Oolite test release 1.69

News and discussion of the PC port of Oolite.

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Post by elite »

another_commander wrote:
Are you sure that the stars you see through planets aren't just the "dust" that is used to give a sense of movement? If yes, would it be possible to post a pic so that we can see what it looks like?

OK I did a fresh install of 1.69 and like before there are no planet textures and you can still see background stars (not space dust) through the planets.

Here's a screenie: www.naturalaromas.co.uk/oolite/001.jpg
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Post by LittleBear »

The Llama I'm using is the one from Oosat1. Oolite has always reported this error, but its always run before.

@Elite : I'm having the same crash to desktop with the OXPs posted above installed. But running with all the other OXPs in. Try taking out just these ones.

Could somebody else on Windows test the death actions (just to check its not just me)! Suspect the messed up stars and nebula's are down to my poor Graphics card, although have no problems with the graphics in Oolite before, even with some pretty complex Griff models running!
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Post by Uncle Reno »

Ahruman wrote:
Going back to the log, I’m wondering about “***** CANNOT addShipsAt: 'mortran 1 pwm 13935 41730 14230' (should be addShipsAt: role number coordinate_system x y z)” – hopefully that’s just a case of not being able to find a ship with role “mortran”, although a better error message would be nice. Edit: this particular message does in fact indicate that the role is unknown.
IIRC, this error message seems to be from the Lave OXP, I've had a look at fixing it a while back but couldn't get my head around it. :?
Last edited by Uncle Reno on Mon Jul 02, 2007 7:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by thirdeye77 »

Yep, it looks like death_actions is playing up on Windows 1.69 for me as well.

I'm just using something simple like:

Code: Select all

     <string>commsMessage: It Works! [mission_legends]</string>
     <string>spawn: boomer 10</string>
     <string>spawn: legend1 1</string>
This was definitely working on 1.68 as I have been developing and testing an OXP which relies HEAVILY on death_actions. Only installed 1.69 a couple of days ago and the code hasn't been touched since then. There don't appear to be any error messages in stderr.txt.

Sadly it may have to be back to 1.68 for the moment :(
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Post by another_commander »

The bug has been located and fixed in the main code base. For those who want to know, it was just a small typo error that resulted in death_actions (and apparently script_actions too) being erroneously set as launch_actions.
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Post by JensAyton »

another_commander’s patch to fix the death_actions bug is now available for Windows at BerliOS. A Mac updater will be available shortly.
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Post by TGHC »

Tumultuous applause to all you bug detectives, well done!
The Grey Haired Commander has spoken!
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Post by JensAyton »

The problem with the Oosat1 version of the Llama is that its shipdata.plist has a 9 at the start. Can anyone confirm that it works under Windows with the 9 removed?

With the 9 in place, it works (using the homebrew parser) under OS X. A deferred crash apparently related to that would unfortunately be very difficult to debug without access to a system with the problem.
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Post by another_commander »

Confirm that the old Llama works with the 9 removed from shipdata.plist. In order to view it on the intro though, I still had to edit manually the mysterious "jabberwocky" entry in demoships.plist :)
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Post by Gareth3377 »

I'm having a problem with 1.69 as well. After taking out the troublesome OXPs the game loads fine. However, when I try to hyperspace to a new system the game just freezes. Any idea why? Thanks

Removed all OXPs and hyperspace works fine - just need to find out which OXP is being offensive...
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Post by LittleBear »

Cheers for the patch. Tested it Death Actions now fine.

Another Script Bug though. I'm playtesting the 1.3 V of Assassins (which I'd got working on 1.68 ) on 1.69 (with Death Actions patch) ATM. Looks like awardCredits is now taking away all credits instead.

This is the script:-

Code: Select all

							conditions = ("dockedAtMainStation_bool equal YES", "mission_assassins equal assassins_STAGE1a", "galaxy_number equal 6"); 
							do = ( 
								"setMissionImage: assassins.png", 
								"addMissionText: hitbrief_1a",  
								"set: mission_assassins assassins_STAGE1b",
								"removeMissionDestination: 73",
								"addMissionDestination: 107",
								"awardCredits: 180", 
								"setMissionDescription: assassins_header2" 
Having hit the rodent in the Vintage Adder, mission briefing up fine etc, but when I tried to refuel, my Elite Commander in an Imperial Courier with 1.2 Million in the Bank had his card declined in the Ship Outfitting Yard. A glance at the F5 screen showed a zero credit balance! :shock:

Pretty sure this must be somthing up with awardCredits as I've tried it a couple of times with the same result.[/code]

The Commander (in a Cobra III) at the box link below will test it. Load. Wait 10 seconds to get the mission. Kill the feeble rodent and dock at the Main Station. Once you've seen the briefing have all your credits gone?


Caution : Orrarmora is well know for the fierce nature of its rodent inhabitants and no liability is accepted for Commanders sustaining injuries whilst fleeing from irate fuel pump attendants!
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Post by JensAyton »

LittleBear wrote:
Another Script Bug though. I'm playtesting the 1.3 V of Assassins (which I'd got working on 1.68 ) on 1.69 (with Death Actions patch) ATM. Looks like awardCredits is now taking away all credits instead.
Confirmed. I won’t be patching this straight away; instead, I’m looking to roll out a 1.69.1 update this weekend or early next week.

Until then, be careful! Don’t save over old commanders.
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Post by another_commander »

The awardCredits bug has been squashed. Will be uploading to SVN central soon.
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Post by Griff »

Wow! Have the exhaust plumes had a bit of work done on them? they seem to have a lovely bright 'inner core' flame on them now, looks awesome!
I'm getting an odd problem with v1.69, everytime i shoot a ship with frangible subentities, as soon as a subentity explodes oolite instantly & completely vanishes as if the program had been quit. There's nothing being reported in the stderr.txt file. I'm using the DarkWing cobra (dwcobra3.oxp) to test this although it also happens with a version of the griff_krait.oxp that also has a ship with frangible subentities. I'll test this tomorrow on a different PC just incase it's a graphics card driver issue and report back, i re-installed v1.68 just to check and that is working fine with no problems shooting up subentities.

Edit: just applied the death-actions patch and the problem still persists
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Post by thirdeye77 »

Anyone else having trouble with the shipyard on Windows 1.69? I can no longer buy any ships - OXP or native. I just get the "you can't do that" beep and nothing happens.

Could it be related to the credits bug mentioned earlier in the post? as it's what you would expect to happen if you didnt have the cash to buy the ship.

Oh, and I also get the following line (or similar) a few hundred times in stderr.txt:

Code: Select all

2007-07-04 19:32:38.000 oolite.exe[3768] [rendering.opengl.error]: OpenGL error: "invalid enumerant" (1280), context: SkyEntity after drawing <SkyEntity 0xdf40028>{185 position=(32879.3, 56243.1, 370092) scanClass=CLASS_NO_DRAW status=STATUS_EFFECT}
although I haven't noticed anything untoward in the game that this might relate to.
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