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Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 12:29 am
by Commander McLane
Chilla-X wrote:
Thanks for the greetings & thanks for the advice given above. I hope I can give someone advice in return at some point.
You're welcome. :)
Chilla-X wrote:
Now I have another question ;) What do you do if a mis-jump happens & you dont have enough fuel to hyperspace anyway?
In short: you're screwed. Even a misjump uses the full amount of fuel (that's because the fuel isn't actually needed for the journey, but for opening the witchspace channel in the first place). So you can indeed emerge somewhere in interstellar space with not enough fuel to open another witchspace channel. Ending the game is then the only option. Annoying, isn't it? :?

Fortunately, other people before you have found it annoying, too, and have therefore come up with remedies in form of a bundle of OXPs, out of which you may select what suits your needs.

In no particular order:
  • Fuel tank.oxp gives you the opportunity to buy pylon mounted fuel tanks, each carrying 3ly worth of fuel. If you need to refuel at any point during flight, you simply have to deploy one of the tanks like a mine, and your tanks will re-fill. Obvious drawback: one less pylon to put a missile or mine on.
  • Fuel collector.oxp gives you the opportunity to buy a very useful piece of equipment, the fuel collector (d'uh!). This works like sun-skimming, only without the sun. Apparently there is enough plasma in the Ooniverse to be able to create quirium almost everywhere. The concentration is just much lower than in the solar corona, therefore fueling up needs much more time. The collector even works in interstellar space, but only at very high speeds, and takes really a long time. But eventually you will have full tanks again—or at least enough to get to the closest system.
  • Interstellar help.oxp (brought to you by yours truly) gives you the random chance to ask a helpful trade ship captain to get you out of interstellar space. He will offer you either to take a ride in his wormhole (just let him jump out and follow suit), or to buy some of his fuel. Both services have their price, of course, but it's affordable. Oh, you can also demonstrate your gratitude by helping a fellow trader next time.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 6:16 am
by maik
Chilla-X wrote:
What do you do if a mis-jump happens & you dont have enough fuel to hyperspace anyway?
In addition to what Cdr. McLane already suggested: if there is a carrier ship in interstellar space you can dock with it and when you leave you'll be close to a planet again.

Also, you can force mis-jumps by turning your ship during hyperspace entry. If you just fly straight the risk of a mis-jump is negligible (if there is one at all).

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 4:24 pm
by mrbadexample
I'd also like to give a big thank you to the developers. This version is fabulous. :mrgreen:

I downloaded Oolite on 21st August 2010 (having been ELITE on Spectrum & TNK in the past). I'm currently lurking about in Galaxy 5, piloting a Supercobra with all the kit. Deadly (3635). I didn't load any OXPs until I was Dangerous, and wanted to buy the Supercobra. Cost me about 1.8m credits with a Naval Energy Unit. All cash hard-earned, no cheating at all (did a LOT of taxi-work - very profitable if you get them there early after a long trip, trading / pirating on the way of course).

All native missions accomplished. The cloaking device was funny - dropped into some system where I met three Asps - two attacked but I'd killed the other one and scooped its cargo before I even realised it was the CD mission. :twisted:

I've since downloaded the Beer Cooler (yeah baby!), Fuel Collector (that's inspired!), Thargoid Wars, Aquatics and Military Fiasco OXPs.

I am absolutely loving it. Just one thing though - aren't the Thargoids & robot fighters a bit on the soft side? :?

Oh, one more thing - does the timestamp enable anyone to tell me how many real-time hours of my life I've lost? It's 2085647:09:46:35 and counting....

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 4:29 pm
by Thargoid
If you want some of my tougher colleagues, grab my Second Wave and TCAT OXPs... :twisted:

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 4:41 pm
by mrbadexample
Done, and err, done. Thank you. 8)

Oh yeah...I just wanted to add that cleaning up after the Treeoids is minging. :cry:

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 4:49 pm
by Smivs
mrbadexample wrote:

Oh yeah...I just wanted to add that cleaning up after the Treeoids is minging. :cry:
You think that's bad...try cleaning up after the Craboids. Yeuch. :x

By the way you might want to try ToughGuys as makes a lot of the regular baddies a bit tougher. :D

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 4:50 pm
by snork
Welcome, have fun.

Start a new game, you see the date Oolite starts : 20084004 6:45am.

The first number counts days, so 5674 - 4004 = 1,670 days for you.

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 4:53 pm
by mrbadexample
Smivs wrote:
You think that's bad...try cleaning up after the Craboids. Yeuch. :x
Done that too! :lol:

Thanks, I'll try the Tough Guys OXP too. :D

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 4:55 pm
by mrbadexample
snork wrote:
The first number counts days, so 5674 - 4004 = 1,670 days for you.
Can that be equated to real time? I've only been playing about 6 weeks! :P

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 6:09 pm
by Kaks
Hmmm, not really, the clock advances automatically (and in a non-linear way) at the end of each jump,whenever you dock, whenever you've got to do some community service & when you buy equipment, so it's slightly impossible to figure out even the approximate RL time: it's all a bit of a mess! :)

However, if your initial reaction to Oolite is similar to mine, you might well have clocked something like 350-400 hours of flight time already... :D

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 6:22 pm
by Darkbee
Do I remember incorrectly (possible) or did the Atari ST version of Elite (and presumably Amiga too) have an in-game clock that showed how long you'd be playing in real-time?

I might be thinking of Carrier Command, or just pulling out of thin air entirely. :)

Not that it really matters. Real_Time_Game_Time.oxp anyone? :)


Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 11:51 am
by Coltron
I'm new here myself, but was given a warm welcome, so it only makes sense to extend the same courtesy to you.

Welcome, and have a blast!