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Equipment vanishes?!?

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Post by Lestradae »

Hi all,

First of all: Thanks Screet and Thargoid for your support. It is much appreciated, and I agree with as good as everything that you said.

To all the critics of RS/OSE I want to say, please keep in mind that I am creating an oxp out of more than a hundred other oxps, attempt to give them a framework in which they will all play well together, have actually repaired more than hundred bugs that originated in those oxps, have repaired more than hundred bugs I created myself, have taken aboard criticism and am working on the new version, OSE, to produce a much more stable and bug-free version than the older ones, have taken very competent beta-testers aboard to avoid problematic bugs showing up after OSE's release, and, last but not least, will have spent 1 1/2 years of significant work into getting this oxp where I want it to be.

And I do it because I'm really taken with Oolite and want to input a possible variant which contains the things I wanted to see and have in my game when I played Elite twentyfive years ago.

Please keep that in mind when you criticise something.

A_C, thanks for the remark concerning the NEU. I have entered:

Code: Select all

... into OSE's NEU entry and that should prevent the EEU/NEU together glitch from happening with it.

Yes, OSE takes what an oxp can do with Oolite to the limit. That's what oxps are for in my opinion. I can understand that that can be hard on the devs sometimes, but anything said about Oolite's behaviour without oxps can only be found out by playtesting Oolite without oxps by definition, so this is not OSE/RS-specific.

I would really like to have this complaining that this changes Oolite to simply stop. Yes it does. That is what oxps do, what they are here for to do.

I will abstain from getting myself into any destructive quarrel situation here ever again. I'm simply not interested in that. If someone has criticisms about the content of RS/OSE, feel free to debate that with me, and yes, that includes you too, McLane, as long as it is crystal clear that at the end of the day, I will decide what goes into the oxp I'm working on and what not.

And if someone finds a bug that could originate within RS/OSE, please simply tell me, and it goes on a big to-do list and will eventually be checked and squashed.

And @Kaks, "some OSE savegames might change the way standard Oolite works", please tell me how this could possibly happen so that I can avoid it. I don't know of anything in RS/OSE that writes entries into savegames.

Also, "we'll have to start a thread to keep track of the differences between Oolite + RS/OSE and Oolite without RS/OSE" - remember what oxps do? You could start such a thread about a lot of oxps, then. Really, come on.

Good n8

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Post by DaddyHoggy »

As somebody who has just stumbled into this thread and as an "outsider" who doesn't have RS installed can I just point out that it wasn't clear from the thread title or the whole of the first post that these problems could potentially be OSE related.

Then there was a brief period of handbags at dawn (strange how RS/OSE of all the oxps seems to polarise the hoipolloi) and I think perhaps things have settled down once more - the lines redrawn - L will continue to develop OSE and discover new and interesting ways to break Oolite - the devs and the rest of the clever people will fix both OSE and Oolite core code and I think, in the long term the Ooniverse will be better for whatever finally emerges.

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Apparently I was having a DaddyHoggy moment.
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Post by Screet »

Kaks wrote:
Ok, let me sum this up:
1. Transferred pieces of equipment don't show up instantaneously: Oolite bug - minor, but we'll track it down.
...maybe I'm just too fast ;)
Kaks wrote:
Do they actually become available after the standard mission in standard Oolite? If not, then I would definitely want to alter NEUs to make them transferable!
Maybe I did not get the allowance to buy it because I bought a Dredger Trader (bad decision!) equipped with a NEU before performing that mission? If so, is there a way to find out if this allowance is missing? Could also be that I missed it because it went away with the old ship and after switching I put OSE too early back in, thus neither getting OSE-transfer of eq nor the ability to buy it in a common high tech system?
Kaks wrote:
IIRC, the only reason the cloaking device is transferable in plain Oolite is because you wouldn't be able to get it anywhere else otherwise.
In my eyes, the cloak is required to be transferrable for the simple fact that it's being transferred from a shot down ship to the player, indicating that it's portable ;)
Kaks wrote:
About RS & OSE: those two seem to definitely push at the limits of what is possible within Oolite, and more often than not they're useful to highlight possible bugs & inconsistencies within the main game,
The highlighting the problem is exactly what it does to the "wall inside docking bay of Raceedat stations" thing. At the time I was testing I noticed that RS did somehow affect the other oxp by increasing the amount of such stations to be seen.
Kaks wrote:
And finally, before I forget: the Raceedat? Where does it come from? It would be nice if the original author updated it. If they're not around, maybe it's better if OSE doesn't include it until it's fixed.
I guess it's a problem with the model. Look at this thread:
It has some screenshots which show it nicely. Someone said it's from Trident Down. Readers of the thread suggested it could be two stations placed above each other, but I don't think so.

