Tch, lost site

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Post by Kaks »

It is! If it's the one I remember, the 'stingray' is turned on by the computer it's attached to. Removing it from the usb port will turn it off, etc...

As long as you're not connected for more than 24 hours at a stretch it shouldn't give you any problems. Do try to turn off ZA before trying your site. It might well make a difference. If that's the case, you'll have to trawl through all the ZA settings, and hopefully manage to find the culprit in there...
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Post by Selezen »

Yeah, that means that the connection will always use the same IP address within the ISP's network - if there's a problem with that IP address (e.g. blacklisted or blocked) then you moight find problems as you describe.

Unplug the modem/router's power for an hour or so or overnight and retry it next day and see if that makes any difference.
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Killer Wolf
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Post by Killer Wolf »

uh ok. i'm a total putz when it comes to this stuff. the puter's (both of them) have been on and off umpteen times and the stingray transferred between puters a couple times so i'd've thought that would have cleared things. i never leave my machines on when i'm not using them.
like i say, the really odd thing is i uploaded a pic on sun and i can get to that : i'm assuming it's not a cache issue cos my homepage is my site and that should have been cached too, but i get the server unavailable.

further to Snork's advice i checked my sites and both are at 97.74.144.xx, but i can't see anything obvious in ZA that mentions that address as being blocked. is it worth getting onto my ISP and asking them? like i say, the Hosts file now lets IE get to it so i'd think if it was an ISP blockage/issue, that still wouldn't work. odd that the Hosts hasn't solved FF, unless FF has nothing to do w/ that :-/

man, it's just so effing annoying. i dunno what's worse : the mega bother i had w/ Hostonce where the sites would vanish for days, or this godaddy prob where everyone can now see it but me!! :-(
what's chafing my ar$e even more is that i just effing renewed one of the sites the other day! >:-|

edit, i did turn down my ZA settings but i am loathe to turn it off completely, after having had nasties jump on my puter before : i got the fricking blaster after having been on literally less than a minute.
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Killer Wolf
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Post by Killer Wolf »

took my cable out the wall when i got in, just plugged it back in now after boot, still no diff (been about 2 hours).

bit lost now :-/ tech supp suggested i move nameservers - those two sites are on the same one as mentioned below and another site i've got prepped is on a different one - i can navigate to the holding page and connect to the FTP of the other site so i'm hoping this might sort things? i've requested one site to change, i'm leaving the other till i see what happens.
i've cleared the FF cache, no difference.

can anyone tell my why the pic i uploaded to the site on sun loads here but no other page will? is there anything else i can try?

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Post by Killer Wolf »

well, things are progressing....kinda, slightly.
i changed the name servers for theone site, and it's sorted the prob. they did it virtually instantly, but they haven't so far for, so i'm still waiting w/ baited breath. the domain info says it's changed but the guff says it can take up to 48 hours.
anyways, i found out why that pic loaded : i was browsing to "", and not "" :-/ i have no idea how that works, but browsing like that brought up all my pages, though the FTP was still a no go. got the same set-up here, but i cannot get fkrfox to stop autopopulating the "www." bit when i try to browse >:-/
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