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Re: Griff's normalmapped ship remakes

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 7:24 am
by Stormprooter
Griff wrote:
@Stormprooter - That looks awesome - thanks for using the ships in your project they look great!
Cheers - they look really good in-game too.

Your new viper model is looking good - inspired by Elite: Dangerous perhaps?
Talking of vipers, I've put loads of flashing lights on the police ships in my mod - it really gives a good effect :D

Re: Griff's normalmapped ship remakes

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 10:08 pm
by Lone_Wolf
I found a bug in griff_station_bundle_fullsize_tex_v1.2.1.oxp .

it misses a semicolon on line 469 of shipdata.plist (Rock hermit section) .

Code: Select all

script_info = {"bgs_tunnel_shape" = 2};
It should have an additional ; between 2 and } .

Re: Griff's normalmapped ship remakes

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 10:12 pm
by Cody
Yet it seems to work okay here - is it an OS-specific thing? I'm on Windows.

Re: Griff's normalmapped ship remakes

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 10:15 pm
by Lone_Wolf

It seems these errors are only detected when running recent GNUstep versions.

Re: Griff's normalmapped ship remakes

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 10:31 pm
by Cody
<nods> Added a semicolon to my copy anyway - thanks.

Re: Griff's normalmapped ship remakes

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 10:52 am
by Griff
Thanks for the bugfix Lone_wolf. I'm just looking at updating the oxp now
I'm wondering if line 469 even needs to be there at all, the line above seems to have it the bgs_tunnel_shape definition already in it, looks like I've made a copy and paste error and ended up with two script_info lines, the second of which is buggy:

Code: Select all

script_info = {"bgs_tunnel_texture" = "bgs_asteroid_tunnel.png";"bgs_tunnel_shape" = 2;};
script_info = {"bgs_tunnel_shape" = 2};
I'm going to gamble that that second line isn't needed, delete it and re-upload the oxp

Looks like a post saying I'd mangled the interceptor remake a bit more to stick two extra engines on it got lost, anyway I've done that, it looks a little bit more noticeable in game now from the regular viper. I can't make too many changes now without having to redo all the smoothing groups in wings3d as my 3d app doesn't support them so I can't bring the wings3d edge weighted model back into it to make more geometry edits, without then having to go back into wings to reweight it all again from scratch

Re: Griff's normalmapped ship remakes

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 1:03 pm
by spara
Griff wrote:
Thanks for the bugfix Lone_wolf. I'm just looking at updating the oxp now
I'm wondering if line 469 even needs to be there at all, the line above seems to have it the bgs_tunnel_shape definition already in it, looks like I've made a copy and paste error and ended up with two script_info lines, the second of which is buggy:

Code: Select all

script_info = {"bgs_tunnel_texture" = "bgs_asteroid_tunnel.png";"bgs_tunnel_shape" = 2;};
script_info = {"bgs_tunnel_shape" = 2};
I'm going to gamble that that second line isn't needed, delete it and re-upload the oxp
I'm probably to be blamed here :oops: . The first line uses a rockish tunnel texture that I'm personally using. I don't think the package has it, but it can be found somewhere from the forum, if fancies it. The second line, that's missing the ";", uses the basic bgs texture. So, remove the first line and add a semicolon to the second line and all is cool again 8) .

Edit: In case some one is interested of the "bgs_asteroid_tunnel.png" texture, it can be found here:

Re: Griff's normalmapped ship remakes

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 2:32 pm
by CaptSolo
Griff's Box account over bandwidth limit already? No notice about it being locked. Tried downloading the new Viper Interceptor without success.

Re: Griff's normalmapped ship remakes

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 2:51 pm
by Cody
Aye - no bandwidth message, but the downloads don't work.

Re: Griff's normalmapped ship remakes

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 1:14 pm
by CaptSolo
Presto! I joined Griff's Box account and that opened the download ability.

Re: Griff's normalmapped ship remakes

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 10:02 am
by Griff
not sure what's happening with box, i haven't made any recent changes to the folder download options or anything, i just tried to download an oxp from there now and although the browser said the download was starting it never did - maybe they're (box) doing some maintenance or something at the moment.
I'll have to have another session uploading stuff to the oolite download manager

Re: Griff's normalmapped ship remakes

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 12:39 pm
by CaptSolo
Griff wrote:
I just tried to download an oxp from there now and although the browser said the download was starting it never did...
You have to be logged into your box account. Then, in my case, I also had to join your account as a viewer in order to download stuff.

Love your new Viper Interceptor as it now follows more closely the original model.

Re: Griff's normalmapped ship remakes

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 1:25 pm
by Griff
hmm, logged into box and had a look at my settings, maybe it is out of bandwidth:

Code: Select all

Account Information
Account type:  Personal
Storage (used/total):  281.6 MB / 50.0 GB 1% used
Bandwidth used:  10.0 GB of 10.0GB
Max file size:  250 MB — Upload files up to 5GB
that's strange though it's usually just a few MB's worth of downloads per month

Re: Griff's normalmapped ship remakes

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 2:06 pm
by Wildeblood
Griff, I know this has been asked and answered before somewhere many pages back, but is there some reason your files are on a Box account and not uploaded to the wiki?

Re: Griff's normalmapped ship remakes

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 3:21 pm
by Diziet Sma
Griff wrote:
that's strange though it's usually just a few MB's worth of downloads per month
I get email notifications of downloads of my files.. do you? If so, you ought to have seen a big increase in numbers.