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Post by Ark »

Kaks wrote:
I'm grappling with refactoring planetary textures atm ( hopefully we'll have shader support for planets in the not too distant future ),
:shock: :D :D
Kaks wrote:
but I'm planning to reopen my OXP orphanage sooner or later.
Mother Teresa if you need any nuns to assist you in the orphanage I am in. :wink:
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Post by Screet »

Interesting. I just found another Dredger Trader equipped BOTH with EEU and NEU for sale. And I did neither have RS nor OSE running.

EDIT: I had the impression - and now it's for sure: The Raceedat type stations are also seen more often with some other oxp than RS/OSE. I had more sightings in the past, and guess it's PAGroove Stations which either place them there or somehow interact and increase the chance for Raceedats to appear. It's one of the most recent additions and does mix with stations. I didn't have it in with earlier sightings, though. The wall still is there - thus I'm really sure it must be the model!

Last edited by Screet on Tue Feb 24, 2009 7:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Lestradae »

Screet wrote:
equipped BOTH with EEU and NEU for sale
I've observed ships on sale with both under 1.72.2 too, also in testgames without RS/OSE.
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Post by Kaks »

Screet wrote:
...maybe I'm just too fast ;)
Maybe I did not get the allowance to buy it because I bought a Dredger Trader (bad decision!) equipped with a NEU before performing that mission? If so, is there a way to find out if this allowance is missing?
Well it seems that there's two ways of handling NEUs, the official way (with a lower tech requirement) & the OSE way, which clash horribly, thus stopping people running OSE from being able to buy it. Now this is a delicate situation, because while at the moment it's done in a totally incompatible way, it could be worse doing it 'slightly right' as opposed to actually doing it right: setting the NEUs tech level the 'official' way, & setting it to 17 (which doesn't exist in standard Oolite) would create savegames that won't allow NEUs for sale within standard Oolite, but will finally make NEUs properly buyable in OSE... (at least if I understand correctly what Eric was saying)
In my eyes, the cloak is required to be transferrable for the simple fact that it's being transferred from a shot down ship to the player, indicating that it's portable ;)
very, very good point... :) I still wouldn't have a problem buying it again, considering the handwavium required to make people buy the other equipment! :)
I guess it's a problem with the model. Look at this thread:
Cool, added to the todo list! :)

Lestradae, is the NEU transferable in OSE now, after the change you made?
Lestradae wrote:
And @Kaks, "some OSE savegames might change the way standard Oolite works", please tell me how this could possibly happen so that I can avoid it. I don't know of anything in RS/OSE that writes entries into savegames.
See what I said to Screet above! To the best of my knowledge all save games from OSE so far result in perfectly playable games in vanilla Oolite.
Also, "we'll have to start a thread to keep track of the differences between Oolite + RS/OSE and Oolite without RS/OSE" - remember what oxps do? You could start such a thread about a lot of oxps, then. Really, come on.
But, "at this rate it looks like" that we might have to! :)
Anyway, most of the dedicated oxp pages in the wiki do explain the differences between them and Oolite, but sadly we don't have that opportunity atm...

Plus, as you rightly say, RS & OSE are bringing together a lot of other OXPs, and I'm aware it must be a monumental task. And I'm sure out of 100 bugs you find within OSE, probably only 1 gets posted to the forum, all the other 99 get quietly and possibly thanklessly corrected by the people involved in the beta testing.
Knowing what those bugs were - and letting forum people know of what was done to correct them - would most likely help everybody avoid the same pitfalls, and possibly reduce the 'noise' connected to OSE, by replacing it with facts!

