by Commander Mick
Cool, It looks like it works....

Re: Elite: Dangerous - first impressions

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 1:13 pm
by Pleb
I played Elite Dangerous for some time and although I found it visually stunning, its lack of depth and somewhat toxic player-base (outside of certain private player groups) to be a massive turn off. As I had (at the time of it's public beta release) just invested in a new PC dedicated to playing games on, I then felt the need to start playing other 'visually appealing' games and it's taken me a long time to realise that just because you can run a game in 4K at over 60FPS doesn't mean that a game is entertaining (obviously some of them are, I'm just generalising here).

So even though I've made several upgrades to my PC and it still runs most modern games in 4K at around 60FPS (or at least it maintains that framerate range if I drop the resolution down to 1440p or 1080p) I've found myself playing games now that probably aren't as visually stunning but have much more depth, gameplay and are customisable to keep things fresh. And now, I find myself returning to Oolite because even though the game does not and cannot compete E:D on visuals; the depth, gameplay and options for customisation in Oolite are far greater than anything E:D could ever hope to achieve! :D