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Re: Iron Asses: Caduceus Vs Vortex

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 3:23 pm
by Smivs
Jake wrote:
...but I'm still a lousy shot with the rear gun.
Try practicing on missiles! You know, those 'oportunities' you get when there's a hardhead on your tail and you're out of fuel. If you can hit them you can hit anything.

Re: Iron Asses: Caduceus Vs Vortex

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 9:23 am
by onno256
Jake wrote:
Thanks. I'll put it on my list of things to try once I've got a little more practice in; I can usually handle one or two fighters and a transport but I'm still a lousy shot with the rear gun.
The rear gun is a beauty, when the fore shield is draining, turn around and you've got a fresh shield and a cold laser!

Re: Iron Asses: Caduceus Vs Vortex

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 6:52 am
by ozhank
I have just purchased the Vortex and am having fun with it. Sure it cleans up the baddies quickly, but I have still have to restart from the last saved planet a few times. I enjoy it for that reason - good on pirates, and thanks for the tip on toughguys.oxp.

I am in need of a joystick as I can't move my fingers quick enough to roll, pitch and yaw very successfully. I'm actually enjoying flying it more that the Caduceus which I flew for a while before upgrading to a Kirin. My main 'commander's' ship is a Falcon with a few extra oxps which fell out of witchspace and I have currently parked in Galaxy 2.

I like to thank all the developers of all the ships and making and maintaining a game that can be customed/altered to suit what we as players like and enjoy.


Re: Iron Asses: Caduceus Vs Vortex

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 6:56 am
by Shipbuilder
Glad that you are enjoying the game Ozhank.

Re: Iron Asses: Caduceus Vs Vortex

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 10:31 pm
by Bogatyr
Smivs wrote:
Jake wrote:
...but I'm still a lousy shot with the rear gun.
Try practicing on missiles! You know, those 'oportunities' you get when there's a hardhead on your tail and you're out of fuel. If you can hit them you can hit anything.
I can't hit them! Unless they're really far away and so the "spiral" is quite small. Practice, practice, practice, but it *hurts* when you fail!

Re: Iron Asses: Caduceus Vs Vortex

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 11:24 pm
by Smivs
Bogatyr wrote:
...but it *hurts* when you fail!
Doesn't it just! :D
If the missile is close, don't try to aim at it - you won't be able to as it is just too fast following that spiral. But that's the key. Aim up from the centre of the spiral and predict where it will be. A short, sustained burst of laser and if you got it right the missile will fly right into your beam.
And yes, lots and lots of practice. Work on it and you'll get there. :)

Re: Iron Asses: Caduceus Vs Vortex

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 11:18 pm
by ClymAngus
Well, some people like some ships some people like others. If you don't like any of them well, you are free to make your own!

That's the joy. To put ships head to head like this is always going to be a very personal thing. Personally I like the Vortex, it's a good ship and you can tell someone had a lot of fun designing it.

It's important to realize that every ship was someones baby. Someone sat back from the computer and went "There. It's perfect!" to compare them kind of cheapens the act of making a little. Every ship is perfect because we could make them (a luxury that's sometimes lost in this spoon fed, "my way or the highway" world of gaming).
Smivs wrote:
Well, it's each to his own isn't it.
Lets be honest here, if we all played by the rules rugby would never have been invented.
I'm with William Webb Ellis on this one. Screw an iron ass. I want something with more teeth than a denture factory.
It is a game and I want to have fun. My fun is lying on a beach with a tequila not running an iron man race thank you very much.
Still, as you say it takes all sorts.