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Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:15 pm
by Griff
I've made a small update to the viper posted above, just a slight tweak to the effects map so that the 'emergency lights' shader effects now appears on the bottom of the ship as well as the top & sides.
also, just to be confusing, i've had another go at doing a krait, one that's a lot more similar to the original design :wink:
Excuse the crazy colours, they're randomly generated, i might have to tone it down a bit!

Download: (about 2 meg)

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:17 pm
by pagroove
Griff wrote:
I've made a small update to the viper posted above, just a slight tweak to the effects map so that the 'emergency lights' shader effects now appears on the bottom of the ship as well as the top & sides.
also, just to be confusing, i've had another go at doing a krait, one that's a lot more similar to the original design :wink:
Excuse the crazy colours, they're randomly generated, i might have to tone it down a bit!

Download: (about 2 meg)
Why excuse for the colours? They are great :)

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:22 pm
by LittleBear
Now that's a Krait! 8)

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 12:14 am
by Yodeebe
LittleBear wrote:
Now that's a Krait! 8)
yup. that's the ship that would have been drawn as it was 20 (RL) years ago if you could only use triangles.

(blimey, does that make sense?)

the 'old' 'new krait' is still great, just not a krait.

(oh. that sentence is no better, so i think, at this point, i'll just shut up!) :?

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 12:14 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Griff wrote:
I've made a small update to the viper posted above, just a slight tweak to the effects map so that the 'emergency lights' shader effects now appears on the bottom of the ship as well as the top & sides.
also, just to be confusing, i've had another go at doing a krait, one that's a lot more similar to the original design :wink:
Excuse the crazy colours, they're randomly generated, i might have to tone it down a bit!

Download: (about 2 meg)

As Milo (Tweenies - guess whose kids are off for Easter) would say - "Fabber-rooney!"

Definitely more like a Krait - although I liked your other one too - so, if this is the krait - what's the other krait going to be? Krait MkII? Krait Corvette? Krait Gunship?

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 1:04 pm
by Cmdr Wyvern
I've been calling the first Griff Krait a Krait Mk2.

So what's this one, a Krait mk3, or a remix of the native Krait?

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 4:23 pm
by Griff
This one is more of a remixed version of the original ship rather than a mk2 or whatever, hmm i'm not sure what to do about the naming of my other 'krait' oxp really, if i get a few more of the original ships done in this chunky style i'll probably bundle them all into an oxp ship pack and leave the original 'griffkrait' and the 'griffboa' models out, it seems a shame to rename the original griffkrait though as LB and Gareth3377 wrote a great backstory that explains how it got its name, so i don't really know what to do about that one *shrugs*

On another note, i noticed that the krait doesn't seem to be a player-flyable ship but i've added in a player-flyable version in the oxp above, simply because it's quite cool flying around in a normal mapped ship oggling 'teh grafix' in the external views, so i'm a bit stumped on info for its shipyard.plist file - ie, how much the krait should cost and what equipment it can and can not fit.
From what i gather by looking at the npc version in the shipdata.plist...

Code: Select all

forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_BEAM_LASER";
has_fuel_injection = 0.65;
has_scoop = 0.95;
has_shield_booster = 0.5;
has_shield_enhancer = 0.25; comes with a front mounted beam laser, and it can fit fuel injectors, a scoop and 2 types of shield boosters, it doesn't look like extra energy units & ECM's can be fitted, should this be the case for the player version as well as the npc version?

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 5:41 pm
by LittleBear
Well, the Orginal could just stay as the Griff Krait, as its a modified version of the standard krait. Your new Krait could just be the Krait and resease it as a replacement pack along with the Cobra III and Boa models.

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 8:04 am
by CaptKev
Griff wrote:
Bit late seeing this! 8) Another excellent addition to the 'Griff normal mapped ships' OXP.

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 8:48 am
by Griff
Kaks, you're a star! The fixed laser position code is working briliantly!
Just been taking some of these normal mapped ships out for a spin in the trunk build of Oolite, is it my eyes or has the lighting been improved since 1.72 - it all looks really lovely - is it the new 'sun light' colour code?

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 4:32 pm
by Kaks
Glad to be of help! & yes, the ambient light in trunk now agrees with the sun colour, which it didn't at all times in 1.72.2...

Getting there, one little tweak at a time! ;)

Now we just want to see more Griff classics! :D

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 10:58 pm
by pagroove
Griff wrote:
Kaks, you're a star! The fixed laser position code is working briliantly!
Just been taking some of these normal mapped ships out for a spin in the trunk build of Oolite, is it my eyes or has the lighting been improved since 1.72 - it all looks really lovely - is it the new 'sun light' colour code?

Griff, I also see MAJOR improvements in the lights department. Sadly its just a trunk build so we have to wait a little longer for a real test version but a least we can see where its all heading. The planets do also look better. :D :D

Congrats and thanks for the CORE team for bringing THE Elite ahum Oolite experience to our homes :D 8) :twisted:

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 7:04 pm
by Zanasj
What causes this? It's the Griff Krait 1.1 downloaded from the wiki link.
The cannons point permanently at a fixed direction sometimes.

573kb screenie

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 7:33 pm
by Griff
I've seen that happen too, the subentities don't rotate along with their parent ship, i've no idea why it happens but it only effects the kraits that have a lot of subentity objects bolted onto them

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 8:02 pm
by _ds_
Griff wrote:
I've seen that happen too, the subentities don't rotate along with their parent ship, i've no idea why it happens but it only effects the kraits that have a lot of subentity objects bolted onto them
It only causes some Kraits? Interesting… :P