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Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 3:09 pm
by JensAyton
Commander McLane wrote:
The first run of 1.72 brings these in my logfile:
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "PAGroove-dodecahedron-reference" specifies no model, ignoring.
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "PAGroove-icosahedron-reference" specifies no model, ignoring.
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "PAGroove-coriolis-reference" specifies no model, ignoring.
I don't know if this would go away with the new template-key, or even a template needs a model.
Nope, no model or roles required for a template. (Actually, this error message isn’t really a problem for templates; all is_template does is shut it up.)

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 7:53 pm
by Griff
I think i'm doing something wrong, but i've installed Oolite 1.72 and put the is_template ="true"; line in all the reference stations in the shipdata.plist, and now no PAGroovestations appear, i'm just getting the normal built in stations.
I just tried the griff_krait oxp as that already has the is_template ="true"; line in it and no griffkraits are appearing either.
I'm not seeing anyships thay are like_ship'ed to another ship that has is_template="true"; in it's plist entry

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 7:57 pm
by DaddyHoggy
I'm not upgrading yet then!

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 8:01 pm
by Griff
there's lots of good stuff in v1.72! This problem is probably just me being a berk

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 8:29 pm
by 0235
sory to bring this back, but does it work on 1.65, because it doesnt say on mine that it couldnt be read, but when i use it, they are transparent! probarbly my rubbish PC.
(sorry for randon white bits around the edge)


Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 8:47 pm
by Cmdr Wyvern
Griff wrote:
I think i'm doing something wrong, but i've installed Oolite 1.72 and put the is_template ="true"; line in all the reference stations in the shipdata.plist, and now no PAGroovestations appear, i'm just getting the normal built in stations.
I just tried the griff_krait oxp as that already has the is_template ="true"; line in it and no griffkraits are appearing either.
I'm not seeing anyships thay are like_ship'ed to another ship that has is_template="true"; in it's plist entry
Interesting. The Griff ships and stations and the PAgroove stations work fine for me. No borked OXP objects, in fact.

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 8:50 pm
by wackyman465
Aye, they work fine for me too.

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:11 pm
by LittleBear
They may not work on 1.65 (regardless of system power) as 1.65 has a lower poly-limit. I run 1.72.2 on my (reasonable) laptop and my steam powered desk top. Oolite 1.72.2 will run fine on even the oldest system, as shaders and other fancy stuff are turned off if the old 'puter can't handle it. So download the latest version of Oolite for your elderly machine. It will run BETTER on your old machine as 1.72.2 is quicker than 1.65. You may find that your machine cannot run shaders, but you can still use the Shader OXPs, you just won't see them in their full glory.

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 11:10 am
by Commander McLane
@ 0235: Just to make it clear once and for all: Nothing that either uses shaders, or the slightest little bit of JavaScript (or both) works on 1.65.

If you have doubts, you may open the OXP in question and look for a file named 'requires.plist'. Open it with a text editor of your choice, and look for the word 'version', followed by a number. This number is the minimum version of Oolite required for this specific OXP.

Alternatively you just may start Oolite with the OXP in question installed. If it says something like 'Myfancyoxp.oxp requires at least Oolite 1.72' on top of the main screen, then that OXP requires 1.72, and is ignored by 1.65.

However, this requires the author(s) of the OXP to actually include a 'requires.plist'. Which is unfortunately not the case for PAGroove_Stations.oxp.

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 2:25 pm
by 0235
ah, so 1.65 doesn't like some parts. OK. but iv just got 1.72.2, so ill give it a try.

Re: Standard station textures

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 2:15 pm
by Fatleaf
P.A. Groove Stations OXP

I was going through the OXP List and putting Y's into the working boxes of oxp's I have tested and saw that this was blank. Does it work with 1.76? If so I could Y the box?

Re: Standard station textures

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 3:26 pm
by Commander McLane
I've got it installed ever since it existed. Couldn't live without it. And I don't remember making any changes to it in the last couple of years.

This is a "yes", I guess. :wink:

Re: Standard station textures

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 3:36 pm
by Fatleaf
Commander McLane wrote:
I've got it installed ever since it existed. Couldn't live without it. And I don't remember making any changes to it in the last couple of years.

This is a "yes", I guess. :wink:
Brilliant, Thanks. :D

Re: Standard station textures

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 1:33 pm
by superbatprime

Right okay I give up. :x

Has anyone figured out how to slow the rotation of stations in this oxp?

It ignores delightful docking's overrides for sure.
I made a separate slow roll oxp (found it in a thread), no joy.
I created a ship override in the config of the station oxp itself, no result.

I tried changing the names of all the variants back to their usual names (eg, Coriolis Station waspline variant -> Coriolis Station), overrides still didn't take.

If I remove the oxp the overrides take effect (on other suitable oxp stations no probs), I've made sure I have correctly followed all procedures for the above tests (no code mistakes, right folders, right file types, notepad++ used etc etc).

So it's something in this oxp, but I really can't see anything that A) governs station roll or B) prevents overrides from other oxps (but that's lack of knowledge on my part, could easily have missed something).

So... has anyone managed to slow their roll?

Re: Standard station textures

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 3:58 pm
by Commander McLane
Well, Delightful Docking only influences the built-in stations (or the equivalents in replacement ship set OXPs.).

If you want to slow down the PAGroove stations, you have to do it by directly manipulating their shipdata. Open their shipdata.plist and insert the station_roll-key in the entries named "PAGroove-coriolis-reference", "PAGroove-dodecahedron-reference", and "PAGroove-icosahedron-reference". If you want to go with the same rotation speeds as Delightful Docking, then you need

Code: Select all

        "station_roll" = "0.18";
in "PAGroove-coriolis-reference",

Code: Select all

        "station_roll" = "0.16";
in "PAGroove-dodecahedron-reference", and

Code: Select all

        "station_roll" = "0.15";
in "PAGroove-icosahedron-reference".