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Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 6:33 pm
by Capt. Slog
gorans wrote:
You guys are getting pretty good in ROT13. :D
More fun than finding this damned admiral. :(

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 6:42 pm
by Tivva
Capt. Slog wrote:
gorans wrote:
You guys are getting pretty good in ROT13. :D
More fun than finding this damned admiral. :(
Finding hims not the problem, it's catching the onfgneq thats the problem.... :wink:

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 11:32 pm
by Capt. Slog
Tivva wrote:
Capt. Slog wrote:
gorans wrote:
You guys are getting pretty good in ROT13. :D
More fun than finding this damned admiral. :(
Finding hims not the problem, it's catching the onfgneq thats the problem.... :wink:
I thought I'd sussed finding him but the last time took ages, and it's boring. :(

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 12:19 am
by _ds_
Tivva wrote:
Finding hims not the problem, it's catching the onfgneq thats the problem.... :wink:

(Well, maybe not…)

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 3:25 pm
by Capt. Slog
Do you have any tips for finding the onfgneq then?
BTW It's probably cheating but looking at the text in the .oxp might help.

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 7:08 pm
by Tivva
Capt. Slog wrote:
Do you have any tips for finding the onfgneq then?
BTW It's probably cheating but looking at the text in the .oxp might help.
Finding him is not a problem, neither is the Navy fleet with him. Its getting him out that i can't manage.
Without spoiling for others I'll pm you later my escapades to date....
Still trying to 'capture' the nfgneq


Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 3:25 pm
by Capt. Slog
Tivva wrote:

Finding him is not a problem, neither is the Navy fleet with him. Its getting him out that i can't manage.
Without spoiling for others I'll pm you later my escapades to date....
Still trying to 'capture' the onfgneq

I can't find th onfgneq otherwise I could test an idea I have. Poss solution follows.
Aryyvr rindhngrf jura ure raretl yriry trgf ybj. V'ir frra gung. V oryvrir gung gur astard rfpncrf va n fuhggyr. Nggnpx gur fuhggyr naq...
But if you can tell me where to find him, I would be grateful.

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 6:02 pm
by Tivva
Capt. Slog wrote:
Tivva wrote:

Finding him is not a problem, neither is the Navy fleet with him. Its getting him out that i can't manage.
Without spoiling for others I'll pm you later my escapades to date....
Still trying to 'capture' the onfgneq

I can't find th onfgneq otherwise I could test an idea I have. Poss solution follows.
Aryyvr rindhngrf jura ure raretl yriry trgf ybj. V'ir frra gung. V oryvrir gung gur astard rfpncrf va n fuhggyr. Nggnpx gur fuhggyr naq...
But if you can tell me where to find him, I would be grateful.
Cap'n Slog

V'ir gevrq gung gnpgvp hzcgrra gvzrf, sbe zber guna unys na ubhe whfg cyvaxvat njnl xrrcvat ure oyrrqvat cynfzn...
Nyy v trg ner ivcref & nfcf pbzvat bhg.

Gb svaq Aryyvr, ynhapu & urnq gb gur fha, nvz whfg orybj gur pbeban (cynarg fvqr) nf lbh gbehf whzc lbh jvyy frr gur 2k Orurzbguf & gura nf lbh trg pybfre gur fhccbegvat Sybgvyyn bs sevtngrf, zvarfjrrcref, nfcf & ivcref.
V svaq na raretl obzo (abg gbb pybfr gb Aryyvr) znxrf fubeg jbex bs gur fhccbegvat irffryf & tvirf lbh cyragl bs fnyintr. whfg or pnershy lbhe fpbbc qbrfa'g oybj- erzrzore lbh arrq vg gb cvpx hc gur Nqzveny VS ur pbzrf bhg.
Nygubhtu V guvax vg'f jung lbhe'r fhccbfrq gb qb gb or fhpprffshy.
cf Nsgre nyy gung lbh pna fgvyy qbpx jvgu Aryyvr & ohl nabgure raretl obzo, shry, rgp....


Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:20 pm
by Capt. Slog
The mission part of this oxp is fixable, thanks to Eric Walch.

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:53 pm
by Capt. Slog
The mission part of this oxp has been fixed.

Curtesy of Eric Walsh all it takes is to replace your shipdata.plist with

and install this oxp

Eric warns that the latter could introduce anamolies. Try it at your own risk.
I have. I have captured Kurtz.

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 12:20 pm
by Eric Walch
Capt. Slog wrote:
Eric warns that the latter could introduce anamolies. Try it at your own risk.
I have. I have captured Kurtz.
A quick explanation to the reason of the troubles. It all worked when Math wrote his oxp under Oolite 1.70. but:

1) He linked to the existing Behemoth.oxp. That oxp is updated in a way his links became useless. (The spacial scripts were not executed anymore) The new shipdata.plist makes sure the new Behemoth stuff is ignored for his mission ships and it works just like it did with 1.70.

2) Oolite 1.71 & 1.72 have a bug that can send far away ships (mainly escorts) to dock at the station that is closest to the player. Specially with carriers this is problematic as this will interfere with a carrier were the player is fighting against.
My new AI files contains a dockingAI that correct this by sending all docking ships to the closest station relative to its own position. However this could bug ships that deliberately try to dock at a station that is not the closest. It happens for example when an other station is close to the main-station. Till now I have seen no real problems with this behaviour and fixing the other bug was a real help. For 1.73 this bug is already fixed in the code itself.

For neighter bugs is Math to blame.

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 1:48 pm
by Diziet Sma
I assume that the shipdata.plist fix will still be needed for 1.73, at least until such time as the oxp is updated?

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:00 pm
by Nemoricus
Diziet Sma wrote:
I assume that the shipdata.plist fix will still be needed for 1.73, at least until such time as the oxp is updated?
Unfortunately, until matt shows up again, we don't have any idea of when the next update will be.

The best course of action at the moment would be to have the links to both parts of the fix, AI and shipdata.plist, on the OXP list and Galactic Navy's entry on the wiki.

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:13 pm
by Diziet Sma
I was thinking the same thing about Matt...

as for the Wiki, I can do it tomorrow unless someone beats me to it.. going to bed now.. it's gone midnight here.. :shock:

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 6:11 pm
by Tivva
Capt. Slog wrote:
The mission part of this oxp has been fixed.

Curtesy of Eric Walsh all it takes is to replace your shipdata.plist with

and install this oxp

Eric warns that the latter could introduce anamolies. Try it at your own risk.
I have. I have captured Kurtz.
After our last pm I decided to jump to Gal7 last night & do the assassins oxp missions & shortly after arriving I found a Caduceus for sale :shock:
(without cheating too...)

Now do I go back for kurtz & risk not finding the caddy again or stick with my new ship????