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(Release) Fast Target Selector

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Re: (Release) Fast Target Selecto

Post by phkb »

What FTS is doing is changing the scanner colours of the targeted ship so that it stands out. The default colours are restored when the ship is no longer targeted. Do you want to be able to turn off this behaviour?

[Edit] Ah, I see there were other post relating to TAP, which I don't use myself. It's possible FTS and TAP are fighting over the colours and FTS is losing; that is, TAP is doing the same thing, but it's doing it before FTS, so FTS thinks the default colour is whatever TAP has set it to. I'll investigate this and get back to you.
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Re: (Release) Fast Target Selector

Post by phkb »

OK, version 1.4 of Fast Target Selector is now available, which allows Target AutoLock and FTS to be installed and used side-by-side.
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Re: (Release) Fast Target Selector

Post by gizmo »

Thank you!
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Re: (Release) Fast Target Selector

Post by cag »

You have a typo FastTargetSelector.js, line 129, 'equipmentKet' should be 'equipmentKey'
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Re: (Release) Fast Target Selector

Post by phkb »

cag wrote:
You have a typo FastTargetSelector.js
Thanks, new version on the way.
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Re: (Release) Fast Target Selector

Post by phkb »

New version now in download manager.
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Re: (Release) Fast Target Selector

Post by Damocles Edge »

I have noted that since I have changed ships (from Boa 2 CC to Carrier) that I am not able to purchase Fast Target Selector.
Despite the OXP being installed it does not show for purchase anywhere.
I have also tried removing Modern Start to see if this makes any difference (my thinking was that maybe FTS was not an option for inclusive kit with Carrier purchase, so maybe it was available as an add on item if Modern Start was not present).
Just to clarify - I am using Carriers V0.9 and also Carriers With Turrets (V1.0)
Has anyone else experienced similar difficulties?
Is it that Carriers is not compatible with FTS or am I missing something blatantly obvious (I normally do)?

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Re: (Release) Fast Target Selector

Post by phkb »

FTS should be compatible with all ships. I don’t use Carriers normally, so I’ll do some debugging and let you know what I find. Thanks for the report.
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Re: (Release) Fast Target Selector

Post by phkb »

First, a couple of clarifications:
Damocles Edge wrote:
I have also tried removing Modern Start to see if this makes any difference (my thinking was that maybe FTS was not an option for inclusive kit with Carrier purchase, so maybe it was available as an add on item if Modern Start was not present).
Modern Start has FTS as a requirement, but if Modern Start is removed, FTS will be unaffected. Modern Start just gives you some starting options that include FTS as a part of the standard ship equipment.
Damocles Edge wrote:
Just to clarify - I am using Carriers V0.9 and also Carriers With Turrets (V1.0)
Well, nothing I can find in Carriers or Carriers with Turrets should have a bearing on the availability of FTS.

Some things to check, though (and humour me if you've already done this):
1. Can you go to the "Primable Equipment" F4 screen and see if "Fast Target Selector" appears as one of the options.
2. That you are in a TL5 or greater system, docked at the main station.
3. Start a new standard game (ie not a Modern Start option), go the F3 and see if FTS is available for purchase.

If we don't get an answer out of that, I might have to have a look at your save game to work out what's happening.
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Re: (Release) Fast Target Selector

Post by Damocles Edge »

The post below is actually posted on the Advanced Nav Comp oxp thread here : ... 58#p263258
But I also wanted to post the text here as it may be relevant to what is going on with FTS

"Following on from another issue which I noted when using Fast Target Selector oxp with Carriers & Carriers with Turrets oxp's (phkb is already aware of this one).
I have also noted a small peculiarity when using Advanced Nav Comp together with Carriers.
The ANC works and gives a fuel saving when working with Carriers (and Carriers with Turrets) oxp, it is just that where it would normally use a countdown of around 30 seconds once aligned with the star with Carriers the countdown is only 10 seconds.
This makes me wonder is the issue with FTS & ANC or is it more likely that the issue lies with Carriers and / or Carriers with Turrets oxp's ?"

To answer the questions in phkb's previous post:

1. Going through the primable equipment there is no listing for FTS.
2. Yes I have checked to ensure that I am in at least a TL5 system (I even hauled to a TL15) but could not find it available for sale
3. Starting a new game ( I had to remove modern start again to test as it was auto adding to new game ship) I was able to find FTS listed via F3.

