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Re: Get Rid of Trumbles??

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:40 am
by Fatleaf
Some Trumbles are hardier than others and need to be cooked for longer. But the temperature needs to be in the red to do that. So you have to keep heating up then cooling slightly, then heating up again to stop you from becoming toast yourself. It is a fine balance.

Re: Get Rid of Trumbles??

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:47 pm
by JazHaz
But do I need to remove my heat shields?

Re: Get Rid of Trumbles??

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:58 pm
by Eldon
I believe heat shields only slow down the rate at which you heat up, not lower the temperature you heat up to, so no need to remove them. Gehzoyr pbbxvat pna gnxr fbzr gvzr gubhtu, naq lbh arrq gb trg gb n cbvag va fcnpr jurer lbh pna or ng gung cbvag bs nyzbfg oybjvat hc sbe dhvgr n juvyr. Gbb pybfr gb gur fha, naq lbh bireurng naq oybj hc, gbb sne njnl naq lbh pbby qbja gbb zhpu. All in all, heat shields are probably helpful for the bbq.

Edit: ROT13 added for spoilers

Re: Get Rid of Trumbles??

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:01 pm
by JazHaz
Eldon wrote:
I believe heat shields only slow down the rate at which you heat up, not lower the temperature you heat up to, so no need to remove them. Gehzoyr pbbxvat pna gnxr fbzr gvzr gubhtu, naq lbh arrq gb trg gb n cbvag va fcnpr jurer lbh pna or ng gung cbvag bs nyzbfg oybjvat hc sbe dhvgr n juvyr. Gbb pybfr gb gur fha, naq lbh bireurng naq oybj hc, gbb sne njnl naq lbh pbby qbja gbb zhpu. All in al,l heat shields are probably helpful for the bbq.
OK thanks for the advice, to you, and the others. Will let you know how I get on.

EDIT: second attempt worked, although I couldn't find the sweetspot where the temperature didn't rise or fall.

Re: Get Rid of Trumbles??

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:57 pm
by Gimi
A lot of spoilers here. I know this is not a well kept secret, but even so, might I be as bold as to suggest using ROT13 or it's like to hide the most obvious ones.

Cool screen shot. Jvfu gurer jnf fbzr nygreangr grkgherf be tencuvpf gung fubjrq gurz fhssrevat jura pbbxvat.

Re: Get Rid of Trumbles??

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:09 pm
by Fatleaf
Gimi wrote:
Jvfu gurer jnf fbzr nygreangr grkgherf be tencuvpf gung fubjrq gurz fhssrevat jura pbbxvat.
Whfg yrnivat n she pbng oruvaq! :wink:

Re: Get Rid of Trumbles??

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:19 pm
by Gimi
Fatleaf wrote:
Gimi wrote:
Jvfu gurer jnf fbzr nygreangr grkgherf be tencuvpf gung fubjrq gurz fhssrevat jura pbbxvat.
Whfg yrnivat n she pbng oruvaq! :wink:
Yes, and:

Gung jbhyq or tbbq, ohg va gur cebprff V jna'g gbb frr gurz fhssre, onqyl. Grkgherf bs zrygvat Gehzoyrf jbhyq or TBBQ, nf gur cynlre fxvzf gur fha). V arrq eriratr sebz zl P64 qnlf. Gbbx zr sberire gb svther bhg ubj gb trg evq bs gur ornfgf.

Re: Get Rid of Trumbles??

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:26 pm
by Cody
Gimi wrote:
Gung jbhyq or tbbq, ohg va gur cebprff V jna'g gbb frr gurz fhssre, onqyl. Grkgherf bs zrygvat Gehzoyrf jbhyq or TBBQ, nf gur cynlre fxvzf gur fha). V arrq eriratr sebz zl P64 qnlf. Gbbx zr sberire gb svther bhg ubj gb trg evq bs gur ornfgf.

Re: Get Rid of Trumbles??

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:14 pm
by Amaranth
Has everybody been on the beers this afternoon? :wink: :wink:

Re: Get Rid of Trumbles??

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:39 pm
by Thargoid
Nah, the mind control virus I snuck into my recent OXPs just kicked in :twisted:

Re: Get Rid of Trumbles??

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:47 pm
by Okti
Npghnyyl gurer vf na BKC juvpu znl uryc selvat gurz. Gung vf pnyyrq NhgbFxvz.bkc naq pna or qbjaybnqrq sebz gur yvaxf va zl fvt. V znqr n znexrgvat zvfgnxr abg gb pnyy vg NhgbGhzoyrSevre! :D

Re: Get Rid of Trumbles??

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:50 pm
by Smivs
Fzvif qbrfa'g qb ebg13!

Re: Get Rid of Trumbles??

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:18 pm
by Amaranth
Jryy gurl qb fbhaq yvxr gurl ner va n ovg bs cnva orsber gurl qvr. Znlor gurl fubhyq ohefg jvgu n cbc jura gurl trg gbb ubg. naq yrnir n fgvpxl zrff ba gur jvaqfperra. N flfgrz bireunhy vapyhqvat n inyrg jvyy trg evq bs gur zrff.

Re: Get Rid of Trumbles??

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:57 pm
by Fatleaf
Gimi wrote:
Fatleaf wrote:
Gimi wrote:
Jvfu gurer jnf fbzr nygreangr grkgherf be tencuvpf gung fubjrq gurz fhssrevat jura pbbxvat.
Whfg yrnivat n she pbng oruvaq! :wink:
Yes, and:

Gung jbhyq or tbbq, ohg va gur cebprff V jna'g gbb frr gurz fhssre, onqyl. Grkgherf bs zrygvat Gehzoyrf jbhyq or TBBQ, nf gur cynlre fxvzf gur fha). V arrq eriratr sebz zl P64 qnlf. Gbbx zr sberire gb svther bhg ubj gb trg evq bs gur ornfgf.
Abj gung vf n onq pnfr bs ubyqvat n tehqtr! Erzvaq zr abg gb vafhyg lbh va fbzr jnl... :wink:

Re: Get Rid of Trumbles??

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:55 pm
by JazHaz
Amaranth wrote:
Has everybody been on the beers this afternoon? :wink: :wink:
Nah, its ROT13 code. I find it annoying.