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Re: (Release) Fast Target Selector

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2023 1:34 am
by phkb
timer wrote: Sun Feb 26, 2023 5:47 pm
can I ask - maybe there are memories - what caused the incompatibility?
At this point, I've no idea! I'd have to dig into the code again to find out, and my time is rather taken up at the moment with work (which is why I've taken so long to reply to this, and why I've been generally not around). I'll add it to the list of things on my Oolite todo list.

Re: (Release) Fast Target Selector

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2023 1:27 pm
by timer
phkb wrote: Thu Mar 16, 2023 1:34 am
I'll add it to the list of things on my Oolite todo list.
Thank you very much for your answer!

Re: (Release) Fast Target Selector

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 10:38 pm
by threepe
I absolutely love this mod, its so useful I actually find it hard to fly without it.

I am wondering if I may ask for a tweak to the OXP? There are a couple of instances when I would prefer for this to work in a different manner.

Example 1:
I have added the OXP called Random Hits. This adds a little extra station (Bar) that you can dock at on your way to a main station in Anarchy zones. When you fly through this area your scanner is just full of contacts. Many are just asteroids, some are other non-hositle ships, and others are fugitive vessels that have not (yet) attacked you.

My personal preference would be for the selector to prioritise ships over other objects, and if you were willing to add that priority in the following order:
- thargoids
- fugitive vessels
- offenders vessels
- neutral
- police
- other objects
- cargo

In this example, as soon as fugitive vessels have arrived on scanner as you are locking up the next targets you would not be offered cargo cans, asteroids, other clutter, but you would start locking up vessels that are either about to attack you, or you may wish to attack for their bounties.

I know that there are other OXPs that allow you to tweak what you are looking for. It is possible to search for only fugitive vessels, but its quite a few key presses, then you will need to swap back quite quickly to tweak your settings.

This is, in my opinion, by far the best AI logic-assisted targetting device we have. In my example, you can sit outside the bar working your way through a large target list while watching a massive space battle occurring in front of you, but not able to discern who you should start shooting at! :-)

Re: (Release) Fast Target Selector

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 1:05 am
by phkb
threepe wrote: Mon Nov 20, 2023 10:38 pm
My personal preference would be for the selector to prioritise ships over other objects, and if you were willing to add that priority in the following order:
- thargoids
- fugitive vessels
- offenders vessels
- neutral
- police
- other objects
- cargo
That's a neat idea. And the implementation wasn't too hard, either! We'll have to see how performance is - constantly sorting a list might slow things down (especially when there are a lot of targets to sort).

Anyway - v1.6 is now available, which implements this change. Please report back with how it feels and especially if the performance is noticably degraded.

Re: (Release) Fast Target Selector

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 8:43 pm
by threepe
Thank you :D

I will try out the new version and let you know how it goes. I really appreciate you taking the time to do this as its so easy for "End Users" to come up with all sorts of wonderful ideas thave have no idea how to implement nor appreciate just how hard their requests may be!

Re: (Release) Fast Target Selector

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 10:20 pm
by threepe
I just tried the new version out near a Space Bar.

There were several fugitive vessels on my scanner that we not attacking me. I think they may have been generated by the OXP

Attempted to select them unfortunately just started the cycling process of going through nearby objects. In the end I hit U then R and pointed my nose over the target I wanted to select. Of the 5 vessels were of interest to me I managed to target only 2 using my backup method.

I tried several times with the selector but something seems not to be correct. I will continue testing just to see if it was a one-off, but I won't be able to do that until later tomorrow.

Re: (Release) Fast Target Selector

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 11:53 pm
by phkb
Strange, because it should have included all the ships in scanner range eventually, in that if you keep selecting “next target” it will eventually cycle through everything in range. To have it actually exclude ships is… strange. I think I’ll need some more info from your log file, particularly (a) the list of OXPs installed, and (b) any errors that might be listed.