Anyway, on with the bug hunt! Ok, EEU & NEU definitely shouldn't be inside the same 'for sale' ship. Will see what I can do! :)

[edit:] Hi Ark! Fingers crossed on the refactored planets. & I will need your Nun Skillz! :)
Hey, free OXPs: farsun v1.05 & tty v0.5! :0)
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Re: ...

Post by Eric Walch »

Lestradae wrote:
Screet wrote:
equipped BOTH with EEU and NEU for sale
I've observed ships on sale with both under 1.72.2 too, also in testgames without RS/OSE.
When I remember well, that ship is defined that it can be sold with all kind of equipment pre-installed. Probably the shipyard does not look for incompatible definitions. But when the EEU was pre-installed the prise of the shop rose above the 2 000 000 cr. So it was almost unaffordable.
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Re: ...

Post by Lestradae »

Eric Walch wrote:
Probably the shipyard does not look for incompatible definitions.
That was my interpretation of the problem, too.
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Post by Lestradae »


I will try to answer as good as possible.

The NEU is in the WiP version of OSE re-defined as such via equipment.plist as follows:

Code: Select all

                <string>Naval Energy Unit</string>
                <string>Bleeding-edge Technology. A special improved efficiency energy recharge unit, as supplied to Navy vessels.</string>
A few explanations.

There are eight special worlds in OSE that don't belong to GalCop, one in each galactic sector. They are far out of the way, all of them.

Four of them are TL 16, three are TL 17 and one is TL 18.

In the OSE universe, the Scanner Jammer is TL 16, the Scanner Jammer blocker and the NEU are TL 17, and the CD is TL 18.

Their prices are set much higher. The two ultratech missile equipments cost 150k and 250k Cr respectively, the NEU costs 500k Cr and the CD costs 2 million Cr.

The missile addons are no problem and pretty balanced in gameplay as far as I and the betatesters can see yet. In the final OSE version, there will be a small chance that other ships have this equipment, too. 1-2% for some trader, 10-12% for military/galcop or pirate carrier high-up ships.

The NEU and CD, if awarded by a mission, are awarded as always. So there is no problem.

That they are only repairable in those eight systems is balanced by that they are repairable by repair drones, which will be part of final OSE. So that would probably be the usual way to go when in the OSE universe. Did I mention that I will write an actual manual about the new options and basic strategies that arise therefrom for OSE newbies?

For the first time I understand the savegame problem with the NEU, though. The following problem could arise, if I understood that correctly:

1. Someone installs OSE and buys an NEU before the thargoid plans mission is finished

2. The thargoids plan mission is finished with OSE still in, and the player gets not NEU awarded as there is already one there, and the TL requirement doesn't get rewritten because the NEU TL is 16 and not 99 in the code

3. Later, that player removes OSE.

4. While they had OSE, they could rebuy the NEU in one of the four systems where it is buyable and it was getting transferred between ships anyways. But now the NEU is no longer transferable, as this is not in Oolite core, and the NEU TL is again 99, because it was not reset at the completion of the mission, and there are no TL 99 worlds around.

If you devs decide to make the NEU transferable anyways - I would think that makes some sense without OSE, too - that problem would solve itself, I think. Do I overlook something?
setting the NEUs tech level the 'official' way, & setting it to 17 (which doesn't exist in standard Oolite) would create savegames that won't allow NEUs for sale within standard Oolite, but will finally make NEUs properly buyable in OSE... (at least if I understand correctly what Eric was saying)
What is "the official way"?

Without this information, I fear I don't understand how the abovementioned clash is supposed to happen :oops:
Lestradae, is the NEU transferable in OSE now, after the change you made?
The NEU was already transferable before, and still is in OSE. What I added in (and forgot to update with the Oolite revision) is the incompatibility of the EEU in OSE's NEU code.
To the best of my knowledge all save games from OSE so far result in perfectly playable games in vanilla Oolite.
I think this is correct, too. The "NEU no longer available under certain conditions" bug I explicated above has, if I'm not mistaken, nothing to do with the savegame, but that under those conditions a variable in the thargoid plans mission doesn't get reset and without OSE that removes the option to aquire a NEU. But nothing at all happens to the savegame.
But, "at this rate it looks like" that we might have to! Anyway, most of the dedicated oxp pages in the wiki do explain the differences between them and Oolite, but sadly we don't have that opportunity atm...
Just to make this clear: I am absolutely ready and willing to do everything I can that OSE stays compatible with any other oxp and especially the core game as completely as anyhow possible.