I am wondering if something is borked on my install (possibly a lookup table for equip). What makes me think this is that last night I was able to find and add lasers ( RimmerAce Quadcooled 'ImpasseResolver') from New Lasers oxp available at a TL10 planet for only 1200cr when they should only be available at TL11 and above for 12,000cr.


Makes me wonder if maybe this has something to do with the change in my setup.

Not so long back I reinstalled everything in my Linux machine (as I wanted to change partitions to give more space to my home partition as my root had around 40gb spare).
Anyhow after moving partitions, reinstalling software and restoring backed up files I found that I still had over 10gb of space on my root drive.
So I decided that rather than install oolite just to my users home directory as I had previously done that I would follow instructions to install to root directory (my idea was to save valuable home space and use spare root instead). I think most of the files still ended up in my user home directory anyway despite the change in install technique - (which I followed the instructions here : changing the version to 1.86 )

The above regarding my install change may or may not be relevant but I thought it best to mention in case it is
Is it worth deleting my install which follows the system wide install and re-installing under home folder method as it was originally installed on my machine?

Thanks in advance for any guidance that can be offered and please accept my most humble apologies if I have been inadvertently the cause of my own problems.
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Re: (Release) Fast Target Selector

Post by Damocles Edge »

Damocles Edge wrote: Sun Apr 22, 2018 1:47 pm

The ANC works and gives a fuel saving when working with Carriers (and Carriers with Turrets) oxp, it is just that where it would normally use a countdown of around 30 seconds once aligned with the star with Carriers the countdown is only 10 seconds.
This makes me wonder is the issue with FTS & ANC or is it more likely that the issue lies with Carriers and / or Carriers with Turrets oxp's ?"
This question has been kindly answered by Nite Owl on the Adv Nav Comp & & Emergency Witchspace Initiator thread : ... 6&start=45

"Cannot type for any other part of the problems you have been having but the shortened Hyperspace Countdown you mentioned sparked a memory. Do not use Carriers and/or Escort Deck in my Ooniverse but the download is quick so took a look. The shortened countdown is caused by the following entry in the shipdata.plist of Carriers.

"hyperspace_motor_spin_time" = 5;

Most ship creators do not include this option. More than likely this particular part of the problems you have been having has nothing to do with anything else as it is coded into Carriers itself."

I have also removed my system wide install of 1.86 and reinstalled as a home partition install (as it was previously) but found that this does not change my situation of FTS not showing for purchase.
I'm still also at a loss how I managed to get the RimmerAce lasers for a tenth of the price and at a system where they should not be available (TL10 instead of TL11) as detailed here:
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Re: (Release) Fast Target Selector

Post by phkb »

OK, I think I found the problem. FTS is incompatible with the [EliteWiki] Targeter OXP, (and by incompatible I mean you can't install both equipment items on the same ship - the OXP's will quite happily co-exist in your installation, though) which appears to be installed both of the save games you sent to me. It should be a simple matter of removing the Targeter equipment from your ship (there is a sell option available, I believe), which will then allow the FTS to be purchased.

I will improve the wiki documentation to make this incompatibility more obvious.

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Re: (Release) Fast Target Selector

Post by Damocles Edge »

what a muppet I am! :oops:
I'm really sorry to have wasted your time phkb.
I know it's no excuse - I've had target upgrade installed for so long I was thinking of it as original equip rather than an oxp (stupid - doh!)
I guess that after buying previous ships that I must have purchased FTS first which would have in turn removed the option for Target Upgrade and so never questioned it, until changing ships this time whereupon I must have bought Target Upgrade first.

Really annoyed with myself for this.
Apologies once again and thanks for humouring me.
If I do owt like this again please feel free to hurl some abuse - shouldn't be wasting time with stuff like this.


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Re: (Release) Fast Target Selector

Post by phkb »

Damocles Edge wrote:
I guess that after buying previous ships that I must have purchased FTS first which would have in turn removed the option for Target Upgrade and so never questioned it
Actually, because the equipment purchase restriction is only in the FTS code, you could probably end up with both items installed if you buy FTS first, and then the Target Upgrade. However, I couldn't say how this would actually work in practice.

Glad you got it sorted, and very happy to help.
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Re: (Release) Fast Target Selector

Post by timer »

It is sad that the FTS not compatible with Targeter :(
Sorry, phkb, can I ask - maybe there are memories - what caused the incompatibility?
Maybe I can improve/fix the Targeter?

I just have installed both oxp's and have not found any problems in the functioning of both at one time...
Both visible on Manage Primable Equipment page. One on "Tab", one on "0", and I used them together in battle.
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