If I find out that any oxp clashes with OSE, I will (and already have) treated this as a bug and will contact the oxp author and try to get things compatible again. When OSE comes out, there will be a manual, and a short list of things OSE changes so that everyone knows what kind of differences are to be expected. If the wiki is writeable again then, I will put that there, too.

@McLane: I have a request in that direction, btw. It seems that the Cataclysm.oxp removes or disables the MASC and Anti-MASC equipment as soon as cataclysm is installed, or so Screet has hinted at.

I assume this is an oversight on your part (I might have created one or a hundred of them in my time here, too :wink: ), because this is simply breaking my oxp's ability to make this equipment available.

It's completely logical if you disable those two pieces of equipment for the duration of your missions. It would be nice if there was some little story of how the thargoids have a third item that creates a dampening field that reverses the polarity flow of MASC and counter-MASC or somesuch, but that's your decision obviously.

Please remember that when I found out that one of my eight special systems would clash with your calatclysm.oxp because I had asked who used them too I immediately moved "my" system away from where it was originally intended to be (Ribilebi) so as not to clash with your oxp. I would ask you to extend the same courtesy to me and only disable the MASC's when your mission is running. Thanks in advance.

@Kaks again:
Plus, as you rightly say, RS & OSE are bringing together a lot of other OXPs, and I'm aware it must be a monumental task.
And I'm sure out of 100 bugs you find within OSE, probably only 1 gets posted to the forum, all the other 99 get quietly and possibly thanklessly corrected by the people involved in the beta testing.
Actually, while the betatesters are most helpful, as of now the person then going and removing those bugs is me. The persons finding them are usually them.

And yes, that's correct. In OSE, a very long list of problems has been removed without any noise or thanks. Due to the fact that only eight people or so have it and can look into it.

Additional betatesters are always welcome! Especially ones that are ready to have a look in and also remove bugs themselves. Would divide the monumentality by some number, that.

Perhaps I will make the newest version of OSE available for all discussion members here. I am also ready to explain how it is supposed to work and create ingame balance. I am more than happy if additional people find errors or problems so that I can remove them.


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Post by LittleBear »

I like the idea of the special mission stuff being available in special worlds. Makes sense and also gives the player the chance to repair normally unrepairable equipment. ATM if your Cloak is damaged then you've really no choice but to reload as there's no way to fix it.

I think in code though the better way would be to keep the tech level at 99 for the NEU, Cloak and Mask in equipment.plist BUT in OS / RS set the available tech to level 17 (or whatever the tech level of your special words is) whenever the player arrives at your special world. This is how I made the Gravition Missile available only at the rebel outpost in Assassins. It normally has a tech level of 99. But when the docked station name = Rebel Outpost its switched to 1. On launching from the rebel outpost it is switched back to 99. That avoids a clash and also means that the easist way to get the equipment is to do the mission, but the player does have the option of gettting the equipment at one of the special worlds.

Do a check that station name = special world station name AND mission thargoid plans = not complete, do = set availability variable to 17. If thargoid plans = complete do = set avilability variable to 13.

99 has a special vaule which means although it will never appear in a normal shipyard, it can be set to a lower one. 17 is not found in the normal game, so setting it to 99 with the availability variable set to 17 would get the effect you're after without causing a possible save game clash. With OS in the equipment can only be bought at the special worlds (or in the case of the NEU it can also be bought if the mission has been completed as per normal). Take OS out and no problem arrises as the special worlds no longer exist and you're back to standard Oolite behaviour with the same save game.
Last edited by LittleBear on Tue Feb 24, 2009 1:22 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Thargoid »

From a quick look at Cataclysm, in the scripting and the OXP in general, for any system in any galaxy, when the player launches (from anywhere) or enters a system from witchspace:

  • Cloak - If the player has one but has not completed the cloak mission, it is removed.
  • MASC - If the player has one and the variable this.MJlegal is not true, it is removed.
  • Anti-MASC - If the player has one and the variable this.MSFlegal is not true, it is removed.
These removals are reversed when the player docks with any station, but of course the equipment isn't much use then.

No checking is made about whether any mission is running or not, and from a scan over all the files in Cataclysm I cannot see anywhere that MJlegal or MSFlegal is defined, so those variable checks will always fail.

Hence for me Cataclysm is breaking those three items, and so needs repair.
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Post by Lestradae »

@Little Bear:

The same solution was suggested to me by McLane, and I will probably implement it. As said, the OSE version is a test version completely with a lot of stuff by far not in its final configuration. I will come back to you when I implement it as to the detailed how-to.


I just tested this. I have no MASC or Anti-MASC in my normal game, and my NEU and CD were earned by their respective missions. So I didn't notice it.

Really: Those items just disappear the moment someone launches from a station if Cataclysm is in. Irrelevant if the Cataclysm missions have even started ...

I don't want to point blames, I have made errors like that too. If its an oversight on someone with McLanes experience in scripting oxps and aversion magnitude towards RS/OSE I might speculate on, but it makes no sense.

Still, those bugs have to go. They break OSE in significant parts, and I want players to be able to play Cataclysm and OSE together. No problem at all if he disables those items during his missions, but not at any other time.

The vanishing equipment bug has been found. It's from cataclysm from Commander McLane. Now it has to be repaired. McLane, will you please do that?
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Post by Commander McLane »

@Screet and Lestradae: I thought I had made it clear, but apparently not:

In Oolite the NEU is made available for buying after you have finished the Thargoid Plans mission, regardless whether you had bought a ship before which came with NEU pre-installed.

This behaviour requires as a must that the NEU's techlevel in equipment.plist is set to 99, which it is in Oolite. Because then, and only then, it can be reset to 13 after completing the mission.

RS/OSE breaks this correct and always working game behaviour by setting the techlevel in equipment.plist to something different from 99, in this case 16.

The result is that the Thargoid Plans script can no longer reset the value in order to make the NEU buyable at TL 14+ stations. The Thargoid Plans script is broken by RS/OSE, because it contains a command that doesn't work anymore because of a setting made by RS/OSE.

And that's all.

As I am actually a constructive critic I have reported this RS-bug not only here on the board, but also via PM to Lestradae back in November. And not only have I reported it, but also explained to Lestradae in great detail what he can do about it. With a complete, ready-made scripting solution just to copy and paste. I don't think it gets more constructive than that. :wink:

So, Lestradae, the "correct way" is exactly the one sent to you by me back in November. The TL in equipment.plist has to be reset to 99 (the best thing would be to simply delete the NEU entry completely from your equipment.plist, as no entry different from the one in Oolite itself is needed) and use the correct method mission_TL_FOR_EQ_NAVAL_ENERGY_UNIT (legacy; or its JavaScript equivalent) to set the value to anything you need in RS/OSE. Thus allowing the Thargoid Plans script to set it to 13, and enabling Screet to buy the equipment for his new ship from any TL 14+ station.
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Post by Lestradae »

Commander McLane, I suggest a simple deal:

I will implement the solution which you and LittleBear have suggested, and you remove your RS/OSE equipment blockade script from Cataclysm.

What for Cataclysm needs this equipment removed is a mystery to me anyways, as thargoids have no missiles, but perhaps I don't know something due to me not having played those missions yet (I also do not want to be spoiled) and suit yourself anyways.

I have had in mind to use the method suggested for OSE final before, so no problem there. The solution now was only intended for the testversion.

But let me add in that if you don't remove this equipment blockade we would be in an entirely different ballgame. I think nearly no one here buys your suddenly only constructive tendencies towards myself after this thread. I have tried to get another relation to you after our quarrel time ago, but it takes two to get there.

Is it a deal?

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